Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you achieve.


Not everything you do will be awesome to everyone, and feeding your confidence over subjectivity is unhealthy. Building your opinion of yourself with the opinion of others is the opposite of self-confidence. It’s actually a manifestation of self-doubt.

While it’s great that you’ve done something awesome, don’t go out of your way to let everyone know about your accomplishments. Rather, wait and accept compliments as they come, and openly and willingly listen to comments or constructive feedback if any.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

Very true. There are many people whom I have helped in their pain, but many were still there. I couldn't help all. Neither I could give some a painfree exit. I don't find any accomplishment!

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Adam Health care

I have always found it irritating when anyone went on bragging what a marvellous thing he did yesterday.. As if he was not sure whatever he did was actually great.. Seeking others' opinion to support his own thoughts. 

Well whatever I do - good or bad; I am always clear to myself. A pat on my back if it's good.. other I face it .. I prefer to face it myself..

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