Tip #20 SPEAK UP

Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you speak.


People are more likely to speak softer than usual if they’re not confident about what they are going to say. The feeling of getting judged often holds us back from saying what’s on our mind.

If you speak with confidence and conviction, and at a normal decibel level, then even people who disagree with your statement will find you respectable and appealing. At your next group meeting, class, or dinner, try to speak up more. Try to raise the volume of your voice a little bit. Don’t worry about sounding stupid, in fact, don’t even analyze what you’ve said. Instead, just be as spontaneous as you can be. Don’t worry about saying something wrong, you can always accept constructive criticism or change your opinion later. Get rid of your self-doubt by making your voice a bit more audible.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

I have seen many people are unwell but not physically.. they are exhausted and in fear. It is the fear of getting wrong. I have worked hard and found they don't speak out.. either its fear or confusion or anxiety but keping things inside builds up negativity. 

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Adam Health care

I remember as a child, I used to be shy. Hesitated a lot to speak in class. I was told to practice talking to myself in the mirror. It took me a year - finally, I was participating in a debate. Best part, I won it. :)

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