Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:When you see something good in others.


Break the gloomy cycle by seeing the good in others and complimenting them. Not only will you garner positive reception from every person you compliment, you’d also just start feeling good in general, which will increase your own self-confidence too. By looking for the best in others, as an outcome, you also see the best in yourself.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Adam Health care

Complimenting others sweetest kindest face of yours... It is like a medicine that heals your soul. 

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Adam Health care

This is something that I have realized myself.. Aboslutely true. A warm reception, an honest compliment makes the interaction warmer. I feel much confident about bring comfort to someone's life.


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