Course: Self-Confidence: How to Develop Self Confidence and Overcome Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt

Goal: Self Confidence Tips

Timing:1 times per Day


There are a lot of bad things that can result from an uncomfortable and unsatisfactory night’s sleep. A stiff neck, a sore back, a bad headache, and of course – the familiar feeling of wooziness; any of these things can potentially dictate how you get through your next day.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


Tags: quality sleep, good sleep

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Adam Health care

Had a stiff neck .... I am actually having difficult to lie doen in fact.... God knows if I can actually sleep tonight.. good sleep is out of question for the time being.

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Adam Health care

Had a painful cramp in my right foot - so decided to try hot therapy treatement. I put a hot bag stuff under my ankle. In a matter of few minutes I fell asleep despite of the excruciating pain. I actually had quality sleep - I was much fresh when I woke up.

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