Happiness Bubble 6 - Mentoring and Give of Your Experience

Course: Happiness Bubbles: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Goal: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Timing:1 times per Day


Help others realise the obstacles they may face, through your own experience and knowledge can help change someone else’s trajectory.

  1. Make sure that your network and your extended network know your skills and capabilities. That might be writing a small post on social media or volunteering to do a talk on a specific topic.
  2.  And start putting yourself out there with groups that you think might value from your advice.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

As a matter of fact I want to help others with my experience. I have however, realized that there are certai rules to it... Figured out 8 rules of mentoring.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

We always need some guidance and help to overcome difficult situations. Either, we need a friend or elder person to guide us and show the right way. I haave experience of depression and it was an awful struggle but today I am out of it. I really feel happy when I can help others in same situation.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Okay, today I am socially active. I have joined few groups and trying to help once with depression. I have overcome my depression after a long fight. 

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