Happiness Bubble 9 - Surround Yourself with Friends

Course: Happiness Bubbles: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Goal: 10 Steps to a Happy Life

Timing:When you get a chance, connect with your friends.


People are naturally drawn to those who are popular and who have a reputation for being nice, honest, and supportive. If you keep these qualities close to your heart, you will eventually attract the love of others

If you don’t have the time to dial a phone number, text messaging and emails are a great approach and if you have friends abroad, arrange a suitable time to speak. Please do not use social media to replace time to call a close friend.

  1.  Decide on your five today, and arrange a call, skype, or meet. So get to your email or phone and send the following message: “We haven’t caught up properly in ages. Let’s get together!”
  2. If you can think who your friends were ten years ago, and you can stomach doing this, then send them the following message: “Not sure what happened, but we seem to have become former friends.
  3.  Would be great to catch up with you!” People generally appreciate the candour. And those who don’t reply usually don’t deserve any more effort.
  4.  So arrange that face to face, phone call, or Skype, right now! Once you meet up, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to get reconnected!

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I gets more depressed when alone. When I get upset I call my friends. It helps a lot to keep my mind occupied. Depression otherwise can be deadly.

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