Aerobic/ Interval training

In rebafonivo's plan
Goal: 2. Exercise daily

Timing:1 times per Day


Mix up your boring low intensity aerobic exercise with a few minutes of strengthening exercises of a high intensity work out. This type of mixed routine keeps you motivated to work out and also builds your body strength, endurance and improves your heart’s health.

Copied from: Aerobic/ Interval training
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Sara Young Cddd

OOOPPPSS.....gained 6 kilos.. A trip to my inlaws place with kids.. a lot of change in topography, cuisine, routine..  And no exercise!!

I had to work out.. I think getting the ideal weight is easier than maintaining that ...

Its been hard to stretch and work out after 3 weeks..

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Sara Young Cddd

It is warm.. And perfect for intense workout.. Now I dont workout to loose fat but I enjoy doing it.
Perhaps, after few days of efforts it becomes your passion. That is the best part.

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Sara Young Cddd

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Sara Young Cddd

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Sara Young Cddd

So long I have been working out... aerobic and interval.. I have already experienced many benits of it.. starting from activeness, peace of mind but I supppose it is better put into words here

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Sara Young Cddd

I generally work out with a few mix and matches from my own but at last I found a video tutorial on this. It has been really helpful. 30 mins work out.

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Sara Young Cddd

15 to 20 mins of intensive workout.. including a light warm up then jumping rope.. BUt I concluded the tiring session with few mins of meditation. I know it sounds crazy but it works like magic. Trust me try it at home.

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Sara Young Cddd

These days I workout mild for 10-15 mins

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Sara Young Cddd

Crunches on the floor.... 25... Jumping rope for ten mins.. huh! done for the day..

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Sara Young Cddd

It has changed the life of mine. More fit, more energetic and moreover it has made my heart healthy.

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Sara Young Cddd

Working out has never been so fun. Initially I was working to loose weight to be healthy.. was mostly in tension and now, enjoying it to stay tuned..

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Sara Young Cddd

Well, running outside is sometimes hard when its raining. At last I have decided upon interval training.... I mixed it up with many programs like jumping rope and aerobics and weight traing however I just wanted to be sure I don't go wrong. Here are some tips that I found for myself, since I am not planning for a professional fitness coach's supervision at this moment.


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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It is getting bit hard for me to run. It rains so.. I am going to make is more flexible.. Joining a gym. Got a routine. Well I am fit so my main focus is just to be the same..

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Sara Young Cddd

I feel it's time to pick up some efficient fat burning vigorous workout regimen. I am not doing much with the walks. So I figured out jump-rope workout would do great only if I do it properly...


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Sara Young Cddd

M back.... Just had an awesome time.  I am tired a little so thought of working out lazily today... So just some stretches.

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Sara Young Cddd

Now these day I'm mixing my exercises, keeping it vigourous as well as moderate.

I learned from certain videos to grab some ideas to how to mix.

This inspires me a lot.. Sometime I just exercise playing those videos; I feel there are people around me and it doesn't look so boring.

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Sara Young Cddd

I look most funny when I tend to work out with music. Whew.. But it is more important to continue rather than thinking how stupid I would be looking.

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