No amount is smoking is harmless. So drop it right away. Even the smokeless tobacco, social smoking, low-nicotine smoking or even present while others are smoking are equally dangerous. While smoking Carbon Monoxide replaces some of the oxygen in your blood which increases the blood pressure. At this circumstance, your heart is forced to work hard to produce sufficient oxygen for the body.
I don't smoke but never knew if someone else smokes in front of me.. That too be harmful.
How much tobacco damages your heart is beyond your imagination. The chemicals present in tobacco narrows the arteries, which ultimately leads to heart attack. So first of all get rid of this terrible habit.
whoops! I don't have this habit.. So no question to quit.
Women smoking as well as being on birth control pills has a higher risk of getting a heart attack or stroke than those who don’t do either as it increases the chances of blood clots.
Thanks I was never aware of it. My goodness..
If you are going for a heart-healthy lifestyle, then you need to keep your eyes open on how much alcohol you consume. Unless you can’t give up altogether, drink in moderation. Good news is that red wine that too not more than two glasses a day is good for your heart’s health. For women and men above the age of 65 years one drink a day is permissible, whereas for men of and below the age of 65 can drink up to two drinks.
Christmas is incomplete without some wine...
Just a small party at home...
I know I should be drinking especially when I am having so much of trouble. So I actually jumped to red wine and that's too just for a single glass. No not everyday just this weekend.
Not a regular drinker. I need not to be strict on this for myself. That is just the best part. But along with it I also avoid soda drinks. They just taste good but not healthy.
Cycling is a low-impact exercise that goes easy on your joints, but an effective cardiovascular activity. You can cycle around the tracks, the road, in the gym or join a cycling club. Even for small daily works you can cycle the way which serves both as exercise again work. It pumps your heart and helps in smooth blood flow, as well as tones your body muscles and strengthens too.
How to pick up the best suited bicycle for yourself? In case you are confused with the types, performance, here check this article. I just got a Giant Escape 3 for myself.. A perfect hybrid bike and very comfortable.. I cycle to the gym now..
Today no gyming .. took out my bicycle .. and went out.
Your body is built for walking. Walking is a natural way to keep your body fit, no matter whether you walk for miles on a treadmill or the jogger’s park. Make sure that you grab on the comfortable pair of walking shoes, plug in your iPod and get going.It is thousand times better walk a little, rather than sitting down idle on the couch in front of the television.
I got a new activity tracking watch which helped me to achieve my daily walking goals. I am walking around 6 kilometres everyday on an average. That is a great success because really don't walk much maybe it was just around 800m earlier.
I am going for walk every day.. A bit tiring and painful at the beginning but hope it will be fine soon.
Walked faster today with music on. I don't feel much tired or out of breathe but enthusiastic. 30 minutes for today..
I walked for 30 mins around the park. With 5 mins break. Vigorous exercises gives me uneven heart-beat. Moderate exercise for now.
Mix up your boring low intensity aerobic exercise with a few minutes of strengthening exercises of a high intensity work out. This type of mixed routine keeps you motivated to work out and also builds your body strength, endurance and improves your heart’s health.
Lost a couple of pounds in a week... I feel like dancing.. I almost lost my confidence that I can again loose some... Was feeling so horrible, but now.. Yeah I think I gonna do it.. I love this life.. A healthy life.
OOOPPPSS.....gained 6 kilos.. A trip to my inlaws place with kids.. a lot of change in topography, cuisine, routine.. And no exercise!!
I had to work out.. I think getting the ideal weight is easier than maintaining that ...
Its been hard to stretch and work out after 3 weeks..
Lean slim... Great... Now it is just toning up my body.. I am now what I was 10 years back Gosh... Just so happy.
I defenitely dont have a treadmill, and running is not always my interest passtime. I prefer to workout somewhere indoors. I just came across 9 cardio workouts none on treadmill.. Planning to get along with it.
It is warm.. And perfect for intense workout.. Now I dont workout to loose fat but I enjoy doing it. Perhaps, after few days of efforts it becomes your passion. That is the best part.
It is better to workout indoors.. just so freezing. Here are 20 exercises for winter.
Worked out... Like everyday.. Followed by a full meal. However, I took a warm shower right after I worked out. It eases the stretched muscles and helps in blood circulation.
That half n hour I work out gives me the strength and positivity for day... But I just got a shoulder sprain.. Oooouuuch its painful. Gosh I am rushing to see my doctor.
So long I have been working out... aerobic and interval.. I have already experienced many benits of it.. starting from activeness, peace of mind but I supppose it is better put into words here
I generally work out with a few mix and matches from my own but at last I found a video tutorial on this. It has been really helpful. 30 mins work out.
15 to 20 mins of intensive workout.. including a light warm up then jumping rope.. BUt I concluded the tiring session with few mins of meditation. I know it sounds crazy but it works like magic. Trust me try it at home.
These days I workout mild for 10-15 mins
Crunches on the floor.... 25... Jumping rope for ten mins.. huh! done for the day..
It has changed the life of mine. More fit, more energetic and moreover it has made my heart healthy.
Working out has never been so fun. Initially I was working to loose weight to be healthy.. was mostly in tension and now, enjoying it to stay tuned..
Well, running outside is sometimes hard when its raining. At last I have decided upon interval training.... I mixed it up with many programs like jumping rope and aerobics and weight traing however I just wanted to be sure I don't go wrong. Here are some tips that I found for myself, since I am not planning for a professional fitness coach's supervision at this moment.
It is getting bit hard for me to run. It rains so.. I am going to make is more flexible.. Joining a gym. Got a routine. Well I am fit so my main focus is just to be the same..
I feel it's time to pick up some efficient fat burning vigorous workout regimen. I am not doing much with the walks. So I figured out jump-rope workout would do great only if I do it properly...
M back.... Just had an awesome time. I am tired a little so thought of working out lazily today... So just some stretches.
Now these day I'm mixing my exercises, keeping it vigourous as well as moderate.
I learned from certain videos to grab some ideas to how to mix.
This inspires me a lot.. Sometime I just exercise playing those videos; I feel there are people around me and it doesn't look so boring.
I look most funny when I tend to work out with music. Whew.. But it is more important to continue rather than thinking how stupid I would be looking.
Running is like a blessing to someone who is willing to shed some weight and reduces risk of heart disease. A person weighing 150pounds can burn up to 100 calories by running a mile. No doubt, it has been regarded as one of the best exercises for all (except for individuals with physical limitations or injuries).Warm up for a minute or two before you run. And, if you’re a beginner then mix run for couple of minutes in the middle of walking for five minutes. As soon as you get used to it, increase the minutes you run.
There has been a marked improvement. I can walk longer n faster.
I have not been working out for so many months that it affected my stamina levels. A few weeks back, I started going to gym. Initially, it was hard with for me to walk for 2 minutes on the treamill but now I am mixing different paces as well as running - it has surely helped me to build up my stamina.
I am mostly in the gym. So it somewhat makes my body muscles rigid. I wanted it to loosen up. What else then, I picked my water bottle, my towel, my ipod, shades and am out on my way.
I returned almost after an hour. Took a cool shower. Would hit the gym i.e. my work place in eve.
A small run.... for 10 min. But intensive. I did this to warm up myself before going to gym. I got more people to look after so I could do lil workout myself. But, this simple morning routine keeps me tuned and muscles relaxed and flexible for the rest of the day.
One round of the park!!
Practicing, running every morning for 1 hour... I should not get exhausted in the midway..
I have registered for a running event today... I think I need a little more push towards my "healthy lifestyle". Perhaps I need to take it to a whole new level.
Iron Girl Clearwater Women's Half Marathon &5K
on 12th April....
Spent 15 mins nonstop running.. When couldn't do it a minute more.. I called it off. And later a warm shower and a heavy breakfast I was set... Before I picked up my workpout routine I made sure that my main priorities my lovely hubby and kid were done for their food and well set.. So that now I can focus a little on mme.. And bang on...
I am all set for this winter. Infact I am rocking it.. Running at a high pace. Got some tips for you all.
I have been wondering should I go out for a run.. Don't know what appeared to me I just took my apple and started googling. Guess what I google " benefits workout in winter" and here I found this huffingtongpost article. Dont be lazy ... comon go out and work out.. I am doing that.
Ran today... few mins of warm u then ran.. Initially I thought I would be able but I realised I am a bad runner.
Ahhh.. Man running is something we do in our daily life but that is of no use.. We just run to earn our daily bread and butter. And end up in stress. But this early morning run keeps ma system running.. & fresh.. I love it.
“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”
This is my favorite line from Dean Karnazes..
Some time I just love a certain change. I ran for 5 miles. It's been a real exercise.. Have been too much hungry.. Huh... gosh. I just want to lay low on the couch for the rest of the day.
Pool is not only a place for you to float around lazily, but a perfect and safe alternative exercise for you if you’re suffering from joint pains. Water creates a multi-directional resistance over your body, which you overcome while swimming. This improves your muscle strength and improves your heart health.
I find swimming relaxing these days. It is too hot and humid!
I am suffering from hypertension, anxiety. I tried many things to calm down Won't lie, it is helping but, temporarily. Today, I had go for a swim. Didn't notice the time, but I guess I was swimming for more than an hour. After that, I fell asllep. Probably, the best sleep in this one month of stress.
I am trying not to stress myself but improving the blood-flow. So, swimming these and gym is stopped for a week or so.
Relaxed... I swimmed for around half an hour. This weekly swim washes away the exertion..
It is a safe alternative exercise.. When I get totally drained out, I can only rely on a good swim. I feel like I cut the water like a fish..
It relaxes the body muscles that get stiffened after spending the whole day in gym.
Got a lower back pain, taken a day off from gym. No more weights, or instensive workout, instead swimming to relax the pain. Used back strokes only. Hopefully, it would vanish by the end of the day.
I can't stand the heat. What could be better way to cool myself down than a swimming? Hitting the club's pool today.
I am focusing on the different strokes now... This really helped me ... Have a look.
Oh my my.... there is so many things related to swimming? SO many gears, bath cap, fins, gloves ... water treadmills??? Well I having some lower back pain .. so my friend suggested I should give aerobic break and swim..
Here is a summary of the benefits of swimming...
And a guide to help me get started..
Was having a bad back ache this morning. I didn't want to mess it up with a vigorous exercise routine. Swimming eased the pain alot. Though I am still having it.
For a change I swam for 40 mins today. These days I have been exercising hard.. Ahhh my muscles relaxed a bit today.
Not all knows but I used to be the fat face back into my school. I have been always with a down face and at last could take it anymore and decide to get the ideal physic. I used to work out and controlled my biiiiig appetite. Now, it is hard to get the time out, but I swim every alternate days.
In order to keep your heart in a healthy condition, you need not to be a diehard sportsperson.All you need is a workout plan that not only reduces the risk factors, but at the same time improves your stamina, potency and flexibility. An active life with regular exercise lowers the bad cholesterol and boosts the good cholesterol, burns the calories and maintains a healthy blood pressure. Even moderate exercise for just 30 minutes would make a huge difference.
Before starting with exercising, you need to understand a few things.
How much you should exercise?
Time to recall.. some important facts.. how much should I work out and everything.
Working out as my instructor as specified...............
Points noted. My doctor advised me to go slow in the beginning. Then as I loose I may take up running. wish me luck..
A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for your heart. Try to avoid unhealthy fats otherwise make sure that they don’t exceed 10% of your calories. DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;
More fruits and vegetables – to improve your blood pressure.
Not sure whether I was feeling lonely bored or what.. I just wanted to feel good and went to the freezer.. Wanted to have a soda.. Took it out even.. Then something stroke me.. I am just loosing the control and gathered myself and I put it back.
I went to the fruit basket instead and prepared a salad , fruit salad took a fork and started to enjoy a noon movie with it.. Then a glass of water with lil' lime and salt. Honestly it has been heaven.. This was how I prepared my snack with fruit and at the same time got over my craving for soda... Jolly Good isn't it?
Check out the five reasons to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables. I am going to follow it strictly from now.
I have made it a point to have fruits and vegetables everyday. Why to take vitamin pills when we can have it naturally???
tried this... it is definitely been a off the track recipe for me but a real delicacy .... Rainbow Fruit Kebobs
Check out the vegan recipes here. Even my kid finish the whole of it.. One word Yummy.
Green Veggies Ranked & Rated, they are the powerhouse of energy.. and all the nutrients that a body needs. Against the popular myths they even provide protein to our body. Spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage..
Made vegan based pasta with peper chicken today. Homely and healthy. Had a whole apple in breakfast.
Smoothies and juices (vegetable and fruits both) would be a part of the breakfast table. Pete loves the strawberry smoothies.
Going to grow vegetables, especially the fall produce. I'm going to adapt gardening in my leisre hours. Nice na?
papaya salad in breakfast after a small workout.. Great morning
Guess what I got a chance of something really healthy and tasty.. its "The Green" from the juice truck. There were more .. And the crowd were awesome the guys were genius. got no words.. I will be back tomorrow to discover others. Even babies were getting their bottles filled.. Nothing is more inspiring. Check out "The Juice Truck" at corner of Water and Abbott Street,Vancouver.
My mom is the best cook in the whole universe.. Got lovely muffins.. and some vegan breakfast.. Nothing is better than this.
Discovering fruit based deserts these days. My craze these day.. I got a few from here. They are quick one.... try it..
Avoid unhealthy fat and cholesterol to lower the cholesterol
Sometime if I have oily food, I have to relieve myself with an antacid. Gosh! I really hate that. The soda used to be my favorite drink that freed me.. but that is now off the list.
No oily food, no deep fries!!
Bad cholesterol is aweful.. It needs to be discarded from our lives... Here, Mayo Clinic thrown some light on it.
Got recommendations for fat intake.. giving the information on fat intake depending on the types - Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated Omega 3 and Saturated fats.
Checked!! Following strictly.
More about choosing healthy fats... it helped me alot in regards to my dietary plan.
From now I would cross check my kitchen ingredients.... the fats that I am avoiding seems to have a secret entry to my kitchen through those processed food.. No more of this better I get oil free cooking methods or olive oil, coconut oil..
From the last few weeks, I am having less or no skin problems. I know the unhealthy fats are really taty but sometime I have to think of health. WHo says healthy food with healthy fat are not tasty..
Only olive oil in my kitchen...!!
I may not have logged this piece of detil but for last two weeks, I have replaced butter, cream, saturated oil with olive and sunflower oil. While cooking I go for broiled or grilled one. Now NO FRIES....
DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;
Include fiber in your diet – suggestive 20g to 30g regularly.
Milk, cornflakes and honey in breakfast and some oatmeal in lunch, with grilled chicken and sauted veggies.
I think I have grown as a cook in a year!! But, at sametime pretty fitness freak.
Banana Oatmeal Smoothie... Some banana chopped, strained yogurt, skimmed milk, fruit juice (I tried grape juice), honey, oat, cashew and almond together blend and refrigerate overnight and next morning a yummy smoothie waiting for me..
Anyone facing trouble or having confusion what to eat when it comes to fiber.. Here are some smart ways to include fiber in your diet.I know since I have applied these ways and trust me on this.. Really Works.
wheat rye are now my breakfast and super.. I make sure I drink enough water to digest and keep my system clean.. even vegetables have high fiber content... just came to know
When it comes to working out and losing weight, it is important to have sufficient amount of high fiber foods which are low on carbohydrate. It helps in digestion, sustaining energy and managing the hunger. Raspberries, Avocados, Flaxseeds, Oats, Lentils, Broccoli,Cabbage, Apple, Brussels Sprouts are some of the fibers I just came across.
wow.... though protien is mostly mention but fibers play an important role too. I was aware however now daniel too mentioned and explained it........ here it is
I cannot stay without water. After running and working out I really need to hydrate myself. water and juice are my BUDDIES
Skimmed milk, cornflakes with honey and nuts....... that's my lazily morning breakfast. Gave a healthy kickstart to my morning after swimming.
3 liter of water every day..
Human body needs protein for the growth and strength of muscles. While doing so, keep inmind that all protein sources are heart-friendly. If you are a risk of heart disease you need to choose wisely over the sources of protein.
Choose low-fat protein sources
Oh, I am getting crazy for some yumlecious chicken pieces. I am going out tonight. Amd make sure to return home with smile on my face... :)
It's cheat day!!
Lean chicken, fat free milk, and egg... Yeah! It has been too much for a day. But, c'mon I love them.
And, I workout daily so I thinkn its okay.
For those who workout in gym, protein shake is a must. Not all understand, they not only provide us the nutrients, but there are many health risks associated with them. Keeping those in mind I discovered with WebMD a few things to understand which protein shake to have.
Simple and easy " How to Make Grilled Sardine". It doesn't require too many ingredients or time. I am trying it today. Would get some sardines on the way back home.
Here're some high-protien snacks, still I need to be choosy ... not all of the snacks I prefer to eat. Tofu sticks, Soy milk smoothies, Nut butter boat, hard boiled eggs are perfect for me.. Absolutely mouth-watering!! :D
I am going to have Crabs today, which are very rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Now just searching for some recipe that is easy-to-cook..
Crab Recipe
Planned to have chicken breast in dinner. Here are 23 recipes that you may even try at home. Take a look.
This article is definitely a consolidation of all the ways (Healthy ways) to have non vegetagian food.
Chicken, egg, milk are mandatory these days in my daily diet... but sometime I skip that and also keep in mind healthy food wins over everything. Staying healthy is the prime thing on this earth.
As per change in plan -
from now I would be having
2 eggs daily
Meat as mandotory .............
Today my trainer adviced me to include more protien meat, egg milk to make my muscles stronger. And on it since I work vigorous I shouldn't get weak in the course... So there would be certain changes in my plan now.
Since my heart is healthy beating well I can do a little switch huh? What say?
Going to have some crabs today..................
Planning for my favorite peper chicken with veggies today.. Inviting my friends over to my place.. It will be really an amazing weekend..
I'm confused.. I heard pulses have protien but is it good? Well I am having soya milk, but I prefer to have chicken.. the skinless breast portion.
Bread, butter, poched egg and grape juice .. What a morning!!
Grilled chicken breasts with fresh sauteed beans and carrots and mashed potato. . . in lunch. My weekend tastes great and delicious.
The unsaturated fat of fish is known to us as omega-3 fatty acid. It reduces inflammation that damages the blood vessels. It lessens triglycerides, lowers blood pressure, reduces irregular heartbeats and thus decreases the chances of stroke or heart attack. To get the health benefits from fish, learn to add a healthy amount of fish to your diet;
Food with omega-3 fats
I made honey glazed cod. It is a Korean dish. I just adapted it coz there were several ingredients missing from my pantry. However, it turned out quited better than I assumed it would be.
I am going to cook fish today. I got Cod fish.. It's so fresh!
Tomato & Thyme Cod Recipe
Recently, I am unable to stand the taste or even the smell of fish. So, I have started taking supplements. Also, I change my oil to canola.
Pretty fast salmon recipe that I tried; Baked Salmon With Baby Peas... not only it is easy but also full of nutrients. Try it home..
Awesome recipes rich in omega 3 fatty acid.Check these two blogs.
Here goes....Bonappetit
Here goes... Foodnetwork
Some benefits of eating fish rich in omega 3 fats... 2 servings a week and offcourse low-sodium, low-fat seasoning..., sharing some valuable information on this.
None or two... a long infact very long list of foods that are high in omega3
I tried this recipe that I found this weekend. Roasted Salmon with Tomatoes and Olives. Yes I used lemon instead of orange and noe to mention it was amazing. So easy to make. And super healthy. You must try.
Baked fish with mashed potatoes and sauted beens and carrots. To spice it up there was sauce and spice.. Finger licking good.. !! Patting my back.
I love meat but I am cutting it down now. In fact I am preparing Salmon in a tangy Asian style. Yum Yum..... I am already hungry.
Sodium in body holds onto water. This exerts pressure on the blood vessels and heart, leading to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors associated with heart disease. Hence you need to check your sodium intake;
Limit your sodium intake
120/80.... Absolutely perfect.. I stopped eating packaged food...
I am having fluctuating blood pressure so, balancing salt in food.. Perhaps I get exhausted in the morning workout.. Need some salt in food... but just a lil'.
Using Iodized Salt... It is important to maintain a correct intake of iodine.. Especially for women.
I have checked on sodium intake... and seen that my blood pressure is absolutely NORMAL.. That's a sweet reward for all the sacrifices I made.
now no more extra added salt. Even no salted nuts, I had roasted one in snacks today.
Nuts and seeds are great snacks. They contain important nutrients like Vitamin E, Plant Sterol, Unsaturated fats, Fiber, L-arginine, Omega-3 fatty acids which lowers low-density lipoprotein or LDL or bad cholesterol. It improves the lining of the arteries and thus reduces risk of fatal heart diseases.
Nuts & Seeds is of 80% fat, though healthy one. So you are advised to have only in small serving.
I mostly have roasted cashews and almonds.
Cashew, raisin, almonds; I am carrying some with me.
Fueling up my body with some great breakfast... which are quick and perfect for me to me boost up my energy level.. A perfect blend of nutrients, fibers and everything.. Check out.
I understand... Nuts give the required calorie that we need. Too many benefits, keeps heart healthy.
Started off having almonds and cashews in morning.. This way I am easily meeting and maintaining my daily nuts requirement.
Almonds in morning .... I made a note to have it every morning. I just read it somewhere having overnight soaked almond.
An awesome guide to nuts and seeds.. I am going to follow it up. what to eat, what not to, what is their nutritional value and so on.. even how to have them.. Mindblown.... take a look yourself
Blackberry Apple Almond Salad .... not only easy to prepare but a fantastic snack. Loaded with all the vital minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc. Click here for the recipe.
snacks with almonds............................
Check the proportion
Eat the right proportion, neither too much of it nor too less. Just the right.. I keep on telling my students out there. You know about the diet, how it should be and what to avoid.. It varies but the basic rule is to check the proportion.
Overeating doesn't help.. It is a disorder. It is more important to be healthy than to be in great shape.
Must say.. Obesity is a big problem... noways.. I may look like I eats tonnes but no over-eating. Check out the srticle from fitday on "Obesity"
I checked and customized my daily food plan with "".. I am enclosing a screen shot of the plan.
Eating right proportion is do important.. but there are certain ways to measure them.. here's it ... "how to measure out food proportions"
I am really hunger, but there is time for dinner... don't what would be best so just had some organic fruits.. an apple and a banana.. great.. am full now. I read it somewhere yesterday GMO( genetically modified organisms) is found in almost all the processed foods...gosh
I would definately check my proportion.. would eat when I am actually hungy... not just because am tempted
Fruit salad... both healthy and mouth watering. But I am not going to over-eat.. Proportion strictly under-check :)
Prepare your meal menu ahead
Now that you know what is good for your heart and what not, you are all set to get into action. Create your own daily menus emphasizing mainly on vegetable, fish, fruits, whole grains. Strike a balance and ensure that your body gets all the required nutrients. And, same time varieties can make it interesting.
And here are some great post-workout meals (for women).
Ahh I am saved.. I don't have to cook a lunch now. I just prepared the stew right ahead in the slow cooker.
What a relief!!
Not only it saves me from the last minute confusion, but also saves me quality time that I devote to my kids.
I love fresh cooked foods, even fresh vegetables and fruits. So,I prefer to prepare my tomorrows menu today.. and do the shopping. In case I have other priorities, I plan some fast recipes. I save time, I have fresh food. Planned perfectly.
Preparing food needs alot of planning. Offcourse these foods need to be prepared way ahead. But I am going to try this.. I need something that is rich in vitamin, protien, fat but the healthy one. These seem to be great.
I have planned my whole day meal today itself. I don't have to spend time worrying about and also having time to focus on the other important activities
It is okay to grab on to outside food once in a while. But be careful while doing so as they are rich in fat, calories and sodium.
Christmas inner with my family ....I miss you Mom.. Year long I crave for this day..when we all are together.. eating, smiling, merimaking. I love you Mom. Merry Christmas.
The good news is that I am in good shape and healthy .. it calls for a treat. Eating out with my hubby, and kids .. I am really happy..........
Today was my "Eating Out" though I did't take a trip to any restuarant, but I just fulfilled the wish of my tastebuds. Yup its not for me but I am fine and on it I just kept it low.. Its Mutton Keema
going out on a date...
Am going to be very busy for the rest of the day packing. Not exactly a eating out plan, but it's a weekend trip with my family. Am excited.
Eating out with my buddies. A reunion after 2 years. Got to go now..
Maintaining a healthy weight
Heaviness jeopardizes the heart health and also creates stress. It increases the chances of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol. Calculate your BMI or body mass index. If it is 25 or higher you are likely to be at a risk of heart attack and stroke. However, apart from BMI, your waist measurement also tells you if you are overweight.
Men with waist measurement of 40inches or 101.6cm or more are considered overweight.
Women with waist measurement of 35inches or 88.9cm or more are considered overweight.
If you want to shed some extra then;
Have to loose some!
Are you kidding me?? I gained 6 extra... Couple of weeks no workout bit reckless uncontrolled eating I guess. But, I tried to avooid cheesy oily foodies.. gosh I got to hit the gym right away!
According to my BMI, waist .. I am maintaining an appropriate weight.
Workingout, eating appropriate for a healthy weight.... Now I have it.
When for a morning walk... sweated with a smile...
At last I am back in shape.. without any medication or even dieting... just being healthy......... M no more over-weight yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
Healthy weight................................ Maintained.
I have lost alot of weight recently.. But according to the waist measurement I am too much bulky. Gosh..
I measured. I am in a perfect shape. Relieved not much of a restriction.
Quality Sleep
Without enough sleep one have a higher risk of overweight, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, heart attack. Adults need 8 to 9 hours of sound sleep every night. If you wake up without alarm clock and feel rejuvenated, then you had a good sleep. In case you are struggling to get out of your bed, then perhaps your sleep has been incomplete.
I got this weekend off. I would sleep late. It is just the thing I need. A good night sleep.
Some great sleep... !! I got no plans to go out .. just be at home and sleep with any worry to be punctual.
Last night I didnt have great sleep.. perhaps thats why I am so tired today.
I am going to spend the day resting.. if required will go to see my Doc.
I am having some problem in getting a proper quality sleep these days perhaps for last 10 days. Often I woke up in the middle of the night.. Sometime I woke up after every one hour. I am pretty confused.. Honestly this is keeping me tired all the day long. Neither I can workout vigorously nor focus....
What I should be doing?
Dont have much to blog about this.. apart from that I make sure to give my body and mind the hours of sleep and rest it requires. ..... 8 hours
Need to take a complete nap....
I work out so I need to give ample rest to my body too.
8 to 10 hours of sleep .
I sleep for 8 hours only.. Me tired today after all the activities and fun.. Just a nap. Cya
Maintained time schedule for sleep for months now. But today I have been yawning.. Perhaps my body need a few hours of rest more. Would go to bed early tonight.
Try hard to not to reach the "snooze" button.. My can say in this matter that, if you got to sleep on time, you can easily get a nice sound sleep and also rise up early.
Regular Check up
You need to regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol. If you monitor regularly it would warn you before it’s too late.
Pulse - 125bpm
Blood Pressure - 144/100
Both don't seems good! Too bad, I didn't see my doctor for last 2 months..
Got to see my doctor, I didnt go for a full check up for long.
Its been couple of months since I went for a check up. So I planned to go and see my doctor today and check my blood pressure, a blood test.. After all health is wealth right? I have to make sure while building up my body muscles I didn't overlook my health..
Sometime we should conduct a detailed check up including blood tests,x-ray, kidney functioning test apart from the physical ones. Here's an article that explain the importance of routine medical check ups
My cholestrol is stable, blood pressure is 120/80 and the diabetes too. Wow.. Nothing could be better than this. Atlast I achieved..... I am fit and fine
Gone to doctor for a check up and run some routine tests.... gonna get my reports tomorrow.. I am just so excited to see how well it all go..............
Oh I am just fine.. all normal. Nothing could be better than this.
My cholesterol is almost getting normalized, blood pressure is perfect. The best part is that I lost weight 10lbs.
I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Am so tensed.