Timing:1 times per Day
Work on an art project that brings out the kid in you. Even if you can’t finish an entire project in 5 minutes, you can certainly work on it. Maybe you draw, or apply glitter glue to mason jars, or paint rocks.
If you’re into it, knitting can be a really fun way.
Not only will it make YOU feel better, but it might also perk up other people around you.
Do something that totally delights you just for the fun of it. Depending on the weather you can blow bubbles, use a squirt gun, make snow angels, play in the rain, swing on a swing, go down a slide, or jump in leaves, just for starters.
Music can be a total mood-shifter for people, and there are all kinds of benefits to it. It activates both sides of your brain and can be a really excellent stress reliever. If you don’t know how to sing, there’s a great site called InspiredToSing.com that has a lot of free lessons. There are also tons of YouTube videos on both singing and learning new instruments.
Maybe you know a song that you love off the top of your head, or you can go onto http:// www.Spotify.com and do a search for other peoples’ playlists. Pick a song, dance like nobody’s watching, and have a blast! Sometimes it’s also fun to dance in a pitch black room, so you really have no reservations.
Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.
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