Hack Seven: Exercise

Course: Happiness Hacks to Feel Better Now

Goal: Feel Better Now

Timing:When you are feeling down.


Spend a half hour doing some exercise. It will make you feel good and you can also take pride in your pursuit of a healthy body.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I tried it as an experiement. I was upset a few days back - I rescheduled my day and went to gym in the day ( I was supposed to go in the evening). It took me 10 minutes of treadmill to feel better but as I went along with my rountine strength training, everything change. I totally go with it now. Exercise works miracle.

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I am weighing too much these days - gained 40 pounds in 15 days. I have start working out - I am having too much difficulty to breath. I jogged for 2 miles in the morning.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

This is the best thing or habit I have taken on..  I started to exercise.. I feel less deressed. Actually, I ain't depressed anymore.

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