Happiness Hacks to Feel Better Now Join Course
Happiness Hacks to Feel Better Now Join Course
A list of different hacks that you can use when you need a boost of positive emotion.

Scott Young is a blogger. And beyond writing, entrepreneurship and life philosophy, his interests include programming, travel, cooking and teaching himself anything he can.

External url: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2007/05/06/29-happiness-hacks-to-feel-better-now/

Tags: happiness

Feel Better Now

Nothing creates a bigger jolt of enthusiasm than a new inspiring vision of the future. Even if it's something small it can provide you with a new direction.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I tried to set a small goal today. I was feeling down - not really upset or angry. I don't know what was it, but I was not able to take it anymore after 13 hours. So I decided to set a small goal for myself. I decided that I would change the decor of my room. Not entirely but little.

I kiind of really worked as I got busy with the task and then the change made me so happy.

You can give yourself a boost in accomplishment by finding the smallest task you need to complete and doing it.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

It's weekend, but I was feeling too much down this morning. So, I decided to find my smallest "to-do"... I just put my clothes into laundry. I was going to do it late in the evening. Then I prepared my weekly to-do and grocery list ready. By the endo of it, I was actually feeling much better. It was strange to me but GREAT.

Find something to laugh about, and if you can’t, laugh anyways.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Three: Laugh

Sometime we must try to laugh without any reason. It just builds up our will to be happy.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Three: Laugh

I thinkn I should laugh more often. I feel like I am some psycho. Generally, when my puppy throws tantrums, I get upset. But I laughed today. I actually started to enjoy the mess. 

Help someone who needs it.


  • Counsel a friend in need.
  • Give a sincere compliment.
  • Donate blood.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

Today, I counselled another friend of mine. Okay, I don't want to call it a counselling .. I was just being with her. That's what friends do. I feel I am a good friend. Made me happy.

Sara Young Cddd

I never got a chance to donate blood, but I do counsel and help my cousins and friends. They say, I am a jolly good adviser.

Call up some friends or make some new ones and use your brain for what it was made for.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Five: Socialize

I just got in touch with an old school friend of mine. It almost after a decade. I would also be meeting her over the weekend. It would be great fun to relive the old times.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Five: Socialize

Probably, this is the reason. I am actually pretty introvert. In today's world, it sounds crazy. But it's true.

I just logged into my facebook almost after an year today. In fact, I forgot the password, had to recover it. As I went on with it, I don't know how I end up spending 2 hours doing nothing. But I am happy.

Find something to get you inspired, even if just for a short time. Hear a couple audio recordings of motivational speakers. Consider replacing your daily caffeine with some inspiration to give you energy instead.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have started believing things a differents.. There are music, books, quotes, audios to inspire us.. but we also need to find the inspiration within us. I am presently working on that.

Sara Young Cddd

I got really motivated by this video I came across on Youtube. I don't feel useless or powerless anymore. I feel happy. Finally I found strength inside me.

Spend a half hour doing some exercise. It will make you feel good and you can also take pride in your pursuit of a healthy body.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I tried it as an experiement. I was upset a few days back - I rescheduled my day and went to gym in the day ( I was supposed to go in the evening). It took me 10 minutes of treadmill to feel better but as I went along with my rountine strength training, everything change. I totally go with it now. Exercise works miracle.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I am weighing too much these days - gained 40 pounds in 15 days. I have start working out - I am having too much difficulty to breath. I jogged for 2 miles in the morning.

Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

This is the best thing or habit I have taken on..  I started to exercise.. I feel less deressed. Actually, I ain't depressed anymore.

Change the way you hold your body to reflect someone who is happier. Faking your state can bring back associations to a more positive state. Emotions and body language are two-way streets.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have been extremely influenced by American Chiropractic Association's post . I really don't want the consequences. The post has been an eye opener for me. I am going to workout on my posture from right now.

Lisa Smith 1766978

That's a bad thing that I gonna reveal. I almost bend over my new lappy and after months of enjoyment ( what I thought of it) I got this excruciating pain at my back. Got a cervical collar and several other exercises - but most importantly I needed to maintain good posture. I started maintaining the posture by force, now it feel happy and confident as well. I don't need to do much exercie as well. 

Put on some music that makes you feel good. 

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I love Rihanna, JLO! In fact, I am listening to them right now. Whenever, I hear them, I just want to dance... I am dancing now! :)

Spend a few minutes in a park or in the wilderness. Notice the sounds of birds and the smells and sensations of nature. Utilize those positive associations you have with the tranquility of nature to boost your mood and get away from the glow of your monitor.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

Sometime I wonder what is there that wikihow hasn't covered! But it is always informative ... different ways to get closer to nature! I do the 6th step but trying out others as well now.

Remove some of the distance and reach out. Just watch the peppers pray when hugging complete strangers.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Just sit with your eyes closed and sensitize yourself to your own thoughts and feelings. Better yet, combine this hack with hack number nine for a double hit of tranquility.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Engage yourself completely in what you are doing.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Whether combined with hack number five or a solo event, playing a game can give you a positive boost of energy. Even just ten minutes of a casual computer game can give you a little mental reprieve from daily problems.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Deconstruct your thoughts by writing them down. Journaling can break down tough problems and it can also help you redirect your thoughts to more positive areas.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I do have a journal I call it "Mimo" my friend who listens .. help me to calm down! It has always helped me ..I started doing it since 4th standard.

Spend a little time to look back on fond memories, challenges overcome and goals achieved.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

The best and the worst thing about time is that it changes. I took this advice that spend some tiems strolling back into my memory lane where I first time did coleman slide perfectly, became the prefect of my class. I never gave up then, why do I give up now? I won't give up not now...or ever!

Look around and feel grateful about the things you already have and the life you already lead.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Listen to the quiet. Turn off every sound possible so you can actually hear what silence sounds like. It might require a drive to a more secluded location, or turning off appliances in your house.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

I often get restless in silence. I never knew it can make happy. On this I had to know how... I found out the reason in tinybuddha.com 

Try sitting and smiling for one or two minutes and see if you feel any better. This is a very quick hack and even a brief smile can create a tiny jolt.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Gestalt therapy is a psychological tool, of which one of the focuses is to get people to notice the gestalt, or the relationship between figure and ground. Spend a few minutes moving your focus around through your toes and up to your head.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Get up and move. The only bad dancer is the one who doesn’t dance at all. Use this hack in combination with hack number nine.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have been dancing (at least trying to move a little) in my room. I am a bit free now and more open. I am happy.

Sara Young Cddd

I have gained so much of weight that I can't put my profile picture anywhere. I am too shy to go out - dancing is next to impossible. Not just I hesitate but it really can't due to my heavy weight. I was upset (for my weight) this morning, as my kid came to me played some of her kiddie tune on and hold my hand and started moving. Even my pup started jumping in happiness. In no time I was smiling and even moved along for next 3 minutes - but had to give up - I was running out breath.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have always been shy about dancing but it is ok do a few moves in my room. No one gets a chance to know how pathetic I am at dancing. 

But, it feels great .. the music and beats. I actually enjoyed it ... So happy I got over my shyness.

Do something creative. Small acts of creation can yield amazing boosts of accomplishment, inspiration and well-being.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

I was feeling down this Christmas. I had twisted leg, I slipped over the front door. I don't know how. I was supposed to go see my family.. but I was asked to absolute bedrest. I intended that my hubby and my daughter visits granny even if I can. Offcourse, we caught up over skype and all but still.


Anyways, I then thought of creating something but I couldn't go anywhere. So I found some cotton, a pair or socks, scissors, threads inside my bedside table and I ended up making a couple of snowmen.. It was a nice christmas decor.. My daughter loved it as she returned home and now they rest on the shelves in my daughter's room! Yeah! Creating something new made me really happy.

Find a phrase you like and repeat it in your head. You could incorporate a mantra into your daily routine or just use it when you need it. A mantra acts as an anchor to quickly bring you into a conditioned state of mind.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

I always worry.. So my self-made mantra is "take a chillpill" "Don't think so much. It is all fine".

Commit to going another 10% further on your project before quitting. Give it that extra bit of intensity before giving up. Even if that little bit of intensity is futile, there is nothing more satisfying than properly exerted willpower.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

Whether it is the book, cooking, child's homework, or some relationship, we should not just give it up because it's not working. Another 10% will at least make me feel that I did my best (even if it doesn't turn out right).


Take a short breather to recoup your energy or a vacation to revitalize your spirit. Completely relaxing and giving up the tension you have in your body feels good. If you don’t already, schedule out some times where you can really relax and let stress melt away, even if only for a few minutes a day.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

This is the first time, I have tried this. I must say that it feels so good. I would like to do it again soon.

Drink some water. Hydrating yourself fully can keep you energized. More energy means less stress and frustration.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Sara Young Cddd

I am always dehydrated - this is probably the reason/cause of half of my health problems. I always try and commit to drink water.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am not a big fan of drinking water. I feel ashamed to say this but I had to accept it. I am trying to have water...

Lisa Smith 1766978

I also feel thirsty when I am tensed or upset. Otherwise, I don't drink too much of water.

Take some deep breaths. Try to see how slow you can make your breathing. Spend a few minutes just observing your own breathing and you can have a mental reprieve from your problems as well.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Do something you’ve never done before. Exploring something new can give you a boost in happiness through variety and excitement. Cook a new meal. Travel to a new place. Take a different route to work. Listen to some new music.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am scared of hieght ...I never tried any fun rides. But I am going to this weekend. Really scared and excited.

No, not just online print (except for this blog, of course), but actual books. The kind made with paper. Reading, either fiction or non-fiction, opens you up to ideas with far more depth than can be skimmed in a television show or a blog entry. If you don’t always have a book to read at any time, go to the library and pick one up.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Last weekend I went out shopping for some novels. I have finished all my books required something new so got 2 more from Ian Rankin.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Reading a book... I guess I am a bookworm.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I love reading and recentyl finished a book "Country Brides". I literally forgot, why I was so anxious or stress after reading.

Sara Young Cddd

I have started reading a Joanna Lindsey novel, "One heart to Win". Romantic novels always captivate me and make me happy.

Stop trying to be happy and just let your emotions be. Accept how they are and don’t judge your feelings as good or bad. Once you detach and listen to your emotions you can start finding ways to get past them.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are feeling down.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Brilliant piece of advice. More I try to swim against the current, more I will be hurt. Better concentrate of safeguarding myself while flowing with it.. 

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Blog entries by followers

Sara Young Cddd

This is the first time, I have tried this. I must say that it feels so good. I would like to do it again soon.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I have been extremely influenced by American Chiropractic Association's post . I really don't want the consequences. The post has been an eye opener for me. I am going to workout on my posture from right now.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I tried it as an experiement. I was upset a few days back - I rescheduled my day and went to gym in the day ( I was supposed to go in the evening). It took me 10 minutes of treadmill to feel better but as I went along with my rountine strength training, everything change. I totally go with it now. Exercise works miracle.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I have started believing things a differents.. There are music, books, quotes, audios to inspire us.. but we also need to find the inspiration within us. I am presently working on that.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Brilliant piece of advice. More I try to swim against the current, more I will be hurt. Better concentrate of safeguarding myself while flowing with it.. 

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I have been dancing (at least trying to move a little) in my room. I am a bit free now and more open. I am happy.

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

I am weighing too much these days - gained 40 pounds in 15 days. I have start working out - I am having too much difficulty to breath. I jogged for 2 miles in the morning.

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Sara Young Cddd

I have gained so much of weight that I can't put my profile picture anywhere. I am too shy to go out - dancing is next to impossible. Not just I hesitate but it really can't due to my heavy weight. I was upset (for my weight) this morning, as my kid came to me played some of her kiddie tune on and hold my hand and started moving. Even my pup started jumping in happiness. In no time I was smiling and even moved along for next 3 minutes - but had to give up - I was running out breath.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

I am scared of hieght ...I never tried any fun rides. But I am going to this weekend. Really scared and excited.

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Hack Three: Laugh

Sometime we must try to laugh without any reason. It just builds up our will to be happy.

    1 comment
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Sara Young Cddd

I am always dehydrated - this is probably the reason/cause of half of my health problems. I always try and commit to drink water.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

That's a bad thing that I gonna reveal. I almost bend over my new lappy and after months of enjoyment ( what I thought of it) I got this excruciating pain at my back. Got a cervical collar and several other exercises - but most importantly I needed to maintain good posture. I started maintaining the posture by force, now it feel happy and confident as well. I don't need to do much exercie as well. 

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Sara Young Cddd

I was feeling down this Christmas. I had twisted leg, I slipped over the front door. I don't know how. I was supposed to go see my family.. but I was asked to absolute bedrest. I intended that my hubby and my daughter visits granny even if I can. Offcourse, we caught up over skype and all but still.


Anyways, I then thought of creating something but I couldn't go anywhere. So I found some cotton, a pair or socks, scissors, threads inside my bedside table and I ended up making a couple of snowmen.. It was a nice christmas decor.. My daughter loved it as she returned home and now they rest on the shelves in my daughter's room! Yeah! Creating something new made me really happy.

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Lisa Smith 1766978
 Activity: Hack Seven: Exercise

This is the best thing or habit I have taken on..  I started to exercise.. I feel less deressed. Actually, I ain't depressed anymore.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

The best and the worst thing about time is that it changes. I took this advice that spend some tiems strolling back into my memory lane where I first time did coleman slide perfectly, became the prefect of my class. I never gave up then, why do I give up now? I won't give up not now...or ever!

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Sara Young Cddd

Sometime I wonder what is there that wikihow hasn't covered! But it is always informative ... different ways to get closer to nature! I do the 6th step but trying out others as well now.

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Sara Young Cddd

Whether it is the book, cooking, child's homework, or some relationship, we should not just give it up because it's not working. Another 10% will at least make me feel that I did my best (even if it doesn't turn out right).


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Lisa Smith 1766978

I do have a journal I call it "Mimo" my friend who listens .. help me to calm down! It has always helped me ..I started doing it since 4th standard.

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Lisa Smith 1766978

Last weekend I went out shopping for some novels. I have finished all my books required something new so got 2 more from Ian Rankin.

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People following this course

Sara Young
- 1 entry about this course
Lisa Smith
- 18 entries about this course