Laugh at Yourself First

In Dhyana Coburn's plan


This commandment is not about losing self-respect or 
demeaning ourselves. Just the opposite — it is an act of loving 
kindness. Willingness to laugh at ourselves frees us from the 
restrictions of the unrealistic and unremittingly harsh expectations 
to which we hold ourselves when we are under duress. It gives us 
latitude to appreciate the ever-present inconsistencies and 
contradictions that are part of our makeup. 
Laughing at ourselves helps us recognize the difference 
between perfection and perfectionism. 
Perfection is what we are, and that includes all the 
inconsistencies and shortcomings. You are not perfect, but you are 
perfection because of, not in spite of, your contradictions. 
Perfection is healthy. It includes imperfection. 
Perfectionism, on the other hand, is what we think we should 
be. It is always unhealthy. It is intolerant of imperfection. When we 
are caught up in our perfectionism, we are brittle and inflexible. 
We can be broken down by change. 
So laughing at ourselves is not a form of humiliation. It is a 
way of taking ourselves lightly, while still taking our responsibilities 
seriously. Once we are able to lighten up, we become more creative 
and resourceful. When the going gets tough, the tough lighten up. 
If you are having trouble laughing at yourself, this exercise is 

Exercise #3: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep-relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
of the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, 
any problems you have been wrestling with. 
After approximately a dozen relaxing breaths, let your 
attention focus upon a trait or characteristic of yours that you do 
not like. It can be physical, mental, or social. It doesn’t matter. Just 
make sure it’s something you don’t like about yourself. 
While keeping the “unwanted” trait firmly in mind, try to 
think of a way this characteristic could be amusing. Be playful and 
gentle. Do not be unkind or mean spirited. Simply do what you can 
to see this trait in a more amusing or ridiculous light. 
After a moment, discontinue this thought pattern and simply 
take a few more deep relaxing breaths. End the exercise by taking 
one final deep breath, slowly exhaling as you open your eyes and 
stretch your arms over your head, and then bring them back down. 


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