Procrastinate the Unimportant.

In Mr Rodgers's plan
Goal: Make a Morning Ritual

Timing:When you wake up.


Don’t delay your ritual by eating breakfast, answering e-mail or having a shower.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Copied from: Procrastinate the Unimportant.
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Jason Jasons

I have eliminated the unimportant so no need to procrastinate. I clean up as soon as I do the mess, Saves me time in the morning. 

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Jason Jasons

I really do a lot of things that are unimportant like cleaning up last nights mess, taking a cup of coffee and reading books for almost an hour. I am too lazy that is why probably my days end in a big ZERO.

Okay, I will work it out.

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Briana Regrg r

Why wasting time doing the unimportant things first? As I realized, I saved quality time for myself!

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Briana Regrg r

I have always focus on the unimportant things so far! This is something new that I have learned! As I skipped everythign I got more time to workout in the morning.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

The fit thing that I do after getting up is to get fresh and then go for a brisk walk.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Changed my usual morning ritual... I am actually having more than an hour in my hand by 10am. After I work out, I take a shower and eat breakfast. I guess I am super-fast now, not lazy! Bottom line is; it worked great for me.

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