Mr Rodgers


About Me:


Adhere to the agreemenets
Start Strength Training
Make a Morning Ritual

Speak with integrity.  Say only what you mean.  Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.  Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Impeccable means “without sin” and a sin is something you do or believe that goes against yourself.  It means not speaking against yourself, to yourself or to others.  It means not rejecting yourself.  To be impeccable means to take responsibility for yourself, to not participate in “the blame game.”

Regarding the word, the rules of “action-reaction” apply.  What you put out energetically will return to you.  Proper use of the word creates proper use of energy, putting out love and gratitude perpetuates the same in the universe.  The converse is also true.  

Impeccability starts at home.  Be impeccable with yourself and that will reflect in your life and your relationships with others.  This agreement can help change thousands of other agreements, especially ones that create fear instead of love.

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

In my profession, this is exactly what I do all the day.. being impeccable with words.. with gratitude and compassion.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Yesterday, I was chatting with my bro.. for some reason he just got angry. I think I was wrong with my words.But not my intention. He is too angry and not picking up my calls.

Don't know what to do? Can anyone help?

Lisa Smith 1766978

Gifts are not necessary to express gratitude and emotions, but it is thee words that connects and communicates the deepest feeling in your heart. Words can stab one, again can make you feel at the top of the world. Beyond the corporate world also, you need to be impeccable with your words.. Words are stronger than a sword.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Impeccable means without sin. This article really stroke me. It is interesting.

Adam Health care

Taking a deeper look.. reading the four agreements ebook.........

Adam Health care

I am always confident of wh, of what I say.. what I do.. this is how I am impeccable with mmy words as well as actions

Adam Health care

In my profession this is exactly I do all the day.. being impeccable with words.. with gratitude and compassion.

Lisa Smith 1766978

SPEAK WITH GOOD PURPOSE – Speak honestly and kindly
yes we should always think before we speak and not to think and regret after we have spoken. Words spoken with a positive and best intention are impeccable as they demonstrate how sincere you are. After practising this.... everything around me has changed for good. I am really happy and blessed. Thanks Jesus!

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Going for n interview today. I really need watch out what I speak. I have studied quiet a fews things about facing interviews... but facing one in reality.. gosh I'm nervous

Lisa Smith 1766978

Today is a day where I need to be perfect.. absolutely impeccable with my each word.. but offcourse it's permissible to be lil funny sometime.. It's celebration time.. me the host and bday girl Jenn..

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

Words can both hurt and heal a heart. Had a plan to dine out with my lovely wife.. I missed it. That time I really understood the importance of flawless words. She is the most understanding friend and partner but I know she was hurt. I got to make up for this.. Any suggestion??

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am careful about my words as they are going to return-back to me like a boomerang.A word of love is always been reciprocated.No more doubts, no more fear.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Sometime it is hard to be unsullied with my words. Making someone understand my point.. specially when it is regarding my work.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Happiness seems to be associated with our words isn't it?

Lewis C Dsafsf

Yes.... Yes... Yes.. I did it.. I witnessed the difference.

I keep catching myself more often half lying to get something out of people or a situation. My wife just got accepted to law school and I pretended to be enthused, not being really honest with myself or her.

Melinda Jones File1711311980993
Help wanted

Finally a day with more integrity

Melinda Jones File1711311980993
Help wanted

This is much harder than I first thought. Seems like such a straightforward agreement

info Anonymoususer

Quasi hic doloribus quas iusto molestiae consectetur, consequatur, consequatur in optio, fuga. Incididunt odit sequi aut.

Nothing others do is because of you.  What others say and do is a projection of their own dream.  When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

We take things personally when we agree with what others have said.  If we didn't agree, the things that others say would not affect us emotionally.  If we did not care about what others think about us, their words or behavior could not affect us.

Even if someone yells at you, gossips about you, harms you or yours, it still is not about you!  Their actions and words are based on what they believe in their personal dream. 

Our personal “Book of Law” and belief system makes us feel safe.  When people have beliefs that are different from our own, we get scared, defend ourselves, and impose our point of view on others.  If someone gets angry with us it is because our belief system is challenging their belief system and they get scared.  They need to defend their point of view.  Why become angry, create conflict, and expend energy arguing when you are aware of this?

Lisa Smith 1766978

Acknowledging other's point of view is also a great way to not to take things personally. This is effective in Leadership. Since, I am getting into the corporate world, I need to know in and out of it.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Taking things perfonally, makes life too much dificult.  Earlier, I used to stay depressed all the time, prefered to stay in my room. Literally, I used to lock myself in, and sob.. WITH NO REASON. I was scared, I used to eat to get rid of it. But, nothing happened just put on 40 pounds. Then I started to follow this course, and I got some confidence in myself.. I got out and appllied for a job and infact got it. Now, I have changed. I am really amazed to see that. Today, I really don't go on thinking what he said... what did he mean and everything.. Now I smile a lot and I am controlling my diet too...

Adam Health care
Help wanted

True thing, it is very challenging. It needs a lot off discipline so that we can reach the goal. I try not to take things personally but now or then I end up taking it. With a certain thought rolling in my mind I just across and discovered "Like yoga, living this truth is a discipline, a consistent practice only reached through the genuine love of self".

Adam Health care

Even it is stated in holy Bible "Don't eavesdrop on others--you may hear your servant curse you." True... if we don't pay attention to all the words; it is only going to make the life better.

Adam Health care

Ok.. Not to take anything personally.. But how... Search some easy application here it goes.

Lisa Smith 1766978

AHHHHH!! Truely anxiety, anger they are the most negative emotions.. we just spend my time and energy because we cannot handle our emotions excitement sometime... Even if we need to.. there is always a positive way to do so rather than taking everything personally and hurting ourselves.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Regained the control of my life in my own hands.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Now when I know who I am, how I am.. It really doesn't disturb me much if others thinking positive or negative. All I know if, I am good to everyone then I would be reciprocated same way..

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I am bothered all the time.. Thinking and thinking..

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I always anticipate and imagine what others belief about me. I don’t incline to; however I can’t stop thinking.

Sean Goldsmith Youngpreneur tree


Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.  Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.  With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

When we make assumptions it is because we believe we know what others are thinking and feeling.  We believe we know their point of view, their dream.  We forget that our beliefs are just our point of view based on our belief system and personal experiences and have nothing to do with what others think and feel.  

We make the assumption that everybody judges us, abuses us, victimizes us, and blames us the way we do ourselves.  As a result we reject ourselves before others have the chance to reject us.  When we think this way, it becomes difficult to be ourselves in the world.

Take action and be clear to others about what you want or do not want; do not gossip and make assumptions about things others tell you.  Respect other points of view and avoid arguing just to be right.  Respect yourself and be honest with yourself.  Stop expecting the people around you to know what is in your head.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Assumptions.... gosh... they are just confusing.. they play with my mind. Good to quit them but they seems to be pursueing you all the time

Lewis C Dsafsf

We are so busy in our daily lives, that we don't even have time to listen what other's have to say. Instead we just assume. When we don't interact we dont take an initiative to understand what is there in other person's heart. Most of the couple quarrel are centred with this issue..

Too many break ups... Sad!!

Cynthia, is the wonder women. She just KNOWS

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

What is realistic assumption? We're not suppose to depend on assumptions I know, but assumptions are a part of economics and insuarance. I am just getting bit perplexed. Could someone help me to clear this?

Lisa Smith 1766978

"When the assumptions prove to be wrong it is often far too late to go back and fix the ruined relationship. Sometimes, years may pass before the real reasons for one's actions are communicated and by that time there is usually a sense of regret and guilt that adds more strain on the bond between the two people"..........Read it somewhere. So true it  is.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My assumptions are always proven to be wrong. :( Nope! nothing serious, just assumed a few small things, but......

Lisa Smith 1766978

I don't want to exaggerate things with stupid baseless assumptions. It does nothing apart from making me anxious. Took me a lot hard work to not make any vague assumption.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Thinking less, worrying lesser.Not making assumptions. Smiling more.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Even if I have assumptions I tend to confirm them..

info Anonymoususer

I assume people make assumptions about my assuming. this lady laughed. I wanted to punch her

Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick.  Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

Doing your best means enjoying the action without expecting a reward.  The pleasure comes from doing what you like in life and having fun, not from how much you get paid.  Enjoy the path traveled and the destination will take care of itself.

Living in the moment and releasing the past helps us to do the best we can in the moment.  It allows us to be fully alive right now, enjoying what is present, not worrying about the past or the future.

Have patience with yourself.  Take action.  Practice forgiveness.  If you do your best always, transformation will happen as a matter of course.

Rabiya Manzoor Anonymoususer
 Activity: Always Do Your Best

This is so true about me. There was a time when I was not satisfied with what I had. Depression and sadness surrounded me. This did not help me in any way. Now by following this art of doing best I have learnt to be happy. No matter what the situation is I do my best to achieve what I want to. This not only gives the satisfaction of victory but happiness as well. An added benefit, isn’t it?

Lisa Smith 1766978

I don't know what could be the exact reason. But, I cannot concentrate and eventually leaving the task-in-hand incomplete. That is definitely aweful. I really cannot put it into words how I feel, just being angry....

Going to start fresh..

Can any meleaner help me? Suggest me what is wrong with me and what should I do.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I messed up whole thing.. Feeling horrible.. Too bad.. I just spoiled my lunch.. I am going to have a friend coming in any moment gosh!! I was preoccupied and messed it..

Lisa Smith 1766978

Nothing can substitute hard work!!

Lisa Smith 1766978

What if you try your best, but nothing good happens? Not once, not twice...

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

I have just started with my job.. working hard.. It is more of a rush.. Rushing through the day.. get up.. get ready.. grab something to eat.. run to office.. meeting.. cups of caffiene.. then back home..

By the time I am home.. I am too tired... While doing my best for my job.. am I doing my best for myself?

Lisa Smith 1766978

A pleasant smile amplifies the effort put in.... Doing my best

Adam Health care

Always do your best. What we plant now, we would harvet later...


Adam Health care
Help wanted

We always try to create opportunities for ourselves and improve the situation we are living in. For this we just need to give our best in all our efforts.There I found out this article that states 20 ways to give the best and make the life better.

Adam Health care

I have always noticed that.. .assumptions, doubts hinders me from performing. It took me long 4 years to get a hold on myself and bring the best.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have done it. Last day I blogged that I did my best in my interview.. I am blogging today to log my result.. I got appreciated for my crisp and honest answers. I am just so glad. From the time I have been practising the course here I really felt the tremendous change in me.. it just got expressed in actual things after me succeeding in getting the job. Thanks


Lisa Smith 1766978

Well I am back home... It went well .. MY INTERVIEW... I think I got them impressed. FIngers crossed I just hope to get this job. . . . I was tensed but when I was actually interviewed I took it at ease and answered with a smile.

I have learnt not only to smile but also been confident. Thanks

Lewis C Dsafsf

My love Cynthia have been longing to renovate the house... Atlast I am going to get it done.. Together we.. I think it would be a best way to be with her and also my passion my work..

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

There is a say in India Mythology...Lord Krishna advised Arjun in the Mahabharat ... Karm kiye ja, phal ki chinta mat kar. Which means don't worry what would be the result, just do what you're supposed to do. . .

It touched me.......

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have been busy in an assignment. Making furniture is my passion, I love to take challenges. Do tricky things. Honestly there was a certain section where I was totally confused.. I sat down in silent corner. I had to let go what I knew, what I already did.. and give some spacefor new creation. And then....

Lewis C Dsafsf

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. . . This exercise always reminds me of Newton's third law of motion.. It touches my heart.

Lewis C Dsafsf

To my surprise I just got impatient and almost lost my temper... I took in a deep breathe count 1 to 10 and released. A childhood trick.. Did best!!

Lisa Smith 1766978

Overall, I am happy. It is no doubt a new beginning to me. Here I am confident, doing best and above all smiling.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I see my efforts paying off.. I smile, I see people around me talking to in a different way. This doesn't mean I would stop doing my best. I just started.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Nothing new.. Just wanted to share I am doing my best.

Lewis C Dsafsf

This is something I always do; living in present, giving the best of my effort, especially when it comes to my hobby or passion. But patience is amiss.

 Activity: Always Do Your Best

Kept fumbling at work non stop today. Got home and tried not to berate myself. I guess I did my best. Was reminded of the comedian routine where the guy cries at home after a hard day telling himself he did his best.

  • Circuits: 2-5
  • Reps per exercise: 6-10

1. RDL (Romanian Deadlift) from a dead-stop (with dumbbells or a barbell)

This exercise teaches the newbies how to use their hips. Initiate by positioning a barbell in a power rack or raise it up on mats/plates so the bar is just a couple inches lower than your knee caps. The bar should be over your mid-foot throughout the workout.  Use your hips to Pull the bar up using your hips (push them forward) and then stick your hips back to lower back down; place the bar gently on the safety bars in the power rack (or on mats/plates) after each rep. 


2. Standing one arm dumbbell press

Start with the dumbbell variant (instead of a barbell) because people seem to learn this faster. Keep your end and abdomen stretched the whole time, your elbow should slightly in front of your body  as shown in the photo below then push straight above head.


3. Assisted pull-up or Cable pull-down

Try doing an assisted pull-up with resistance bands. But if you have weight to shed, better start with a cable pull down as shown in the photos below. While doing the pull-ups and pull-downs, make sure your shoulders are in a pulled-down position. It should never reach your ear level – always stretched down.  Always pull your shoulder blades down together while you push yourself up to the bar or pull it down.



Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Exhausted after this workout.  Looking forward to soreness tomorrow.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Now I am doing 3 reps this week.. There is some improvement in me I think! I need to contnue doing this for a couple of weeks before adding to it.

  1. If you want to lose fat and get a toned body, then improve your performance every time you are repeating a workout. Get strong whenever possible. It is mandatory to challenge yourself, your strength level if you want results.
  2. Don’t think how your body looks. Think what it can do. Focus on your performance, not the future visual effects of your workout. You will be amazed to see how strong you have got. Broken your own limitations.
  3. Fatigue doesn't indicate a successful workout. Again focus on your performance. It is not about ending your circuits in soreness or exhaustion.
  4. Either you will be a quick-learner or be uncomfortable at first. Don't force yourself – take your own time. Again, don’t restrain yourself as well. It's not about finishing it fast, but doing it consistently.
  5. It could be a bit scary to venture into strength training in a crowded gym. You  can get a workout buddy to join you in it. Or you can play your favorite songs on your iPod while working out. Both are motivating. So just do it – you are there to get stronger and more awesome. Let no one distract you off your goal.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I wanna lose some weight - I am sick of putting others' pictures. Also, I have developed severe joint pain, and I kind of snor in sleep - difficulty to breath. 

  • Circuits: 2-5
  • Reps per exercise: 6-10


1. Goblet squat to a box

It is perfect for a beginner. Many get it correct at once and squatting to a box guarantees that you go the same depth with every time you squat. It idea is to make your hips go slightly lower than your knees, but it doesn't happen right away. So start higher then gradually lower your depth.

But don't sit on the box, make sure your hip just touch the box and then rise up. Check out the video.

2. Push-up

It is great but many women can't do the traditional ones from the beginning. Even if you can't do it – don’t' worry. You will soon get there. So start with a hand-high push-up, then slowly get to the floor. Check out the video.

3. Inverted row

It is similar to a push-up but in opposite direction. You can make it easy just like the push-up by using a higher bar or suspension trainer. As you gain strength, you may lower it. Check out the video.





Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

Ok... I am sorry. I have started doing strength training again three months back but didn't blog. There's a good improvement.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I am doing 3 circuits with 7 reps these days. I have built up my strength! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #1

I started with some cardio, then squats! It has been difficult! But I have to do it! I am not giving up.

Workout Routine for Week 1,3,5,7

  • Monday – Workout Set 1
  • Wednesday – Workout Set 2
  • Friday – Workout Set 1


Workout Routine for Week 2,4,6,8

  • Monday – Workout Set 2
  • Wednesday – Workout Set 1
  • Friday – Workout Set 2


Repeat the pattern for at least eight weeks, then you can progress to a new program.


Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.



Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have worked on the reps, weight... Initially, it couldn't do with additional weight - I played with my own body weight - like during the push ups. I am actually having my arms, shoulders sore.

Depending on your schedule and social calendar, you might want to go with an earlier or later time.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I wake up at 6 am these days. I am living a better and healthy life now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I am having difficulty to sleep in the night so I decide I would wake up at 5 a.m. from now on.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Generally, I wake up at 8am. But, I am getting old and putting on weight. I must follow a healthy lifestyle. It would be better if I get up by 5.30 in the morning.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

Yes, I am always running late so I miss out on my workout. In fact, no morning walks at all. I got no fixed time.. I end up snoozing my alarms every morning. So it would be 

6 a.m. every morning 

Good investments for your morning ritual include:

  • Exercise – Jog, hit the gym or stretch to start your day.
  • Projects – Get some work done on your novel, website or building the next killer app.
  • Study – Learn something new, build skills or practice an ability. 


Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My investment is really paying me well - it is time for returns. My tomato plants are getting heavied down with bunch f tomatoes. Got roses.

Couldn't be happier than this.

Briana Regrg r

Working on a few things that I wanted to do for a long time but failed to do so. Finally, my morning routine helped me to do so.

Briana Regrg r

It is going so great, now I feel so energetic and motivated from the morning!

Jason Jasons

I work out and meditate in the morning.


Briana Regrg r

Not sure what I will do but I guess I will work out and then get along with my daily chores. So that I have some free time in the afternoon.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I think, I would do something positive with the extra time. I would go out for a walk and do some gardening.

Jason Jasons

Oh yes I will exercise that is why I need to wake up early.

This great tool, first proposed by Steve Pavlina, forces you to focus on the hardest part of changing behaviors–getting through the initial conditioning phase.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: before 11/26/2017

Jason Jasons

Yes yes yes... I did it!

Briana Regrg r

I tried it December last year but failed miserably. This is my second try - I am working to make a homestead. I also get a chance to change the look of my home. As my kids wake up, doing these thing get tough so I am enjoying my morning hours. 

Jason Jasons

It has been more that one and a half months.. I think I have got habituated but still cant dismiss the idea of enjoying a late morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Not being long, but tried it for 4 days. Rest of the days I slept till 8 am. It's harder than I thought!

Jason Jasons

It's 2 weeks now and I guess I am still doing good! 

Jason Jasons

For the last 1 week I am waking uo at 6.30 am. It gave me enough time to tidy up myself and get some work out. Really happy about that, but it is still not a habit.

By getting yourself moving you can boost your heart rate, making it easier to keep from falling back to sleep.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have kept my alarm at the other end my room - so I actually have to walk down the walk to silent it. Next to it, is my washroom. I go and get a cold splash and I am awake.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have always failed at it. I think I neve gave it my best shot - but enough is enough. I will be up at 6 am from now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have this problem to stay awake. Always tend fall asleep. After this activity, I could easily get to my normal morning routine without feeling tired or sleepy.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

A brilliant way to prevent my eyes from shutting down!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I remember I have been bullied around in my high school for being weak. I never participated in any sports even.. (never got selcted in the team). So this morning routine has helped me alot. I am working out and I actually look good. I feel confident to go and talk to the girls as well. 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Much more flexible! It has also improved my stamina.. Not that old anymore!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

Gaining strength - it's what I wanted to do! 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

I do light low-intensity work outs. 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It really works like a miracle. Hope it works even in the fall.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Though I generally love sit back on the couck with a cup of coffee, but I think that is where I was going wrong. I will stretch for 5 minutes as soon as the alarm rings! I promise to myself.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It is taking me less effort to get going and not to fall asleep. I in fact feel so energized and active.16 days more to go...

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

There was a time, when no alarm to wake me up and now the same guy is showing up way too early. I was depressed, but things are changing for good ... and yes as soon the alarm rings I don't stay on the bed. I did hit the door couple of times but that is still okay. A hard blow that wakes me up is still appreciated!

Don’t delay your ritual by eating breakfast, answering e-mail or having a shower.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

I have eliminated the unimportant so no need to procrastinate. I clean up as soon as I do the mess, Saves me time in the morning. 

Jason Jasons

I really do a lot of things that are unimportant like cleaning up last nights mess, taking a cup of coffee and reading books for almost an hour. I am too lazy that is why probably my days end in a big ZERO.

Okay, I will work it out.

Briana Regrg r

Why wasting time doing the unimportant things first? As I realized, I saved quality time for myself!

Briana Regrg r

I have always focus on the unimportant things so far! This is something new that I have learned! As I skipped everythign I got more time to workout in the morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

The fit thing that I do after getting up is to get fresh and then go for a brisk walk.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Changed my usual morning ritual... I am actually having more than an hour in my hand by 10am. After I work out, I take a shower and eat breakfast. I guess I am super-fast now, not lazy! Bottom line is; it worked great for me.

If you write down exactly when you’ll wake up and what you’ll do when you wake up it’s easy to go back on your commitment.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

I do maintain a journal, as well as a white board! It is really motivating and pushes me to do it even if I am feeling low.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I don't need this write up anymore. It is a habit now - A GOOD HABIT! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

We remember visuals better.So,writing it down helped me a lot to remember my motto and kept me focused.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

New year, new resolution - content change not hte habit.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

It works like a reminder and as I am closing to a month of following I really don't require much of a push.. I think it is becoming my habit now. Really Glad!

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

6.30 am in big bold letters!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

Through out this one month I have never failed. It kept me motivated.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

I will wake up at 6.30am and do some yoga.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

Written in big bold letters and pinned to the front wall of my bed! I see it, and know I have to get out of the bed. It works like some driving force acting against my will craving to sleep.. Hahaha..

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I have written it down and sticked it at two places. 1. on my bedside table - right beside my alarm clock.

2. on the refrigerator.


Stick to your wake-up time or investment plan for the whole thirty days. If you skip a day or two throughout the trial you sabotage your efforts in making the habit stick.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Another fail! I am getting furious now!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I lost the track on the day count - but I am really enjoyinh this now. I go for a walk, do meditation/ pranayam then get to my organic kitchen garden. I have so many plans for the coming year! Staying consistent...Enjoying it most.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Yes! I always fail at this .. But I am still trying not to put myself down!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I have been consistent for 35 days.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

For the ast 20 days I am waking up early.. Yes, I did fail a couple of days, but I wasn't well. But didn't waste another day with that excuse. Just being consistent.

This should be so obvious it doesn’t need mentioning, but it’s easy to setup a habit because you feel you should rather than you really want to. Pick an investment that you’ll be really happy about waking up an hour earlier to work on.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

Writing something on my journey so far..

Lewis C Dsafsf

I tried planting tomato with the tomato slices, scallions, carrots! They turned out so well - really happy with my organic garden!

Jason Jasons

Oops! Sorry I never shared  what I have intended to do  in clear words. But I have been pretty skinny, I used to avoid going out even.. However, I have never been an obese person. I decide to stop being introvert and work on my physical look as well as my confidence level. I started with workout, dietery changes and I have gained 10 pounds in last few weeks.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Briana Regrg r

I used to do painting as a kid. So I have decided to do a bit og workout and then paint ...


Truly inspiring!! I wanna paint something like this but totally out of practice.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I started doing a bit of gardening now as well. Loved to set up small garden in my backyard.

Spend time in bed.  Express gratitude.

As soon as you get up from bed, head down to the kitchen and drink a cup of water. Alternatively, you can have a cup of water waiting for you right beside your bed.

Water is such an important part of a healthier lifestyle and it is especially good for you in the morning. When you drink a cup of water to an empty stomach it purifies your stomach much more efficiently than if you eat something first. It also kick starts a process called haematopaises, which refers to the creation of new blood cells. This is very important, especially for people who suffer from various diseases.

On top of this, drinking a cup of water as the first thing in the morning will help you prevent an urge to eat a huge breakfast. Although I’ll give you tips for the healthiest breakfast as well later on, drinking water first will guarantee you won’t end up overeating in the morning.

Move onto exercise…

Once you’ve enjoyed your cup of water, you need to do a bit of exercise. Don’t worry, you won’t need to wake up hours earlier to get enough done! In fact, you can boost your metabolism and give yourself an energy boost with just a ten-minute workout session. Taking ten minutes each morning is not a lot of time and anyone can do it, I guarantee!

I posted these tips on my Facebook earlier and the workout routine is effective and fun. All you need to do is:

50 jumping jacks
10 pushups
20 sit ups
20 bicycles
20 mountain climbers
30 second plank

Do this routine three times (even two is enough at the start!) and you will give your body a much needed morning boost. Alternatively, you can try a short ten-minute yoga routine in the morning. For example, this MindBodyGreen article has an amazingly simple and effective routine to start your morning with.

  • Timing: When wake Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am a girl and like any other girl in this world I love to look the best of me. Not just make up but without make up too. I have been drinking water early morning but there is something more to it that I unearthed now; "The Water Therapy for Skin"


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Back in health.. The flu returned but this time I followed webMD flue guide. So I knew I saw doing it right. Then again my doctor said the same.

I got the green signal to workout now, but the water is more important. My body is dehydrated.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had flu, for last few days. Skipped my morning run.. I resumed it today.. But, I am still weak.. Need sometime to regain my lost stamina.

However, I maintained the morning drink.. 2 glasses of water.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I had 3 glasses of water today.. I am on my way to increase my water intake. There isn o harm in being a binge water drinker. :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I just been complimented for my flawless glowing skin. No make up, no BB cream nothing. I just glowed. Just a tinge of lip gloss and dap of perfume. I was just good.

My old school friends, some cousins all where there in my old school reunion and there.. I just thank my morning habit of drinking water.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

How can I forget having 2 glass of water? It is my beauty secret... !!

No more pimples, acne and dull skin. I really don't have to apply daily foundation to brighten up my tone. It is glowing already..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

It is long since I have started the morning habit of having lemon water. From then I never had cold or allergy or even a pimple. This is helped me to fine-tune my health.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I was carrying a bottle of water along with me. Further, the early morning warm water with lemon has become the secret of my flawless skin.. I feel like a princess..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Lime water, light work out then running routine.... by the time I return home...I get drinched n starvig.. but I love the morning routiine.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Some great work out routine for women.. Nice way to burn extra calories!! Little bit of walking, squats and others.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Woh!!! "A Nice Healthy Poop in the Morning" Didn't know that!! It makes so much of sense!

But, energy boost is the main driving factor. Apart from that, I have very few pimple once in a while.. :P

Thx Kim for those lovely information!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

My servey said I am on the right track.. yuhuu.. I had a glass of water, then some free-hand exercise.. A shower. THen dying for some real foooood!! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I found a great survey on morning routine. I am going to take it. It gives me great energy to kick start my day. Those days when I feel to lazy I take a quick shower to wake myself up.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I think if I follow the video, while working out in the morning it would be more interesting..

Here goes my collection

Briana Regrg r

Working to improvise my morning routine. Will come up with the new plan pretty soon.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Drinking water in morning(lukewarm with honey and lemon), 30 min running outdoors. Apart, I did carry some glucose too...

Briana Regrg r

Stretching, exercising for 10 mins.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Wow.. Just the 11 morning rituals that can change your life... in reality... I would try to put it into practice..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

My My My this water therapy seems to be interesting and actually beneficial ...but 6 glasses.. How can I have it at one go?

Briana Regrg r

Warm outside.... Sunshine.. Me in kitchen having lukewarm water with honey and lemon.. 

Now would go out for a quick run before my kid wakes up searching for her Mum!! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Work out but before that glass of water..


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I danced out today.. A happy dancing tone ..for the day.. The basic trick is to set the day well..

How to set the day well?

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Planning to upgrade my morning routine now... I feel this would definitely maximise the benefits of a healthy morning rounging.. I am taking help ffrom this Lifehacker article, even you can check this.

Briana Regrg r

I exercised for 30 minutes, some intense followed by meditation.. I had water before starting..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Never been so healthy.. And energized..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

As soon as you wake up... have water.. .I was never a big fan of having water... but honestly it is a killer habit. It makes me energized for the next workout session also.

Briana Regrg r

A cup of water..... Earlier it was so awkward feeling to drink water like that. Now it actually feels good. I naturally grab the water.. A perfect healthy lifestyle!!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have started to appreciate the mornings.. Wooohhh.... Lovely!

Briana Regrg r

My blood reports showed an increase of red blood cells. My morning routine has worked miracle.. I am more dedicated now. I am really glad that I did this.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I remeber how I used to struggle to get out of my bed and be active... After following this morning routine for quite-some time now, I see myself as an active morning girl.... yohooooooooooooooooo!! :)

Happy New Year!!

Briana Regrg r

My new year resolution is following my morning routine regularly.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Changing my life adopting the healthiest way to to be happy.. Water, And intense work out. I love it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

10 benefits of morning routine... I absolutely loved this. Could not hold myself from sharing have a look.. and let me know what you think..

Briana Regrg r

OOhhh... I took my lil' one along  in doing this morning routine. After all she should be habituated an good habits should be made as early as possible.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Morning routine has definitely switched on the power house in me. No more lazy hours .. no more snoozing..

Briana Regrg r

Pranayama, workout and off course glass of water... This is my perfect start.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Since I started to follow this morning routine I have been experiencing many changes… that are good. More mind and body are in healthy cheerful condition. OOOHH! I see I have improved appetite. I see my performance enhanced. And, hardly any health related issues.


Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

6.30 to 7 am I work out. Sometime I do yoga. Sometime I go for cardio-vascular exercise. But there is one thing that I do everyday for 15 min .. Breathing Exercise.. Or Pranayama.

Briana Regrg r

Personally, for me.. these tips are really great.It has been an easy morning routine before Lexie's birth. I love the essential oil, self pampering, and music tips. Here goes the tips for a mom who are struggling to get up before their kids.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

It is time to take care of my family's morning routine. Got some tips that I would be following. However, I woke up, had lukewarm water with honey and lemon and work out...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I am havign acne problem. I just started to follow Sara's trick of lukewarm water and lemon and honey... fingers crossed! Yes I am working out even.

Briana Regrg r

Warm water with lemon and honey, few almonds and then streching, yoga and exercises... Great beginning

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Just placed this at the wall of my room. It encourages me every morning...

Briana Regrg r

Had a cup of lukewarm water with lime and honey. And just 10 minutes of walk...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

To begin with I had water while getting up from bed... then moving towards my exercise corner ... I put on some music.. Kept the volume low.. I didn't want to disturb anyone. OOOOOO... push ups, jumping jacks, high knees, side lunges plank.. 10times each 2 sets.. its been tirings but great.

Briana Regrg r

Just a small session was the only possible for mee to do today.

Briana Regrg r

"Early to bed, early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" great and true saying...

There are certain early morning workout tips that I have searched

Briana Regrg r

As soon as I woke up, I had water. But had warm water with honey and lemon on empty stomach.. it is a great cleanser.. helps in shedding extra fat and other benefits. Here are the 10 reasons that would support you too.


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

How muuch of water should be adequate for human boday for proper functioning... 3 liter for men and 2.2 for women..check out what Mayoclinic says


I make sure I have 1 cup of water as soon as I wake up.. It cleanses and hydrates my body... then some light exercise and my day begins

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

check out this challenge to o help all twake up at 6 am.. wow this is definately going the ;ate risers like me.. here.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

So right Briana.... I infact tested.. a week tried for a cup of tea and no water before and another week had water.. even if its a cup.  I felt more fresh and m just so glad... Rest the workout and then a good start with a great meal... it also lifts my mood.

Briana Regrg r

Advantages of drinking water empty stomach...there are too many...I always maintaing this habit .. A Good Habit.

here's one.....

here's another......

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Though I am not a workout freak but there is one thing that I positively maintain to keep my system clean and running. Just wake up and have as much water as you can. Then I just walk around... sounds lil' crazy I know.

Briana Regrg r

I generally struggle to wake up early in the morning, but yes I have plenty of water when I wake up..

Sara Young Cddd

Now I have made certain changes. Now I don't try to do the sit up or anything but rather walk. And slowly willing to walk fast and faster. But yes, I drink water.

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I skipped for a few days. I was having a light chest pain but continuous. I don't know what is wrong. Had to rush to see my Doc. He ran a few tests and informed I am at a high risk of heart trouble. I am so scared. Today, I woke up, had water and then yoga. Can anyone help?

Sara Young Cddd

Hurray!!! I'm loving, working out in morning. And having water actually keeping my system clean. Rid of many many health problems.

Sara Young Cddd

Now I workout for 15mins. And never miss taking water when I wake up.

Sara Young Cddd

Around 6am I literally dragged myself from the bed… I'm so ....sleepy. I know I gotta pull it harder for some time to get the “xrta pounds” off me. Wishes please!!

Sara Young Cddd

I am focused to loose some weigh. However I wasn't working out early in the morning. But I find push ups hard.

Finish with the right nutrients…

Finally, you need to end your morning routine with the right nutrients. Breakfast is such an important part of fixing your eating routine and you can boost your weight loss a lot by taking care you eat the right things in the morning.

I absolutely love to drink the Shakeology smoothies in the morning. You get all the essential vitamins and you definitely have plenty of energy for later. You could naturally make your own smoothies as well. Here is a quick, simple super-smoothie to finish your healthy morning routine:

3 tbsp. water
1 green tea bag
2 tsp. honey
1 ½ blueberries
½ banana
¾ cups soy or almond milk

Heat the water and let the tea bag brew in the boiling water for a moment. Remove tea bag and mix in other ingredients!

Try the above routine for one week and you’ll notice the difference during your day! Remember that I’m running a new 3-day cleansing challenge in a few days, so sign up if you want to take part!

  • Timing: 1 times per Week

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

I realized from a talk yesterday that it's improtatnt to focus on ...

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

Can you guys review this video:

Briana Regrg r

Liquid meals are better for nutrients targeting.. It iss important to have a balanced breakfast after morning workout. But there is more to it. Just found it here.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am still on medication, so it is important that I take proper and balanced diet. Mom is with me and taking care of me. It feels so great with mom.. back to childhood.

Briana Regrg r

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. True.. I have seen my appeetite has increased.. Days when I wake up early I tend to eat a full meal. Wherelse, I didn't feel like eating more than a sandwich earlier..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I was told, it a seasonal flu. Yet, I had to focus not my food. Lots of protiesns and nutrients packed editables.

I lost taste.. had 2 boiled eggs, some soup, and milk.

Briana Regrg r

Check out the best foods you can have for breakfast. I am glad to see I am a healthy eater. I mostly eat oatmeal, banana, yogurt, melons and so on..


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Apple pie and classic egg sandwiches!! Some fruit juice to finish it. What else do I need.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I love the recipes at Shake Up Your Way Up, gonna try it tomorrow.

Today it was my favorite egg cheese sandwish with fruits salad and milk.. I feel like having a cup of coffee as well.. Will have it after sometime.



Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I think I ate a breakfast for two persons. I love pasta.. My mom made it for me.. I was already starving after my morning run.. Do you need any more words after this? Surely not, I just jumped...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Oats, berries, fried eggs... That is what I call a scrumptious meal.. Thinking of it, I am still getting water in my mouth.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Breakfast Table, if you can set it right then you could be 10 times more hungry than ever.

After the work out I could not lose a minute wondering.. Have to eat.. It looks so yummmmmyyyyyy!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Tried varies smoothies this week.. That was incredibly great..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Going to plan a healthy diet .... perfect after an intense workout.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Made a rule to have full breakfast after doing my morning workout. And honestly I can write down a whole page about the difference that I feel. Now I call it a day of productivity. Truly it is...

Briana Regrg r

A great breakfast ...includes sandwiches, fruits, eggies, milk, my  favourite smooties. That is simply mind blowing........

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan


It is soo awesome.. Got the calories required..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Fruits, oatmeal and a glass of milk... Feel like I am back in my school days.. Love you MOM...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Cereal, smoothies, eggs, fruits... I just got set for a healthy day ahead


Briana Regrg r

Today is Chocolate Day I just cudn't help myself from having some chocolate in the breakfast. Comon I have every right to celebrate and there is a chocolate diet.. I studied it beforehand as well.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Looking for some cheap yet healthy delicious breakfast?? Here are some...

I already tried Fruit Salad with Lemon-Lavender Syrup. Yum Yum

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Smoothies.... I love it.. I have made atleast a dozen of smoothies so far. All are equally good. I enjoy both making ang having them.ORANGE SMOOTHIES

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Now I got a bigger appettite.. I enjoy it so much. I had to stuff myself earlier but now... I feel am much more healthy and strong.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Great morning.. Welcoming the sun with stretched hands! Breakfast calling!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I had an awesome breakfast today.. egg, toast, orange juice .. I love it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I enjoy my day's first meal a lot. Especially after the workout... the juice or smoothies ...tastes DELICIOUS..!! Lacking the exact word. And, then comes my porridge. Have you ever tried UPMA?? Try it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had strawberry smoothies today...... Just awesome.. delicious..

Briana Regrg r

Poached egg, sandwich, fruits and milk.. a classic morning meal.. I love it

Briana Regrg r

Poached eggs, toasts, tomatoes... It has been great .. in fact heavy breakfast.. SImple but delicious.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had oats in breakfast along with a poached egg and some fruit juice... planned for tea later in the morning...

Its been delicious.

Oatmeal with kale and poached egg......

Briana Regrg r

Opted for a fast breakfast.. Some orange juice, egg sandwiches and fruits.

Briana Regrg r

Chia Pudding Recipe ... I am going to try it.. perhaps it makes a perfect breakfast to start the day with.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Came across 34 breakfast recipes that are fast as well as healthy.. Yuhhuu here it goes.. click here.. Classic egg sandwiches are my favorite apart the fruit soup, Quinoa fruit salad, fruit and yogurt parfait are also delicious..

Briana Regrg r

Too weak to workout... but doing yoga and then a good full meal.. have to regain some weight..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I already started licking my lips yummie........

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Food has never been so tasty.. WOW!

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I adapted a diet more on fruits. I hope I am not going to complicate. Am I doing okay?


Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

I realized from a talk yesterday that it's improtatnt to focus on ...

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Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

Can you guys review this video:

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Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

In my profession, this is exactly what I do all the day.. being impeccable with words.. with gratitude and compassion.

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Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Exhausted after this workout.  Looking forward to soreness tomorrow.

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Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

My first activity!

First blog entry!

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