Check the proportion

In Mehul Patel's plan
Goal: 3. A heart healthy diet

Timing:When you are eating


Check the proportion

  • Don’t eat until you feel stuffed. It is important to keep a track of number of servings you eat.
  • Go for more of food which are low-calorie, nutrient-rich and avoid fast food, processed food, which are rich in sodium, calorie.
  • What you eat and how much you eat, both are equally important. It is a skill to judge the serving size like one serving of pasta is ½ cup, again for fish, meat or chicken it is 2 to 3 ounces.

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Eat the right proportion, neither too much of it nor too less. Just the right.. I keep on telling my students out there. You know about the diet, how it should be and what to avoid.. It varies but the basic rule is to check the proportion.

Overeating doesn't help.. It is a disorder. It is more important to be healthy than to be in great shape.

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Must say.. Obesity is a big problem... noways.. I may look like I eats tonnes but no over-eating. Check out the srticle from fitday on "Obesity"

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

I checked and customized my daily food plan with "".. I am enclosing a screen shot of the plan.

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Eating right proportion is do important.. but there are certain ways to measure them.. here's it ... "how to measure out food proportions"

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

I am really hunger, but there is time for dinner... don't what would be best so just had some organic fruits.. an apple and a banana.. great.. am full now. I read it somewhere yesterday GMO( genetically modified organisms) is found in almost all the processed foods...gosh

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Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I would definately check my proportion.. would eat when I am actually hungy... not just because am tempted

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

Fruit salad... both healthy and mouth watering. But I am not going to over-eat.. Proportion strictly under-check :)

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