Identifying our invirionment

Course: Life Coach Training

Goal: Here we Identify our relationships and catorgrise them as helpful or not.



In this activity we borrow from a well known professors philosophy, called Dunbars Number. The idea behind this philosophy is that we only have enough mindfulness to have between 150 & 200 friends. By this we mean if we have say 5000 FB friends and zero face to face friends, our relationship with these 5000 fb friends will not be as meaningful as it would be if we had 150 closer friends. Dunbar goes on to explain that we have differing circles of friendship, by increasing friends in certain circles we can change our reality of the world, we say this is changing our environment.

Dunbar considers that most people will have between 1 and 5 really close friends, in fact a average of 1.4 from memory, these are the type of friends that are like confidants, you can tell them or ask them anything, they will stand by you no matter what, most life partners will fall into this category. It's unusual to have more than one person in our inner circle, however it would be really beneficial if we had more. It may be worth considering that people stuck in a unhappy place, may not have anyone in their life, at that particular time.

Within our second circle of friends we may have 10 to 20, often these friends will include family and friends of partners, these are the type of friends you most like to be active with.

The outer circle of friends is made up from people you know well enough to have a conversation with, you remember the face that goes with their name, these people are often part of your fellowship, this meaning part of your like minded community, this could be your church group, or peer to peer support.


Activities in the sequence:
Manage Sequence