Overcome Your Addictive Behavior with Urge Surfing Technique Join Course
Overcome Your Addictive Behavior with Urge Surfing Technique Join Course
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“Urge surfing” is a psychotherapy technique based on mindfulness used to help people overcome addictive and reckless behaviors. Here the key steps of urge surfing technique are shared.

Steven Handel founded The Emotion Machine in June 2009 which is an online resource in psychology and self improvement that helps guide people through these inevitable changes we all have to go through in life. The goal is to combine the work of many different fields into a comprehensive perspective on self improvement and mental health that anyone can follow.

External url: http://www.theemotionmachine.com/urge-surfing-how-to-overcome-addictive-behaviors/

Tags: overcome addiction

Overcome Your Addictive Behavior with Urge Surfing Technique

The sooner you become aware of the craving the easier it will be to overcome it. You don’t want to have to fight the craving when the object of desire is already in your reach. By that point, the craving may already be too strong for you to overcome.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

The key component of urge surfing is your awareness. The goal is to sit back, watch these desires, and really become attuned to them. Don’t act, just observe – like a scientist observing something under a microscope.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you identify your desires and cravings.

It really helps to pinpoint what it is that creates your craving experience. This includes both physical sensations and mental sensations, including certain thought patterns that may be running through your head (“One more won’t hurt me.”), or mental imagery. Often the more aware you become of your craving experience, the more you understand the anatomy of your desires.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are experiencing craving.

Often times our addictive behaviors are influenced by certain triggers in our environment. For example, hanging around at a bar makes it harder to resist the temptation to drink alcohol than if you were hanging out at a cafe instead. In the same way, associating with certain people may make you more likely to engage in an addictive behavior than if you chose a different group of friends to associate with. Being mindful of these environmental triggers can be an important part of urge surfing and better understanding your addiction. Learn to avoid these triggers in the future and you’ll have an easier time overcoming these negative habits.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When environment triggers addictive behavior in you.

The takeaway lesson of urge surfing is that all of our thoughts and feelings are impermanent, including our desires. By showing a little patience, and remembering the inherent “transient nature” of our desires, we can remind ourselves that it is possible to ride out these cravings until they inevitably pass.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

If you want, you can also accommodate your urge surfing with a helpful mantra. Repeating an affirmation such as, “this too shall pass” or “I can ride out this desire” will help replace unhelpful thoughts with a more stable state of mind.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are having unhelpful thoughts or a craving.

Like most of the techniques and tools I share on this site, “urge surfing” is something that you will get better at the more you practice. Don’t expect to try this one time and be free from your addictive habits. It’s more likely this will take a few trials and errors before you begin getting good at it.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Several times per Day

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