Parlare in pubblico non è una capacità teorica che puoi imparare leggendo o seguendo passivamente un video corso. Impari quando lo fai.
La parte migliore dei miei workshop è quando tocca ai partecipanti fare le loro presentazioni e ricevono uno straordinario feedback da parte dell'audience. Ecco qua l'opportunità per te di ottenere lo stesso fantastico valore. Questa attività è collegata al corso Parlare in pubblico: come fare presentazioni di successo, dove trovi oltre 50 video capitoli e extra per aiutarti a migliorare nel parlare in pubblico in maniera efficace e coinvolgente. Sebbene il corso sia raccomandato non è obbligatorio e ti incoraggio a cimentarti con questa attività.
In questa presentazione vuoi persuadere l'audience a sposare il tuo punto di vista su un argomento preciso. Li devi convincere.
Il soggetto della presentazione dovrebbe essere qualcosa che ti appassiona e del quale hai una chiara opinione (nonché una conoscenza sufficiente a trattarlo). Alcuni esempi possibili:
Potrebbe essere un hobby, un posto che vuoi promuovere e così via. Lo scopo è sviluppare un tema centrale, un messaggio chiaro per l'audience, ricordi il capitolo "Due domande importanti"? Quindi cerca di sviluppare un'ossatura (vedi "Creare un struttura"). In particolare la tua presentazione dovrebbe avere tre sezioni distinte:
Ricorda che per persuadere il tuo pubblico è importante che tu soddisfi sia la loro componente logica che quella emotiva, come abbiamo visto in “L'audience” e “Il soggetto”. La tua presentazione dovrebbe durare almeno tre minuti e non deve assolutamente superare i cinque minuti.
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Puoi migliorare le tue capacità di oratore non solo facendo pratica, ma anche guardando gli altri presentare.
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Ti ricordo che cosa valutiamo dal punto di vista didattico:
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Allo stesso tempo osserva cosa non ti è piaciuto della presentazioni e pensa se anche tu commetti lo stesso errore. Guarda anche cosa ti è piaciuto e valuta se anche tu potresti farlo, se è nella tue corde.
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For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking. Over-valued For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair. Negative publicity Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell. Estate agent commissions Some high figures that the estate agents establish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.
Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.
In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price Also critical is the substantial amount of money that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.
Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.
With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.
Read more how to sell a house!
Having strong muscles is part of looking and feeling better at any age, but after age 40 your muscles decrease by 10 percent every decade. It is valuable for women to adopt a stable program of weight training along with cardiovascular exercise to retain strength and increase bone density and metabolism. Strength training reduces the risk of health conditions that sometimes develop after menopause, such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Forty is a turning point in women's lives: their body begins to suffer the changes of perimenopause, including the risk of muscle fiber contraction, high blood pressure, loss of bone density and unwanted weight gain. These changes are intensified by inactivity. Add weight training to your health routine will help reduce body fat, tone muscles and strengthen bones while fighting the lack of energy, mood swings and insomnia. Some age-related changes are unavoidable, but the decrease in physical health related to inactivity can be reduced considerably with a diligent commitment to strength training as part of a healthy lifestyle.
When starting a weight training routine for the first time, the first challenge is to stay constant. Write down the dates of your weekly training as appointments that can not be missed. During the first weeks, learn correct techniques and practice the right way. Always start with a 10-minute warm-up of light cardio like walking or biking, and stretch your main muscle groups after your workout, keeping each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that beginners take one or two days of rest between each weight training session for weight-lifting programs for women over 40.
The type of equipment you choose will depend on your experience and availability. A safe start training can be successful whether you use machines in the gym or your own body weight, a set of weights and resistance bands in the home. Free weights require some coordination and have additional benefits over machines, because they require you to use your stabilizing muscles. They are more effective at producing muscle strength in general and are also more versatile, portable and economical. Exercise machines are sometimes easier to use than free weights if you do not have experience with weight training, because most machines have a built-in range of motion. If you belong to a gym, get help from a personal trainer until you feel comfortable practicing on your own.
Using a light and comfortable weight will allow most adult women to do 15 to 20 repetitions with good form; this will help you get used to performing the movement with a full range of motion. Each session should take less than 45 minutes; Within that time, point to all your muscle groups performing 10 to 12 different exercises. Perform exercises for larger muscle groups, such as the buttocks, legs, thorax, back and center, before smaller muscle groups, such as calves, shoulders, biceps and triceps, to prevent fatigue of your muscles too quickly. A full-body weightlifting program can include lunges or squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, lying, pelvic tilts, planks, shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps pulls, and calf lifts. When you can easily do 20 repetitions with good form, reduce your repetitions from 12 to 15 and add one or two more sets. When you can complete three sets, increase the weight you are using and make one to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.
It is normal to feel some muscle fatigue when doing the prescribed number of repetitions, but if you feel any pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult your doctor if it persists. It is important for beginners not to do repetitions until failure, as it could cause compression of the joints or retention of breath, which would cause dizziness, nausea or injury. Get approval from your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
The good news is that we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating. What we are still struggling with is: how much of it we should eat? Even when we are eating foods that are low in calories, controlling portions is very important. It teaches your body to be satisfied on less volume. The older you get, the more portions come into play because, as your metabolism slows down, you need to reduce the amount of food you eat in order to prevent that 3–5 pound weight gain every year. The reality is you just don’t need to eat that much food. When you order a burger or a plate of spaghetti, the portions are huge. You could make those portions into 2–3 different meals. Here are a couple of strategies for healthy portioning.
Too big.
Too much.
2. Use a small plate, like a coffee cup saucer.
3. Use a 1-cup measuring cup to determine portions. One cup of pretty much anything is plenty.
4. If you still feel hungry after eating a small portion, wait 15 minutes. If you are still truly hungry, have another small portion, half the size of the first. 5. When you order food at a restaurant, order an appetizer as your main course. The portions are much healthier.
6. Don’t let yourself get too hungry. It’s tempting to overeat when you are starving. 7. When you do eat, eat slowly and enjoy your meal. 8. Drink water with every meal. It will fill you up a little — and because it’s good for you :) Try it for a week and give us your feedback.
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