Workout Set #2

In Mr Rodgers's plan
Goal: Start Strength Training

Timing:3 times per Week

  • Circuits: 2-5
  • Reps per exercise: 6-10

1. RDL (Romanian Deadlift) from a dead-stop (with dumbbells or a barbell)

This exercise teaches the newbies how to use their hips. Initiate by positioning a barbell in a power rack or raise it up on mats/plates so the bar is just a couple inches lower than your knee caps. The bar should be over your mid-foot throughout the workout.  Use your hips to Pull the bar up using your hips (push them forward) and then stick your hips back to lower back down; place the bar gently on the safety bars in the power rack (or on mats/plates) after each rep. 


2. Standing one arm dumbbell press

Start with the dumbbell variant (instead of a barbell) because people seem to learn this faster. Keep your end and abdomen stretched the whole time, your elbow should slightly in front of your body  as shown in the photo below then push straight above head.


3. Assisted pull-up or Cable pull-down

Try doing an assisted pull-up with resistance bands. But if you have weight to shed, better start with a cable pull down as shown in the photos below. While doing the pull-ups and pull-downs, make sure your shoulders are in a pulled-down position. It should never reach your ear level – always stretched down.  Always pull your shoulder blades down together while you push yourself up to the bar or pull it down.



Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

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Your Entries:
Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Exhausted after this workout.  Looking forward to soreness tomorrow.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: Workout Set #2

Now I am doing 3 reps this week.. There is some improvement in me I think! I need to contnue doing this for a couple of weeks before adding to it.

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