Be 10 Times More Productive Join Course
Be 10 Times More Productive Join Course
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You cause your destiny. Outside events do not dictate who you will become. Change your life by changing your first hour of the day.

Nicholas Xifaras is a serial entrepreneur from Boston. He owns Candleworks Publishing, Firestone Publishing, Xtrend, Big Empire Marketing, and co-creator of Become The Lion and Chairman of Armagh Management Company. He strives for Greatness in every part of life and reads voraciously, learns everything he can from life's legends.

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Tags: productive, consistensy

Be Productive
Make a Morning Ritual

Many think that creative people have no  regularity. It may be true for minority – but most of the ingenious inventors work on their craft at the same time every day. They completely appreciate the power of constancy.

Those who are constant for long do not need drive anymore because by being consistent. It has become a habit to them.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day


Ask yourself, what activity you can do every morning that will launch you into achievement. Once discovered, the next thing is  to work out the time and place to do it. Both of the variables here are subjective, but many established people identify morning as their most productive time.

Get started once you wake up. It could be anything, like writing your book, marketing your product – just make sure it is creative and significant.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Once


Don’t waste the best hours aimlessly browsing the internet and social media, or watching TV – do something that will profit you. Wake up and start your morning routine.  Write out the most important objective the night before so you do not waste time with coming up with tasks in the morning.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: Once


Plan at least 3 things that needs to be done next morning right at night before going to bed. You get most of the important tasks done without any distractions. If you got nothing important to take care of, read one that changes your mindset for better or mjust motivates you.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Some are night owls. It's okay if they are creative and ingenious in their work during the quiet night hours. It’s just important that you know how you work and who you are as a person.

A simple rule to follow is: if you do your most creative work at night, work at night. If it’s in the morning , work in the morning. No matter when you choose to work, it would be tough at the beginning. It will test your willpower. Be prepared.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When when you can't work in the morning.

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