Breathe Consciously; 4 Breathing Exercises to Help You Sleep & Perform Better! Join Course
Breathe Consciously; 4 Breathing Exercises to Help You Sleep & Perform Better! Join Course
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We breathe unconsciously. However, when we breathe consciously, we experience some great benefits both physical and mental. It includes stress reduction, improvement in concentration, performance and even quality of sleep. Here, are 4 simple conscious breathing exercises that would help you to sleep and perform better.

Thai believes one must think better to live better. He believes that how we think and learn things decide our quality of life.

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Improve Your Life With 4 Breathing Exercises

Helps you concentrate better. When regularly practiced for 10 minutes, it can clear your sinus.

  • Put your right thumb on your right nostril and gently press to close. Now inhale through your left nostril.
  • Now close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through your right nostril.
  • Now do the opposite. Inhale through right. Let go of your left nostril and exhale through your left.
  • You are going to breathe in and out through alternate nostrils.

Video Demo

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

This is also known as bee breathing. It draws your mind away from negative and stressful thinking and calms you down.

  • Locate some place private and quiet.
  • Take in a few breathes slowly and naturally. While doing so keep your eyes closed.
  • Now, inhale through your nostrils keeping your lips sealed. While exhaling, make a humming "MMMMM" sound.
  • Continue doing so until you need to inhale again. Continue to bee breathe as long as you wish to.

In the advanced version of bee breathing, you need to press your fingers gently on your ears.

Video Demo

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity

Help reducing strain on ligaments, joints and relaxing muscles. For smooth physical movement and better performance.

  • Take a deep breath before plunging into any physical activity. Breath and draw the air into your stomach. If you place a hand on your stomach, you can feel it.
  • Now exhale in small bursts. It should be like you are blowing out a candle several times in a breath.
  • The final exhalation should be long enough to empty your lungs.
  • Observe the boxer or bodybuilders, how they exhale while punching someone or lifting heavy weight. Sync your physical movements with your breathing.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity

It helps you get better sleep.

  • First exhale through your mouth completely. Make a whizzing sound while doing so.
  • Now close your mouth and breathe in through your nose. Count four as you inhale.
  • Now hold your breath and count seven.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth making a whoosh sound. Count eight while exhaling. This is one breathing cycle.
  • Repeat this cycle for another three times making it total four 4-7-8 breathing cycles.
  • While performing this breathing exercise, keep your tongue behind your upper teeth.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity

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