7 Legit Mantras To Live By Join Course
7 Legit Mantras To Live By Join Course
7 mantras to live by
Follow your passion. Be yourself. You can do anything! Have an attitude of gratitude. Think positive. These mantras are all over the internet, and even in the “real” world. Regardless of whether they’re useful to follow or not. Some mantras are legit, and some of them are exaggerated and unhelpful. But these 7 no sugar-coated, no-fluff mantras to live by. They’re the real deal.

Theo J Ellis started his personal development journey started in 2012. After giving birth to Just Be Real, he made it his mission to share life lessons and document his experiences along the way. Not to mention inspire others to do the things they believe in without fear of criticism. He is driven to help people build the self confidence they deserve.

External url: http://justbereal.co.uk/mantras-to-live-by/

Tags: mantras of life

Live By 7 Legit Mantras

Whatever issues, problems or troubles you’re dealing with, chuck it! Life goes on. Moping and crying and bitching and complaining about it won’t fix it.

And if it’s not possible to fix it, you’d be wasting your time trying to. So Chuck it! Move on and focus on what matters.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When there is an issue that you cannot fix.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

My life have been a rollercoaster for the last one year - so hard to manage everything. Lost everything, everyone around me. All my friends drifted away from me because I had a serious health problem. Starting my life back wasn't easy a little - it is a miracle that I am alive right now. Just my old parents kept up with me. Apart from them almost everyone left me - I was shattered. for 5 months,I kept thinking 'why me?', 'what have I done that I have to face this?' But, now I understand that it was an eyeopener. I learned from my sickness, life what  and who should really matter for me. It took me more time to accept the present - accept myself. I feel like a baby learning to take his first steps.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

It is very easy to chuck it but hard to move on. If you can do itthen nothing couldbe better than that. Well, I think trying to get busy with something else will be a better way to move on.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

Yes, right... I guess I waste a lot of time scrutinizing every. Probably that's making me crazy.

Does it? How often do we go through the day, doing things without questioning whether it matters or not? That argument you had the other day…. What If you asked yourself – “does it matter” before it started. Would the outcome have turned out differently?

Ask yourself does it matter when you are complaining, getting pissed, holding down jobs. In short ask it yourself for all your actions. If it doesn't matter than what are you really doing.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg


How does it matter if I am working behind the desk or making a living by doing things that I like doing and being happy. Is there any difference? It is a few thousands of dollars - than can make my lifestyle a comfortable but at the cost of my mental, physical and emotional well being. It may not matter for anyone else but it matters to me - The payout does not matter as long as it makes me happy and alive.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Right it seriously doesn't matter much.. I am giving it too much of attention.


“If you work hard on your job you’ll make a living. If you work hard on yourself you’ll make a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

Repeat it every day and do it nonstop. Repeat it so much that your lips fall off your face. And your vocal cords wear out.  You’re the best investment you’ll ever make in your life. And that’s why this mantra matters. The more you work on yourself, the better your results will be. If you refuse to work on yourself, then you can expect things to remain the same and never improve.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Trying out some anger management stuffs. Didn't join any class yet, but if it continues I think I have to look out for one.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

since I started focusing on myself... life has changed fro better! Life is simpler now.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

There are so many things to work on... I don't know where to start from. However, the first thing I need to work on is my TEMPER. I get angry too fast! 

If a person you meet can’t handle your past or truth, they doesn’t deserve to be in your future. If you can’t just be real, regardless of the circumstances or people around you, then you’re living a lie. You’re living someone else’s life, not yours.

There’s no real happiness or self worth without being yourself.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

You cannot live a life imitating someone else. Even wgen it comes to sport - the golden rule it to be yourself. From the time, I started following this - I am much more content and happy.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I can't live a lie anymore. I feel like doing something of my own. I have to accept my flauts where I went wrong. Learn from it and make a move ahead.

The easier something is, the LESS rewarding it will be.

Even winning the lottery is hard. Selling drugs and making the “quick” cash is easy. But the cons that come with it aren’t worth the rewards.

Look at Harvard University. Not everybody will get in there. Why? Because the rewards are so big, and the difficulty reflects that. Extremely hard, which is why the rewards are tremendous. There’s little, if any exception to this mantra. Live by it.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

What seems easy - doesn't suppose to be the best way out. Life makes us strong with all the challenges. It tests us - all we have to do is to face it. 

Scared to start a business or to approach the girl/guy you like? In situations where you’re afraid of failing, or things not working out.. Keep this mantra in mind:

What If I succeed?

Every time you come across something you’re scared of, say – what If I succeed?

The great thing about this mantra is…. It keeps you focused on the positive, and the possibility of success. It locks your mind onto a positive outcome, as opposed to an undesirable outcome.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Probably, I am afraind of failure. But, now I got the point. I can't sit idle and regret whole life "If I would have tried - my life would have been different".

You know what most people do when faced with a challenge? They say things like….

  • I can’t do this!
  • It’s impossible!I’m not good enough!I’ll never be able to do it!It’s too hard!I may as well quit while I’m ahead! 


But few of us will say – I’ll figure it out. 4 Simple words. And yet these 4 simple words keep you focused on what matters and what’s possible. This mantra declares that you’ll figure it out, no matter how hard or difficult it seems.

Saying I’ll figure it out is a declaration of commitment.

You declare that you’ll figure it out and overcome the obstacle, regardless of how big, ugly or problematic the obstacle is.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you face a challenge.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

We always panic whenever there is a problem or difficult situation. But now I try to stay calm and say "I will figure it out."

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Blog entries by followers

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

My life have been a rollercoaster for the last one year - so hard to manage everything. Lost everything, everyone around me. All my friends drifted away from me because I had a serious health problem. Starting my life back wasn't easy a little - it is a miracle that I am alive right now. Just my old parents kept up with me. Apart from them almost everyone left me - I was shattered. for 5 months,I kept thinking 'why me?', 'what have I done that I have to face this?' But, now I understand that it was an eyeopener. I learned from my sickness, life what  and who should really matter for me. It took me more time to accept the present - accept myself. I feel like a baby learning to take his first steps.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

It is very easy to chuck it but hard to move on. If you can do itthen nothing couldbe better than that. Well, I think trying to get busy with something else will be a better way to move on.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg


How does it matter if I am working behind the desk or making a living by doing things that I like doing and being happy. Is there any difference? It is a few thousands of dollars - than can make my lifestyle a comfortable but at the cost of my mental, physical and emotional well being. It may not matter for anyone else but it matters to me - The payout does not matter as long as it makes me happy and alive.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Trying out some anger management stuffs. Didn't join any class yet, but if it continues I think I have to look out for one.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

since I started focusing on myself... life has changed fro better! Life is simpler now.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

There are so many things to work on... I don't know where to start from. However, the first thing I need to work on is my TEMPER. I get angry too fast! 

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Probably, I am afraind of failure. But, now I got the point. I can't sit idle and regret whole life "If I would have tried - my life would have been different".

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

You cannot live a life imitating someone else. Even wgen it comes to sport - the golden rule it to be yourself. From the time, I started following this - I am much more content and happy.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

What seems easy - doesn't suppose to be the best way out. Life makes us strong with all the challenges. It tests us - all we have to do is to face it. 

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

We always panic whenever there is a problem or difficult situation. But now I try to stay calm and say "I will figure it out."

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

I can't live a lie anymore. I feel like doing something of my own. I have to accept my flauts where I went wrong. Learn from it and make a move ahead.

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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Right it seriously doesn't matter much.. I am giving it too much of attention.


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Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg
 Activity: Mantra 1. Chuck it

Yes, right... I guess I waste a lot of time scrutinizing every. Probably that's making me crazy.

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