
Art adds creativity, satisfaction and happiness to your life. However, kids are asked to be practical and not encouraged to pursue art. Art helps us to understand this world, love and beauty. It brings out the creativity inside us and stirs gratitude. You need not to quit everything you do to include art in life. Here are 5 cool ways of doing so!

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How To Build Core Confidence In 5 Simple Steps

Building up your self confidence doesn’t happen overnight. Like a new born baby, it needs to be nurtured and grown for it to make a substantial amount of progress. Confidence building works the same way.

7 mantras to live by
7 Legit Mantras To Live By

Follow your passion. Be yourself. You can do anything! Have an attitude of gratitude. Think positive. These mantras are all over the internet, and even in the “real” world. Regardless of whether they’re useful to follow or not. Some mantras are legit, and some of them are exaggerated and unhelpful. But these 7 no sugar-coated, no-fluff mantras to live by. They’re the real deal.

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How To Deal With Negative Opinions About Yourself

You will face some negative opinions about yourself, regardless of the amount of value you provide or how nice you behave to others. The sooner you have a successful and visible career the sooner you’ll have to face more and more powerful negations to your activity. In itself, this manifestation of resistance to what you do is not that big or important as people tend to make it. To some degree,...

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Maintaining Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful tools we have in our emotional arsenal. When you are doing something with enthusiasm, that specific action will be remembered as a very enjoyable one. It will create a positive milestone in your brain. But how can you maintain this state for as long as possible, without tricking yourself in any way – lying to yourself is not an option to make you enthusiast...

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9 Life Power Tips

It's simply a short self improvement snippet to get you thinking and to perhaps take on board for your own life.

Steal an Extra Hour With a Morning Ritual

The idea behind a morning ritual is to take the pain out of waking up by making it automatic. A well-designed morning ritual also offers you extra time in the quieter hours of the morning to devote to something important.

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Depression Busters for Men

The real problem is that men and women respond differently to depression. The first signs of depression in men are sleep disorders, fatigue, headaches and peculiar pains. As a man realizes that what he is dealing with is a mild form of depression, he will not seek help like an average woman would. It’s not easy for men to seek medical help immediately when suffering from mild depression, here are...

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3 Rules high achievers never break

You don’t need another blog post on not following rules, because I think we all agree that this blog is a monument to not following rules. But there’s no rule that always never applies, so here’s when you need to follow rules.

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Keep Your Heart Healthy

At present, heart disease is a global setback and a major cause of deaths in America. There are certain risk factors apart from unhealthy diet and lifestyle, like family history, age which are beyond human power to change. But it doesn’t mean that you have to accept it as your destiny. Researchers and experts have covered a long way to prevent such heart problems from casting a shadow in your...