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Upgrade Your Mind

The purpose is to significantly improve the way you manage your mind, so you can turn your mind into a more power ally on your path of growth.

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Learn How To Create Self-Awareness (For Students & Adults)

Self-awareness means recognizing one's strengths, weaknesses, emotions, beliefs, thoughts and sources of motivation. In short, it is all about recognizing your overall personality. In this course, you will learn how can one (adults and student) get self-aware.

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7 Daily Habits All Young Entrepreneurs Need In Order To Become Successful

Anyone who has achieved something of great accomplishment in their lives knows that “success” is not a destination, but a process. It takes time for things to unfold, time for answers to reveal themselves, time to fully understand what you’re building, and time to become the person (or team) capable of building the thing in the first place. Aspiring entrepreneurs, here are 7 habits you absolutely...

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Learn How Body Language Makes You Smarter, Stronger & More Attractive

You went through school, attended job interviews and suffered through dates agonizing over the ‘right’ thing to say. Maybe you focused on what to say. However, it is important to focus on how you say something. You will learn how body language will make you smart, strong and more attractive.

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Increase Speed and Power

In the course "Increase Speed and Power" you would learn to optimize your power and speed so that you can move, sprint and spring like a cat, cheetah and a tiger.This course is based on a blog written by Ben Greenfield a renowned fitness expert.

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Breathe Consciously; 4 Breathing Exercises to Help You Sleep & Perform Better!

We breathe unconsciously. However, when we breathe consciously, we experience some great benefits both physical and mental. It includes stress reduction, improvement in concentration, performance and even quality of sleep. Here, are 4 simple conscious breathing exercises that would help you to sleep and perform better.

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Beginner Strength Training Guide for Women

Strength training could be confusing to those are new. This guide help you to do it right and safely so you reap great benefits early.

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Be 10 Times More Productive

You cause your destiny. Outside events do not dictate who you will become. Change your life by changing your first hour of the day.

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Overcome Your Addictive Behavior with Urge Surfing Technique

“Urge surfing” is a psychotherapy technique based on mindfulness used to help people overcome addictive and reckless behaviors. Here the key steps of urge surfing technique are shared.

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What does it take to generate the breakthroughs you desire in your enterprise or life? It’s different for everyone, but here are ten great ways to trigger your advance. Just find out which works best for you.