Simply Living Well: 7 Easy Ways to Quit Suffering, Stop Stressing, & Relax Join Course
Simply Living Well: 7 Easy Ways to Quit Suffering, Stop Stressing, & Relax Join Course
Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed, tired, aggravated, panicky, alone? Are you stuck in your head, thoughts racing, constantly analyzing, and unable to “unplug”? Is your body tense? When was the last time you took a refreshing deep breath? By practicing just one of the seven tools included in this book — or by using all seven — you can feel better right now. And the best part is, you can take these tools with you anywhere to be used at any time—sitting in traffic, putting your kids to bed, for ten minutes after lunch, or during a walk. Once you climb back into your body and activate your own calm response, you can feel at ease and start living well.

Darla Bruno is author of the book Simply Living Well, a yoga student and upcoming teacher, and mind-body life coach who teaches tools for self-healing. She runs the Simply Living Well Online community that centers around protocols for relieving everything from adrenal burnout and fibromyalgia to Lyme, pms, and allergies and includes the Healing School, where she teaches the tools from her book and many other methods of healing. She can be found at

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Quit Suffering, Stop Stressing, & Relax

1. Wherever you are–standing, sitting, leaning, driving, crushed between passengers on a commuter train–wiggle your fingers and toes. Bring your attention to the very tips of your fingers and toes until you can feel them.

2. Next, consciously stop swallowing for a moment, and let your tongue float down to the bottom of your mouth. Keep it there–you’ll experience some extra saliva gathering.

3. Now go back to wiggling your fingers and toes.

 4. Finally, breathe. Breathe as deeply as you can until your whole belly fills like a balloon, and then slowly let the breath go, making a sound as you do (if possible)–as if you are blowing out a candle. Repeat this ten times: fill the low belly with air, as deeply as possible, like a balloon, and slowly exhale. Notice the shift in your stress level.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you breathe.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

This was the one last thing that I did before going to bed. I think it really helped me destress. 

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

Take deep breathes whenever I feel anxious. It works like magic.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

7 ling breathes and I was feeling much better. As if I have exhaled out my stress, anxiety all at once.

Just take a moment to notice everything around you with all five of your senses: touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight.

Action Steps: Begin to notice what’s around you. Answer the following questions:

1. What am I tasting right now? Is it bitter, sweet, salty? (Bitter and salty usually indicate we are under some kind of stress; sweet is a sign that we are relaxed and calm.)

2. What am I smelling right now? Is it clean, crisp, perfume or pine, several scents and odors at once?

3. What am I seeing right now? Notice the four walls around you, their color, any images or artwork on the walls; notice the windows, the people, your own clothes, how and where you are sitting.

4. What am I feeling right now? What is literally beneath my fingers? Maybe I am touching the slightly rough texture of denim or running my hands through my hair, which feels soft. Notice.

5. What am I hearing right now? Children playing outside, music on the stereo, voices down the hall, my own breathing, or my cat purring.

When you can take a moment, using all five of your senses, to really be present, you drop out of stress mode, and right into this very moment.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ N O T I C E...

World looks even more beautiful - without the stress mode. I also helps when people get stressed.

Resisting, fighting, or arguing with any reality can keep us from living well, can create tension and stress in the body, and can keep us from what we truly want.

Just remember, you’re not in charge of everything going the way you want it to all the time. Sometimes all you can do is be you, allow, and breathe!

Action Steps: 1. Whenever you are feeling discomfort, ask yourself, “What is happening now?” The answer may be “I’m mad that I can’t go to the party tonight” or “David never called me back.”

2. Simply sit still for a moment and see if you can be with what is by breathing deeply into your belly, feeling your fingers and toes, (grounding and getting present) and noticing–the moment, your surroundings, your senses. Ground yourself into this moment by observing that this is where you are now. Likely safe, likely fed. Probably warm. Alive. And that you have the power in you to find peace in any situation. You’ll learn more about this in the section called “Find Peace.”

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A L L O W...

Deep breathing was great.. I was little bit uncomfortable to concentrate at the thought .. but yes I found peace!

Action Steps:

1. Once you have practiced the step of allowing in your life, and you know how it feels in your body and have seen how much freedom it provides you, then you can acknowledge the impact this circumstance has had on your life and acknowledge your own feelings Then it’s time to do something that will help you release your feeling of disappointment or grief–rest, talk to a friend, or go for a run.

2. Decide what outcome you would like. Be clear about this.

3. Practice acceptance by finding actions with which you can move ahead.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A C C E P T...

We all need to accept life the way it is. We can only change things around when we accept the present, the life, the reality. I am checking out the wikihow article 

  1. Begin to notice your thoughts. You can do this by first grounding yourself using the breath work you’ve learned here. You can also stop and notice. And as you notice your senses, notice your mind–what is it sharing with you? What is it judging? What is it fired up about? Tuning into your thoughts takes some practice and is a little like finding a clear channel on a staticky radio. Slow down and really listen, then get to know the voice of your inner self. What’s it telling you about what’s happening?
  2.  Another way to notice your thoughts is by going in the “back door” and figuring out what you’re feeling. From there, you can do some detective work and see what thought may be creating the emotion. For example, I’m feeling panicky. Once you can identify the emotion, see if you can look to the area of your life that you think the panic may be related to.
  3. Once you can begin to do these steps with more regularity, you will begin to notice your own thoughts more clearly and easily. And, from here, a world of possibilities opens to you. You can let go of your thoughts and “lose” the story, or change the story, or even just simply notice it, which gives you infinitely more power than you had when it was beyond your awareness and you were living, instead, in unconscious reaction to it.
  4. Put your thoughts through the Self Coaching 101 model created by Life Coach Brooke Castillo, to see how your stories create the life you are living.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

This is a complicated procedure. Only those with brave hearts got the guts to ransack the troublesome emotions and judge them. Moments when I see people giving up and failing in life breaks my heart.

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

I have also checked the 101 self coaching video on youtube. It is interesting but the difficiult part was to not to get bothered by the thoughts and analysing them.

Action Steps:

1. For five minutes a day, bring your awareness to whatever it is that you are feeling in that given moment. This alone is a step that takes some practice. We are not used to asking ourselves “What am I feeling now?” and then noticing. Sometimes words will come up; often, you will notice sensations in your body, like tension across your shoulder blades or throbbing at the back of your head.

2. Next, simply “be with” the emotion or feeling of discomfort in your body by allowing (see Allow above) the emotion to be present, and breathing into it. You become a clear channel for the emotion to pass through.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

I closed my eyes.. after a tiring day I could only feel the paining shoulders and back. As a minute passed by, I felt the wind, some music and PEACE! 

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

As I started to notice, it a bunch of feeling emotions. Initially it was all the worries that I try to put aside. May because it is the first time, so I could concentrate and surface anything positive. 

Will give it another try tomorrow.

Action Steps:

1. To bring yourself back to the moment, practice the step of noticing. Settle down, feeling your fingers and toes, letting your tongue float in your mouth, and breathing deeply. Begin noticing your surroundings and allowing your feelings to be present and also to pass.

2. With your eyes closed, look down into the inside of your cheeks, and let your vision continue to travel down to your jaw, down your throat, and into your chest.

3. Breathe into the energy of your heart. Notice the space around your heart. Continue breathing into and out of your heart, with your vision turned inward. Rest there for a moment.

Please refer to the book for more details on this activity.



  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Adam Health care

I won't say these action steps bring peace, but it guides the way to do so. I felt relaxed - breathing energy, as my vision floated. These days it is hard to find peace. Worse than that, we think of finding money and not peace.

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Blog entries by followers

Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

This was the one last thing that I did before going to bed. I think it really helped me destress. 

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

This is a complicated procedure. Only those with brave hearts got the guts to ransack the troublesome emotions and judge them. Moments when I see people giving up and failing in life breaks my heart.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

I closed my eyes.. after a tiring day I could only feel the paining shoulders and back. As a minute passed by, I felt the wind, some music and PEACE! 

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ O B S E R V E...

I have also checked the 101 self coaching video on youtube. It is interesting but the difficiult part was to not to get bothered by the thoughts and analysing them.

    1 comment
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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ N O T I C E...

World looks even more beautiful - without the stress mode. I also helps when people get stressed.

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Adam Health care

I won't say these action steps bring peace, but it guides the way to do so. I felt relaxed - breathing energy, as my vision floated. These days it is hard to find peace. Worse than that, we think of finding money and not peace.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

Take deep breathes whenever I feel anxious. It works like magic.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A C C E P T...

We all need to accept life the way it is. We can only change things around when we accept the present, the life, the reality. I am checking out the wikihow article 

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ A L L O W...

Deep breathing was great.. I was little bit uncomfortable to concentrate at the thought .. but yes I found peace!

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ F E E L...

As I started to notice, it a bunch of feeling emotions. Initially it was all the worries that I try to put aside. May because it is the first time, so I could concentrate and surface anything positive. 

Will give it another try tomorrow.

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Adam Health care
 Activity: ~ B R E A T H E...

7 ling breathes and I was feeling much better. As if I have exhaled out my stress, anxiety all at once.

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