Nia Shanks is a coach and writer believing that "every woman should strive to be the best and most awesome version of herself – authentically and unapologetically." And she helps women see and attain their true potential.
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Tags: Women Strength Training
Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.
I wanna lose some weight - I am sick of putting others' pictures. Also, I have developed severe joint pain, and I kind of snor in sleep - difficulty to breath.
1. Goblet squat to a box
It is perfect for a beginner. Many get it correct at once and squatting to a box guarantees that you go the same depth with every time you squat. It idea is to make your hips go slightly lower than your knees, but it doesn't happen right away. So start higher then gradually lower your depth.
But don't sit on the box, make sure your hip just touch the box and then rise up. Check out the video.
2. Push-up
It is great but many women can't do the traditional ones from the beginning. Even if you can't do it – don’t' worry. You will soon get there. So start with a hand-high push-up, then slowly get to the floor. Check out the video.
3. Inverted row
It is similar to a push-up but in opposite direction. You can make it easy just like the push-up by using a higher bar or suspension trainer. As you gain strength, you may lower it. Check out the video.
Ok... I am sorry. I have started doing strength training again three months back but didn't blog. There's a good improvement.
I am doing 3 circuits with 7 reps these days. I have built up my strength! :)
I started with some cardio, then squats! It has been difficult! But I have to do it! I am not giving up.
1. RDL (Romanian Deadlift) from a dead-stop (with dumbbells or a barbell)
This exercise teaches the newbies how to use their hips. Initiate by positioning a barbell in a power rack or raise it up on mats/plates so the bar is just a couple inches lower than your knee caps. The bar should be over your mid-foot throughout the workout. Use your hips to Pull the bar up using your hips (push them forward) and then stick your hips back to lower back down; place the bar gently on the safety bars in the power rack (or on mats/plates) after each rep.
2. Standing one arm dumbbell press
Start with the dumbbell variant (instead of a barbell) because people seem to learn this faster. Keep your end and abdomen stretched the whole time, your elbow should slightly in front of your body as shown in the photo below then push straight above head.
3. Assisted pull-up or Cable pull-down
Try doing an assisted pull-up with resistance bands. But if you have weight to shed, better start with a cable pull down as shown in the photos below. While doing the pull-ups and pull-downs, make sure your shoulders are in a pulled-down position. It should never reach your ear level – always stretched down. Always pull your shoulder blades down together while you push yourself up to the bar or pull it down.
Exhausted after this workout. Looking forward to soreness tomorrow.
Now I am doing 3 reps this week.. There is some improvement in me I think! I need to contnue doing this for a couple of weeks before adding to it.
Workout Routine for Week 1,3,5,7
Workout Routine for Week 2,4,6,8
Repeat the pattern for at least eight weeks, then you can progress to a new program.
I have worked on the reps, weight... Initially, it couldn't do with additional weight - I played with my own body weight - like during the push ups. I am actually having my arms, shoulders sore.
What are circuits and reps?
You will be training yourself in circuit. In every circuit you will doing 6 to 10 reps of the exercise, one by one.
Eg: In a circuit, you will do 6 goblet squat, then 6 push-up followed by 6 inverted rows. Now you will be doing this circuits as specified in the guide later on.
How much weight should you use?
First, be correctly comfortable with each exercise then aim at using some good weight. It will strengthen yourself.
Which exercises you choose? One with low learning curve but greater outcomes.
Use exercises that you can learn quickly so you can start working hard and correctly from the day one, and this means you’ll get stronger, build energy, and increase your self-confidence from the start. Performing a goblet squat in place of a barbell back squat can provide greater benefits as people can master it quicker, however it still offers a big training outcome for your lower body.
Start with 6 reps for each exercise with the same weight (or mix of exercises) until you can do 10 reps.
Once you are able to 5 circuits with 10 reps of each exercise, every circuit – add to the weight. You may also perform a difficult mix - start again at 6 reps and improve it to 10. Repeat this cycle.
How often should you exercise?
Workout for 3 alternative days every week. Like, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Also you will be rotating the work out routines in a cycle of 2 weeks.
What about cardio?
These workouts are meant to make your stronger. If you want a bit of cardio, which is good, go for a 30-minutes walk, participate in some playful activities on the days you don't work out. Just keep it simple.
Record your workouts.
Write down everything including the exercises, how much weight you have used, how many reps you have performed, and how many circuits you did. Therefore, you’ll know exactly what you must do the next time you repeat the routine to perk up your performance.
Don’t get too hurt.
Bit of pain is okay and likely to happen. But you should end up taking rest for days after your first day exercising. Start with 2 circuits for the first week. If you are okay with it, add another circuit. This way add one every time till you are doing 5 at a time.
How long should you rest between exercises/circuits?
Rest, but not more than needed. You should be able to move fast as in the initial weeks you will restricts with your little strength level. Don't worry, it will increase soon!
Please refer to the book for more details