10 Tricks to help you stop overeating all day Join Course
10 Tricks to help you stop overeating all day Join Course
Overeating. We all have done it and not because we were hungry or needed to eat, but just because. For some people this is an ongoing issue, for others it only happens once in a while. Either way, here are a few tricks that will help you stop overeating no matter what the reason.

Grace Derocha is a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and certified health coach. She loves helping others learn how to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. Grace was born and raised in Michigan. She is a wife, mommy, Spartan, and avid Detroit sports fan. She loves food, music, dancing, shopping, reading, and smiling.

External url: http://www.ahealthiermichigan.org/2012/10/15/10-tricks-to-help-you-stop-overeating-all-day/

Tags: healthy habits

Tricks to Stop Overeating

If you are a perpetual overeater, first thing you need to do is figure out why. Is it emotional eating, is it boredom, is it a habit. No matter what the scenario, the why will help you learn more about yourself and how you can stop overeating.

Jason Jasons
Help wanted
 Activity: 1. Figure Out Why

I overeat. I accept that, but it's mostly when I am depressed. I feel lonely. I am not good at making friends. I just love sitting with my laptop and read. What should I do now?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp
Help wanted

I think in my case, it is a mix of boredom and habit. When I am watching a movie I need to have some thing in my mouth. Again, I got nothing  happening.. in a word, BORED - I kind off feel hungry...

60% of the time we feel hungry, it is actually because we are thirsty. Many people do not drink enough water on a daily basis. You need about 64 ounces a day or about half or your body weight in ounces of water per day. If it is hot outside or you have been active you will need more. So when it is warm day enjoy a glass of refreshing cold water. But if it is cold outside, opt for sipping on some warmed water to help avoid eating.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 2. Drink Some Water

I have started drinking water.. Actually my problem is I don't have adequate amount of water at all. Finally, now I am having some water! But strangely, my appetite also increased.

This will keep you hydrated. It will also keep you occupied if you just need to chew or have an oral fixation.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

Got a root canal treatment done. I noticed my obese issue is much less now. My dentist told that sometime, we face this problem when we don't maintain a proper oral hygiene.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

This is fantastic! I tried chewing on ice when I was feeling hungry. It really works.

When you have a nice clean mouth, it will decrease your desire to eat. Try it. It does work because no one wants to dirty their pearly whites. The added bonus is that your dentist will be happy too.

  • Timing: 2 times per Day

Jason Jasons

Soda and sugar is definitely not good if you want nice pearly whites. Here, I went wrong. I love sodas. Check out more on how to maintain your oral health.

Jason Jasons

I floss my teeth jbefore going to bed ... but I like the idea of not getting my pearls dirty. So I will do it in the morning as well. I can't stand after brushing my teeth, I have to have some food and miss workout.. 

This helps occupy you while giving your mouth something to do. Plus most foods don’t taste that great with a minty mouth, so it will help you avoid unneeded food.

Briana Regrg r

If my mouth is busy, I may not feel like eating anything else. However, according to a study there is hardly any effect on the weight. I will be getting some minty chewing gum today. Weight loss isn't my priority but I am a food addict..Need to check on that.

Jason Jasons

I love having a gum. As if it helps me focus better! 

Many times we eat out of boredom or habit, therefore by breaking that cycle by moving around a bit, we can help avoid eating for no reason. This also helps you burn calories.

  • Timing: When hungry Day

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Move Around

Best way to divert my mind when I am carving for some after-lunch snacks.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 6. Move Around

I tend to eat if my hands are not busy! Moving around.. it burns my calorie! 

This really helps during that night-time want-to-snack-for-no-reason moments. I recommend making a list of things that you like to do and/or a list of things that you may need to do around the house. Then if the urge to snack hits you, you can go to this list and do something fun or productive instead.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Do Something Else

It was one hour passed the lunch time. I already had my meal and I was craving something mouthwatering. I guess I was craving for some chocolates. I was preparing something on my laptop. It was 40 minutes I didn't leave my station. So I saved my files and took a warm shower and then drank a glass of water... Not only I relaxed, but I worked on my hunger.

Play some of your favorite tunes. Music is actually a natural appetite suppressant because it actually triggers some of the same endorphins as eating.

Jason Jasons

Music is a big blessing to me - I actually play some fun dance numbers and move around with it. I am a bad dancer and never danced earlier.  But I tried this hack earlier and was glad to see how wonderfully it worked. 

Jason Jasons

I got a good willpower. Hardly, required some divertion to get over my curving, but yes today I tried playing music. It was a bad time to eat anything after getting a root canal treatment. Music made the wait easier for me.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I was in a weird mood today. Was feeling hungry right after an hour I had my creakfast. I decided to listen to some music. Played some jazz! 

Eat breakfast everyday to help kick-start your metabolism and energize you in the morning. From there you should be eating every 3-5 hours depending on how much you are eating. Measuring portions is essential to avoid overeating. So learn how much you should be consuming and measure food accordingly.

Jason Jasons

Pesto salmon, grilled fish steak, stuffed tomatoes, broccoli roast, chicken roast, sweet and sour chicken stew: This week's menu for dinner.

Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

Couple of hours back I had my lunch.. Now I am again hungry.. What should I do now?

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Now rate how hungry you are from a scale of 1-10. One being not at all and ten meaning you are actually physically very hungry and in need of some food. With this assessment you can do one of the above tricks to avoid overeating if it is a small number or realize it is time to actually have a snack or meal.

  • Timing: When you feel hungry

Briana Regrg r

It is around 6. I will bear it for another hour - by the time it will be tea time.

Jason Jasons

I actually assessed my hunger before I went for the bath.. It was 2 out of 10.

Blog entries by followers

Jason Jasons

Music is a big blessing to me - I actually play some fun dance numbers and move around with it. I am a bad dancer and never danced earlier.  But I tried this hack earlier and was glad to see how wonderfully it worked. 

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Jason Jasons

Soda and sugar is definitely not good if you want nice pearly whites. Here, I went wrong. I love sodas. Check out more on how to maintain your oral health.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

Got a root canal treatment done. I noticed my obese issue is much less now. My dentist told that sometime, we face this problem when we don't maintain a proper oral hygiene.

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Jason Jasons

Pesto salmon, grilled fish steak, stuffed tomatoes, broccoli roast, chicken roast, sweet and sour chicken stew: This week's menu for dinner.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 6. Move Around

Best way to divert my mind when I am carving for some after-lunch snacks.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

I realized I have some sensitivity problem. So I went to the dentist and he suggested me to get an RCT done! I don't have an overeating issue, but eat at odd times and oftern need some snack when I am working.

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Briana Regrg r

If my mouth is busy, I may not feel like eating anything else. However, according to a study there is hardly any effect on the weight. I will be getting some minty chewing gum today. Weight loss isn't my priority but I am a food addict..Need to check on that.

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Jason Jasons

I got a good willpower. Hardly, required some divertion to get over my curving, but yes today I tried playing music. It was a bad time to eat anything after getting a root canal treatment. Music made the wait easier for me.

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Briana Regrg r

It is around 6. I will bear it for another hour - by the time it will be tea time.

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Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

Couple of hours back I had my lunch.. Now I am again hungry.. What should I do now?

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Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I was in a weird mood today. Was feeling hungry right after an hour I had my creakfast. I decided to listen to some music. Played some jazz! 

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Jason Jasons
Help wanted
 Activity: 1. Figure Out Why

I overeat. I accept that, but it's mostly when I am depressed. I feel lonely. I am not good at making friends. I just love sitting with my laptop and read. What should I do now?

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Jason Jasons

I actually assessed my hunger before I went for the bath.. It was 2 out of 10.

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Jason Jasons
 Activity: 7. Do Something Else

It was one hour passed the lunch time. I already had my meal and I was craving something mouthwatering. I guess I was craving for some chocolates. I was preparing something on my laptop. It was 40 minutes I didn't leave my station. So I saved my files and took a warm shower and then drank a glass of water... Not only I relaxed, but I worked on my hunger.

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Jason Jasons

I floss my teeth jbefore going to bed ... but I like the idea of not getting my pearls dirty. So I will do it in the morning as well. I can't stand after brushing my teeth, I have to have some food and miss workout.. 

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 2. Drink Some Water

I have started drinking water.. Actually my problem is I don't have adequate amount of water at all. Finally, now I am having some water! But strangely, my appetite also increased.

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Jason Jasons

I love having a gum. As if it helps me focus better! 

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Briana Regrg r
 Activity: 6. Move Around

I tend to eat if my hands are not busy! Moving around.. it burns my calorie! 

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Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: 3. Chew on Ice

This is fantastic! I tried chewing on ice when I was feeling hungry. It really works.

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