The 8 week Berginner's Running Program Join Course
The 8 week Berginner's Running Program Join Course
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Follow this plan to get your running off to the right start. By Amby Burfoot The training plan that follows is designed to get you to the point where you can run 30 minutes (about 2 miles) at a slow, relaxed pace. It's a simple, progressive program that begins with more walking than running, and gradually evolves into more running than walking. Each week's plan also includes a motivational quote and a training tip. Once you are able to run 2 miles nonstop, you can decide on your next goal. You might simply want to continue running 2 miles at a time, three or four days per week. Research has shown that this is enough to help you lose or maintain weight, and improve many other important health markers, i.e., your cholesterol, blood pressure, and insulin response. Or you might decide that you want to do more, in which case you can consult the many training programs offered by our online SmartCoach tool. Don't be intimidated by these programs. The first 2 miles are the hardest 2 miles you will ever run. Once you have reached this level of fitness, it's relatively easy to do more. You simply have to budget the time, and be patient and disciplined in your training.

Amby Burfoot is Editor at Large for Runner's World. He is a member of the Running Hall of Fame and winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon. Article @

Tags: running, training

"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when
we take our eyes off our goals."


--Henry Ford
Day Activity
Mon Run & Walk
Run 5 min
Walk 1 min
Repeat 5X
Tue Walk
Walk easy 30 min
Wed Run & Walk
Run 5 min
Walk 1 min
Repeat 5X
Thu Walk
Walk easy 30 min
Fri Run & Walk
Run6 min
Walk 1 min
Repeat 4X
Run 2 min
Sat Run & Walk
Run 6 min
Walk 1 min
Repeat 4X
Run 2 min
Sun Rest


Training tip: 

Hold your arms comfortably at your sides while running, aiming for maximum relaxation. Bend them 90 degrees at the elbows, and move them forward and back at your waist. Bend your fingers into a relaxed grasp, and don't let your hands sway back and forth across the middle of your torso.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Activities in the sequence:
  • Week 1  "Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while moving about freely."   --Friedrich Nietzsche   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 1 min Walk 2 min Repeat 10X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 1 min Walk 2 min Repeat 10X Thu Walk Walk...
  • Week 2  "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."   --William Faulkner   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 2 min Walk 1 min Repeat 10X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 3 min Walk 1 min Repeat 7X Run 2 min Thu Walk Walk easy...
  • Week 3  "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals."   --Henry Ford   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 5 min Walk 1 min Repeat 5X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 5 min Walk 1 min Repeat 5X Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run & Walk...
  • Week 4  "Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach."   --Dr. George Sheehan   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 12 min Walk 1 min Repeat 2X Run 4 min Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 13 min Walk 1 min Repeat 2X Run 2 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri...
  • Week 5  "You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, if you hold that desire with singleness of purpose." --Abraham Lincoln   "Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while moving about freely."   --Friedrich...
  • Week 6  "You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, if you hold that desire with singleness of purpose." --Abraham Lincoln   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 16 min Walk 1 min Run 13 min Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 17 min Walk 1...
  • Week 7  "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."   --T.S. Eliot   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Tue Run & Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Wed Run & Walk Run 22 min Walk 1 min Run 7 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run...
  • Week 8  "One cannot consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."   --Helen Keller   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 27 min Walk 1 min Run 2 min Tue Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Wed Run & Walk Run 28 min Walk 1 min Run 1 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run & Walk Run 29 min...
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Course Additional Information

Here are 4 key points to consider before you begin the 8-Week Program.

1. If you are over 40, not accustomed to any exercise, or more than 20 pounds overweight, consult with your physician. Unless you have a known health risk, your doctor will probably encourage you to begin a run-walk program, but it's always wise to check.

2. Schedule your workouts. You won't find time for them unless you make time for them. Put them in your PDA, computer, daily appointment planner, on the front of your refrigerator, or wherever else you keep your schedule.

3. Expect bad days. Everyone has them, but they pass quickly, and the next workout is often better than the previous one. So stick with the program.

4. Don't rush. In the fitness world, rushing leads to injuries and discouragement. Be patient, and go slow. The goal is to reach 30 minutes of continuous running, not to set any records getting there.

Blog entries by followers

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have been running for so long. I am however running for myself nothing like participating in marathons. So I think I am not progessing I am stagnant somewhere.

I am planning to purchase The Lazy Runner. I am sure it will inspire and teach me stuffs that I aam missing out.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

One thing that one SHOULD NOT DO. Don't wear headphones while you are running. You need to be aware of the things going on around you.

For more information on running check out the lazygirlrunning blog.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

In case someone else need a little inspiration not to give up before the program ends.. Read this.

Personally, I have been benifited. I didnt realize, but I run pretty faster. I have got a stemina. I am much more active now.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Running is continued...

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Finally, 30 minutes without a break.. Going to do it continuously.. :)

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

2 more days to go..

I am almost there.. 28 minutes today on the run. But, not going to give up after than would have to continue..

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I knew it from the very beginning that 30 minutes of non stop running is like a dream... for me.. A novice. It is an athelete thing.. But, I took some extra time to get it so far. Instead of 8 weeks it is I think 10 weeks including all the rest for muscle pains.. Now I actually got pretty close. Checked its 28minutes 17 seconds..

May be tomorrow or day after tomorrow, I would make it.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

My goodness, what a tiring day! Can't bent my right knee... Luck enough could run.. Got to use some hot press..

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Excelling in my running regimen, stamina, speed all seems to be perfect..

I never been an atheletic in my life, but I feel this makes me one.. The sportsmanship reflects in my mind as well.


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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Me, and only me can can motivate myself to keep going.. 5th week!!

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am not competing with anyone else,but myself. I make sure I beat my last best performance!!

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Would go running in the evening..

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Got sore feet ... After I returned I just put my feet in cold water. Much relief.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Running in full speed... like I got a greyhound after.. :D

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am on with the 2nd week.. I could run better than last week.. Great speed and been less out of breathe..

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Wohh.... I can't tell..  got a muscle pain.. That has been aweful... The first day.. I don't know how I will run tomorrow.

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Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

From coming Monday, I am going to start this course. So, for the weekend I am going to run a little warm up.. so that I can easily adjust with the vigorous workout.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

No more a beginner. I can run without a break.. and really this program is a HIT.

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Lewis C Dsafsf

Discover 5 benefits of running with me.These days Cynthia too accompanies me.


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