Anne Teschler



1. Habits to check
2. Exercise daily
3. A heart healthy diet
4. Treat yourself, but with care
5. Maintaining a healthy weight
6. Getting Quality Sleep
7. Regular Medical Check Up
Maintain Enthusiasm
Make a Morning Ritual
Bust Your Depression
Don't Break the Rules - High Achievers Don't

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  • Timing: Once

Moon Tinh 03 preparing the home for market 768x768

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents est

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents establish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.

Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.

In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of money that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.

Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.

With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

ablish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.
Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.
In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of mo

For many people, selling through estate agents represents long timescales, over valuations and the risk of chain-breaking.
For example, some estate agents over-value properties during the peak selling season. in order to inflate prices  and their commissions. Initially, the promise of a good deal fills the homeowner with hope. This emotion soon fades into frustration and despair.
Negative publicity
Unfortunately, home buying companies have recently sometimes receive negative publicity, as some in the property industry have begun to claim that it is far more cost-effective to turn your home over to an estate agent when it's time to sell.
Estate agent commissions
Some high figures that the estate agents establish to be your home's market value is not for coming in the offers you receive. Homeowners who are under financial pressure and pressured timescales are thus forced to sell for much less than they originally expected.

Should you opt for the services of estate agents, they will be entitled to a percentage of the selling price once the sale is confirmed. Furthermore, the majority of estate agents will inflate the market price of your home, which means that you'll more than likely be compelled to accept an offer that is significantly lower that the value of your home.

In addition, this already reduced amount is now subjected to a mountain of hidden costs and deductions. Estate agent commissions are generally based on a percentage of the asking price of the home - not the final selling price
Also critical is the substantial amount of money that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.

Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.

With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

Read more how to sell a house!

ney that home sellers lose to estate agents' commissions, which can be up to 8% of the original inflated market value.
Avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty
If you choose to sell your property through us you avoid hidden costs and price uncertainty. Thus, when you combine the financial loss of accepting a low offer with the cut your agent will receive once the sale has been completed, the picture is no longer as it seemed at first glance.
With this in mind, it often makes sense to utilise the services of a home buying company, particularly if you need to sell your home fast. You also won't have to worry about undisclosed fees and expenses that are often part and parcel of such protracted business transactions.

Weighttraining Blog image topfitness 1 1

Beginning Weight-Lifting Programs for Women Over 40


Having strong muscles is part of looking and feeling better at any age, but after age 40 your muscles decrease by 10 percent every decade. It is valuable for women to adopt a stable program of weight training along with cardiovascular exercise to retain strength and increase bone density and metabolism. Strength training reduces the risk of health conditions that sometimes develop after menopause, such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.


Forty is a turning point in women's lives: their body begins to suffer the changes of perimenopause, including the risk of muscle fiber contraction, high blood pressure, loss of bone density and unwanted weight gain. These changes are intensified by inactivity. Add weight training to your health routine will help reduce body fat, tone muscles and strengthen bones while fighting the lack of energy, mood swings and insomnia. Some age-related changes are unavoidable, but the decrease in physical health related to inactivity can be reduced considerably with a diligent commitment to strength training as part of a healthy lifestyle.


When starting a weight training routine for the first time, the first challenge is to stay constant. Write down the dates of your weekly training as appointments that can not be missed. During the first weeks, learn correct techniques and practice the right way. Always start with a 10-minute warm-up of light cardio like walking or biking, and stretch your main muscle groups after your workout, keeping each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that beginners take one or two days of rest between each weight training session for weight-lifting programs for women over 40.


The type of equipment you choose will depend on your experience and availability. A safe start training can be successful whether you use machines in the gym or your own body weight, a set of weights and resistance bands in the home. Free weights require some coordination and have additional benefits over machines, because they require you to use your stabilizing muscles. They are more effective at producing muscle strength in general and are also more versatile, portable and economical. Exercise machines are sometimes easier to use than free weights if you do not have experience with weight training, because most machines have a built-in range of motion. If you belong to a gym, get help from a personal trainer until you feel comfortable practicing on your own.

Weight training program


Using a light and comfortable weight will allow most adult women to do 15 to 20 repetitions with good form; this will help you get used to performing the movement with a full range of motion. Each session should take less than 45 minutes; Within that time, point to all your muscle groups performing 10 to 12 different exercises. Perform exercises for larger muscle groups, such as the buttocks, legs, thorax, back and center, before smaller muscle groups, such as calves, shoulders, biceps and triceps, to prevent fatigue of your muscles too quickly. A full-body weightlifting program can include lunges or squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, lying, pelvic tilts, planks, shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps pulls, and calf lifts. When you can easily do 20 repetitions with good form, reduce your repetitions from 12 to 15 and add one or two more sets. When you can complete three sets, increase the weight you are using and make one to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.


It is normal to feel some muscle fatigue when doing the prescribed number of repetitions, but if you feel any pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult your doctor if it persists. It is important for beginners not to do repetitions until failure, as it could cause compression of the joints or retention of breath, which would cause dizziness, nausea or injury. Get approval from your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

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The good news is that we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating. What we are still struggling with is: how much of it we should eat? Even when we are eating foods that are low in calories, controlling portions is very important. It teaches your body to be satisfied on less volume. The older you get, the more portions come into play because, as your metabolism slows down, you need to reduce the amount of food you eat in order to prevent that 3–5 pound weight gain every year. The reality is you just don’t need to eat that much food.
When you order a burger or a plate of spaghetti, the portions are huge. You could make those portions into 2–3 different meals. Here are a couple of strategies for healthy portioning.


     Too big. 


    Too much.

  1. Your portions should fit in the palm of your hand. One hand, not both.


       2. Use a small plate, like a coffee cup saucer.


       3.  Use a 1-cup measuring cup to determine portions. One cup of pretty much anything is plenty.

       4.  If you still feel hungry after eating a small portion, wait 15 minutes. If you are still truly hungry, have another small portion, half the size of the first.
       5.  When you order food at a restaurant, order an appetizer as your main course. The portions are much healthier.



       6.  Don’t let yourself get too hungry. It’s tempting to overeat when you are starving. 
       7.  When you do eat, eat slowly and enjoy your meal.
       8.  Drink water with every meal. It will fill you up a little — and because it’s good for you :)
            Try it for a week and give us your feedback.


Alicia Nicole Waters! Alicia profile 2

I signed up for creating my first course today and explored the platform.

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

My first activity!

First blog entry!

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  • Timing: timing error

As soon as you get up from bed, head down to the kitchen and drink a cup of water. Alternatively, you can have a cup of water waiting for you right beside your bed.

Water is such an important part of a healthier lifestyle and it is especially good for you in the morning. When you drink a cup of water to an empty stomach it purifies your stomach much more efficiently than if you eat something first. It also kick starts a process called haematopaises, which refers to the creation of new blood cells. This is very important, especially for people who suffer from various diseases.

On top of this, drinking a cup of water as the first thing in the morning will help you prevent an urge to eat a huge breakfast. Although I’ll give you tips for the healthiest breakfast as well later on, drinking water first will guarantee you won’t end up overeating in the morning.

Move onto exercise…

Once you’ve enjoyed your cup of water, you need to do a bit of exercise. Don’t worry, you won’t need to wake up hours earlier to get enough done! In fact, you can boost your metabolism and give yourself an energy boost with just a ten-minute workout session. Taking ten minutes each morning is not a lot of time and anyone can do it, I guarantee!

I posted these tips on my Facebook earlier and the workout routine is effective and fun. All you need to do is:

50 jumping jacks
10 pushups
20 sit ups
20 bicycles
20 mountain climbers
30 second plank

Do this routine three times (even two is enough at the start!) and you will give your body a much needed morning boost. Alternatively, you can try a short ten-minute yoga routine in the morning. For example, this MindBodyGreen article has an amazingly simple and effective routine to start your morning with.

  • Timing: When wake up

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am a girl and like any other girl in this world I love to look the best of me. Not just make up but without make up too. I have been drinking water early morning but there is something more to it that I unearthed now; "The Water Therapy for Skin"


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Back in health.. The flu returned but this time I followed webMD flue guide. So I knew I saw doing it right. Then again my doctor said the same.

I got the green signal to workout now, but the water is more important. My body is dehydrated.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had flu, for last few days. Skipped my morning run.. I resumed it today.. But, I am still weak.. Need sometime to regain my lost stamina.

However, I maintained the morning drink.. 2 glasses of water.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I had 3 glasses of water today.. I am on my way to increase my water intake. There isn o harm in being a binge water drinker. :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I just been complimented for my flawless glowing skin. No make up, no BB cream nothing. I just glowed. Just a tinge of lip gloss and dap of perfume. I was just good.

My old school friends, some cousins all where there in my old school reunion and there.. I just thank my morning habit of drinking water.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

How can I forget having 2 glass of water? It is my beauty secret... !!

No more pimples, acne and dull skin. I really don't have to apply daily foundation to brighten up my tone. It is glowing already..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

It is long since I have started the morning habit of having lemon water. From then I never had cold or allergy or even a pimple. This is helped me to fine-tune my health.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I was carrying a bottle of water along with me. Further, the early morning warm water with lemon has become the secret of my flawless skin.. I feel like a princess..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Lime water, light work out then running routine.... by the time I return home...I get drinched n starvig.. but I love the morning routiine.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Some great work out routine for women.. Nice way to burn extra calories!! Little bit of walking, squats and others.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Woh!!! "A Nice Healthy Poop in the Morning" Didn't know that!! It makes so much of sense!

But, energy boost is the main driving factor. Apart from that, I have very few pimple once in a while.. :P

Thx Kim for those lovely information!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

My servey said I am on the right track.. yuhuu.. I had a glass of water, then some free-hand exercise.. A shower. THen dying for some real foooood!! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I found a great survey on morning routine. I am going to take it. It gives me great energy to kick start my day. Those days when I feel to lazy I take a quick shower to wake myself up.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I think if I follow the video, while working out in the morning it would be more interesting..

Here goes my collection

Briana Regrg r

Working to improvise my morning routine. Will come up with the new plan pretty soon.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Drinking water in morning(lukewarm with honey and lemon), 30 min running outdoors. Apart, I did carry some glucose too...

Briana Regrg r

Stretching, exercising for 10 mins.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Wow.. Just the 11 morning rituals that can change your life... in reality... I would try to put it into practice..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

My My My this water therapy seems to be interesting and actually beneficial ...but 6 glasses.. How can I have it at one go?

Briana Regrg r

Warm outside.... Sunshine.. Me in kitchen having lukewarm water with honey and lemon.. 

Now would go out for a quick run before my kid wakes up searching for her Mum!! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Work out but before that glass of water..


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I danced out today.. A happy dancing tone ..for the day.. The basic trick is to set the day well..

How to set the day well?

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Planning to upgrade my morning routine now... I feel this would definitely maximise the benefits of a healthy morning rounging.. I am taking help ffrom this Lifehacker article, even you can check this.

Briana Regrg r

I exercised for 30 minutes, some intense followed by meditation.. I had water before starting..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Never been so healthy.. And energized..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

As soon as you wake up... have water.. .I was never a big fan of having water... but honestly it is a killer habit. It makes me energized for the next workout session also.

Briana Regrg r

A cup of water..... Earlier it was so awkward feeling to drink water like that. Now it actually feels good. I naturally grab the water.. A perfect healthy lifestyle!!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have started to appreciate the mornings.. Wooohhh.... Lovely!

Briana Regrg r

My blood reports showed an increase of red blood cells. My morning routine has worked miracle.. I am more dedicated now. I am really glad that I did this.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I remeber how I used to struggle to get out of my bed and be active... After following this morning routine for quite-some time now, I see myself as an active morning girl.... yohooooooooooooooooo!! :)

Happy New Year!!

Briana Regrg r

My new year resolution is following my morning routine regularly.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Changing my life adopting the healthiest way to to be happy.. Water, And intense work out. I love it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

10 benefits of morning routine... I absolutely loved this. Could not hold myself from sharing have a look.. and let me know what you think..

Briana Regrg r

OOhhh... I took my lil' one along  in doing this morning routine. After all she should be habituated an good habits should be made as early as possible.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Morning routine has definitely switched on the power house in me. No more lazy hours .. no more snoozing..

Briana Regrg r

Pranayama, workout and off course glass of water... This is my perfect start.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Since I started to follow this morning routine I have been experiencing many changes… that are good. More mind and body are in healthy cheerful condition. OOOHH! I see I have improved appetite. I see my performance enhanced. And, hardly any health related issues.


Briana Regrg r
Help wanted

6.30 to 7 am I work out. Sometime I do yoga. Sometime I go for cardio-vascular exercise. But there is one thing that I do everyday for 15 min .. Breathing Exercise.. Or Pranayama.

Briana Regrg r

Personally, for me.. these tips are really great.It has been an easy morning routine before Lexie's birth. I love the essential oil, self pampering, and music tips. Here goes the tips for a mom who are struggling to get up before their kids.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

It is time to take care of my family's morning routine. Got some tips that I would be following. However, I woke up, had lukewarm water with honey and lemon and work out...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I am havign acne problem. I just started to follow Sara's trick of lukewarm water and lemon and honey... fingers crossed! Yes I am working out even.

Briana Regrg r

Warm water with lemon and honey, few almonds and then streching, yoga and exercises... Great beginning

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Just placed this at the wall of my room. It encourages me every morning...

Briana Regrg r

Had a cup of lukewarm water with lime and honey. And just 10 minutes of walk...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

To begin with I had water while getting up from bed... then moving towards my exercise corner ... I put on some music.. Kept the volume low.. I didn't want to disturb anyone. OOOOOO... push ups, jumping jacks, high knees, side lunges plank.. 10times each 2 sets.. its been tirings but great.

Briana Regrg r

Just a small session was the only possible for mee to do today.

Briana Regrg r

"Early to bed, early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" great and true saying...

There are certain early morning workout tips that I have searched

Briana Regrg r

As soon as I woke up, I had water. But had warm water with honey and lemon on empty stomach.. it is a great cleanser.. helps in shedding extra fat and other benefits. Here are the 10 reasons that would support you too.


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

How muuch of water should be adequate for human boday for proper functioning... 3 liter for men and 2.2 for women..check out what Mayoclinic says


I make sure I have 1 cup of water as soon as I wake up.. It cleanses and hydrates my body... then some light exercise and my day begins

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

check out this challenge to o help all twake up at 6 am.. wow this is definately going the ;ate risers like me.. here.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

So right Briana.... I infact tested.. a week tried for a cup of tea and no water before and another week had water.. even if its a cup.  I felt more fresh and m just so glad... Rest the workout and then a good start with a great meal... it also lifts my mood.

Briana Regrg r

Advantages of drinking water empty stomach...there are too many...I always maintaing this habit .. A Good Habit.

here's one.....

here's another......

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Though I am not a workout freak but there is one thing that I positively maintain to keep my system clean and running. Just wake up and have as much water as you can. Then I just walk around... sounds lil' crazy I know.

Briana Regrg r

I generally struggle to wake up early in the morning, but yes I have plenty of water when I wake up..

Sara Young Cddd

Now I have made certain changes. Now I don't try to do the sit up or anything but rather walk. And slowly willing to walk fast and faster. But yes, I drink water.

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I skipped for a few days. I was having a light chest pain but continuous. I don't know what is wrong. Had to rush to see my Doc. He ran a few tests and informed I am at a high risk of heart trouble. I am so scared. Today, I woke up, had water and then yoga. Can anyone help?

Sara Young Cddd

Hurray!!! I'm loving, working out in morning. And having water actually keeping my system clean. Rid of many many health problems.

Sara Young Cddd

Now I workout for 15mins. And never miss taking water when I wake up.

Sara Young Cddd

Around 6am I literally dragged myself from the bed… I'm so ....sleepy. I know I gotta pull it harder for some time to get the “xrta pounds” off me. Wishes please!!

Sara Young Cddd

I am focused to loose some weigh. However I wasn't working out early in the morning. But I find push ups hard.

Finish with the right nutrients…

Finally, you need to end your morning routine with the right nutrients. Breakfast is such an important part of fixing your eating routine and you can boost your weight loss a lot by taking care you eat the right things in the morning.

I absolutely love to drink the Shakeology smoothies in the morning. You get all the essential vitamins and you definitely have plenty of energy for later. You could naturally make your own smoothies as well. Here is a quick, simple super-smoothie to finish your healthy morning routine:

3 tbsp. water
1 green tea bag
2 tsp. honey
1 ½ blueberries
½ banana
¾ cups soy or almond milk

Heat the water and let the tea bag brew in the boiling water for a moment. Remove tea bag and mix in other ingredients!

Try the above routine for one week and you’ll notice the difference during your day! Remember that I’m running a new 3-day cleansing challenge in a few days, so sign up if you want to take part!

  • Timing: When routine finished

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

I realized from a talk yesterday that it's improtatnt to focus on ...

Mr Rodgers Mrrodgers

Can you guys review this video:

Briana Regrg r

Liquid meals are better for nutrients targeting.. It iss important to have a balanced breakfast after morning workout. But there is more to it. Just found it here.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am still on medication, so it is important that I take proper and balanced diet. Mom is with me and taking care of me. It feels so great with mom.. back to childhood.

Briana Regrg r

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. True.. I have seen my appeetite has increased.. Days when I wake up early I tend to eat a full meal. Wherelse, I didn't feel like eating more than a sandwich earlier..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I was told, it a seasonal flu. Yet, I had to focus not my food. Lots of protiesns and nutrients packed editables.

I lost taste.. had 2 boiled eggs, some soup, and milk.

Briana Regrg r

Check out the best foods you can have for breakfast. I am glad to see I am a healthy eater. I mostly eat oatmeal, banana, yogurt, melons and so on..


Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Apple pie and classic egg sandwiches!! Some fruit juice to finish it. What else do I need.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I love the recipes at Shake Up Your Way Up, gonna try it tomorrow.

Today it was my favorite egg cheese sandwish with fruits salad and milk.. I feel like having a cup of coffee as well.. Will have it after sometime.



Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I think I ate a breakfast for two persons. I love pasta.. My mom made it for me.. I was already starving after my morning run.. Do you need any more words after this? Surely not, I just jumped...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Oats, berries, fried eggs... That is what I call a scrumptious meal.. Thinking of it, I am still getting water in my mouth.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Breakfast Table, if you can set it right then you could be 10 times more hungry than ever.

After the work out I could not lose a minute wondering.. Have to eat.. It looks so yummmmmyyyyyy!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Tried varies smoothies this week.. That was incredibly great..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Going to plan a healthy diet .... perfect after an intense workout.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Made a rule to have full breakfast after doing my morning workout. And honestly I can write down a whole page about the difference that I feel. Now I call it a day of productivity. Truly it is...

Briana Regrg r

A great breakfast ...includes sandwiches, fruits, eggies, milk, my  favourite smooties. That is simply mind blowing........

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan


It is soo awesome.. Got the calories required..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Fruits, oatmeal and a glass of milk... Feel like I am back in my school days.. Love you MOM...

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Cereal, smoothies, eggs, fruits... I just got set for a healthy day ahead


Briana Regrg r

Today is Chocolate Day I just cudn't help myself from having some chocolate in the breakfast. Comon I have every right to celebrate and there is a chocolate diet.. I studied it beforehand as well.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Looking for some cheap yet healthy delicious breakfast?? Here are some...

I already tried Fruit Salad with Lemon-Lavender Syrup. Yum Yum

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Smoothies.... I love it.. I have made atleast a dozen of smoothies so far. All are equally good. I enjoy both making ang having them.ORANGE SMOOTHIES

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Now I got a bigger appettite.. I enjoy it so much. I had to stuff myself earlier but now... I feel am much more healthy and strong.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Great morning.. Welcoming the sun with stretched hands! Breakfast calling!

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I had an awesome breakfast today.. egg, toast, orange juice .. I love it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I enjoy my day's first meal a lot. Especially after the workout... the juice or smoothies ...tastes DELICIOUS..!! Lacking the exact word. And, then comes my porridge. Have you ever tried UPMA?? Try it.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had strawberry smoothies today...... Just awesome.. delicious..

Briana Regrg r

Poached egg, sandwich, fruits and milk.. a classic morning meal.. I love it

Briana Regrg r

Poached eggs, toasts, tomatoes... It has been great .. in fact heavy breakfast.. SImple but delicious.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Had oats in breakfast along with a poached egg and some fruit juice... planned for tea later in the morning...

Its been delicious.

Oatmeal with kale and poached egg......

Briana Regrg r

Opted for a fast breakfast.. Some orange juice, egg sandwiches and fruits.

Briana Regrg r

Chia Pudding Recipe ... I am going to try it.. perhaps it makes a perfect breakfast to start the day with.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Came across 34 breakfast recipes that are fast as well as healthy.. Yuhhuu here it goes.. click here.. Classic egg sandwiches are my favorite apart the fruit soup, Quinoa fruit salad, fruit and yogurt parfait are also delicious..

Briana Regrg r

Too weak to workout... but doing yoga and then a good full meal.. have to regain some weight..

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I already started licking my lips yummie........

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Food has never been so tasty.. WOW!

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I adapted a diet more on fruits. I hope I am not going to complicate. Am I doing okay?

Don’t ever underestimate the power of a smile. Internally, it 
immediately sets good physiology into motion — muscles relax, 
your immune system perks up and you feel a surge of energy. 
Externally, others respond to your smile with encouragement and 
enthusiasm. As comedian Victor Borge once put it, “A smile is the 
shortest distance between two people.” 
All of this takes place even if you don’t feel like smiling. So 
force a smile on your face and keep it there. Just the muscular 
configuration will cause some changes in your favor. As they say in 
twelve-step recovery, it makes sense to “fake it until you make it.” 
Or to paraphrase comedian George Burns, when it comes to smiling, 
“Always be sincere, even if you have to fake it.” 12
Try it right now. Oh, go ahead. Nobody’s watching. Force a 
big smile on your face and hold it. Can you feel that subtle surge of 
energy and confidence inside? It never fails to materialize if you 
hold the smile long enough. 
Here is an exercise that will help you follow this 
commandment. If you are willing to practice this protocol at least 
once a day, I guarantee you will find it easier to smile more often. 
That’s because when you gently stretch your smile muscles, they 
become stronger and more available. Hence smiling takes less effort. 



Exercise #1: 
(1) Raise your eyebrows as high as you can on your forehead. 
Try to touch your hairline with each eyebrow. Hold for a count of 
10, then release. 
(2) Close both eyes as tightly as you can without hurting 
yourself. You want to get your cheeks involved with this maneuver. 
Hold for a count of 10, then release. 
(3) Try to touch your earlobes with the corners of your 
mouth. This should produce the biggest, broadest grin you can 
muster. Count to 10, then release. 
(4) Now try to touch the corners of your mouth underneath 
your chin, producing a huge frown. Hold for 10, then release. 
(5) Gently bring your chin down towards your chest, then 
look up at the ceiling, then slowly bring your chin back down to 
your chest. Look up and down in this fashion for six repetitions. 
(6) Carefully touch your right ear to your right shoulder, 
then your left ear to your left shoulder, and gently stretch your neck 
from side to side six times. Try to bring your ears down to your 
shoulders, rather than raising your shoulders to meet your ears. 
(7) Roll your shoulders in vertical circles, stretching your 13
chest and the muscles between your shoulder blades, for a count of
ten. This should feel like a mini-massage. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Nothing to put on forcefully. No more exercise... Just a smile, natural and vibrant.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Its been 4 days now, I have often glued a smile on my face.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I loved it.. Fake it till you make..

This commandment challenges you to live truthfully 
according to your personal priorities and values. What is the purpose 
of your life? Why are you here? Does your daily behavior reflect 
your highest priorities? Or are you trying to be something or someone 
you are not? 
Admittedly these are tough questions, but if you are going 
to rely on the Fun Factor to achieve maximum success, you’ve got 
to be clear on what’s “negotiable” and what’s not. Your humor nature 
will not fabricate on your behalf. Humor always tells the truth, 
which is why it’s so unwelcome in some segments of society. 
So if you are trying to be someone you are not, your humor 
nature will trip you up. It knows and respects you too well to 
misrepresent you. 
Your humor nature is exactly who you are. It is the part of 
you that you did not create. It is the part of you that you will never 
improve upon, because there is no need for improvement. You are 
wonderful just as you are. Why settle for less than your unique 
Be true to yourself. Trust yourself. Get in the habit of asking 
“Am I being honest with myself?” If you are not sure of the answer, 
this exercise will help: 
Exercise #2: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep, relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, any 
problems you’ve been wrestling with. About a dozen relaxing breaths 
should suffice. 
After getting as calm as possible, turn your mind inward 
and look deeply into yourself. Search every nook and cranny of 
your inner awareness, looking carefully for any attitudes, ideas, 
thoughts, or feelings that might be holding tension in you. These 
ideas and feelings usually come under headings like anger, fear, 
resentment, judgment, frustration and impatience. 
If you identify such thoughts or feelings within you, be 
willing to set them outside yourself for the next minute or two. Let 
go of any anger, even if it’s justified. The same for any fear or 
resentment you may find. Let it all go for a moment. 
Then, concentrate on love, peace, joy, compassion, patience 
and hope. Dwell on these thoughts and feelings for a moment. If, 
during this moment, doubt or self criticism creep into your 
awareness, gently set them outsside yourself with the other stress 
inducing thoughts. Give yourself a minute or two of pure 
concentration on the many positive aspects of your joyful nature. 
Complete the exercise by taking one final deep breath in and, as 
you slowly release the breath, gently open your eyes. Stretch both 
arms over your head, and then bring them down before getting up 
from the chair.

This commandment is not about losing self-respect or 
demeaning ourselves. Just the opposite — it is an act of loving 
kindness. Willingness to laugh at ourselves frees us from the 
restrictions of the unrealistic and unremittingly harsh expectations 
to which we hold ourselves when we are under duress. It gives us 
latitude to appreciate the ever-present inconsistencies and 
contradictions that are part of our makeup. 
Laughing at ourselves helps us recognize the difference 
between perfection and perfectionism. 
Perfection is what we are, and that includes all the 
inconsistencies and shortcomings. You are not perfect, but you are 
perfection because of, not in spite of, your contradictions. 
Perfection is healthy. It includes imperfection. 
Perfectionism, on the other hand, is what we think we should 
be. It is always unhealthy. It is intolerant of imperfection. When we 
are caught up in our perfectionism, we are brittle and inflexible. 
We can be broken down by change. 
So laughing at ourselves is not a form of humiliation. It is a 
way of taking ourselves lightly, while still taking our responsibilities 
seriously. Once we are able to lighten up, we become more creative 
and resourceful. When the going gets tough, the tough lighten up. 
If you are having trouble laughing at yourself, this exercise is 

Exercise #3: 
Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. 
Take several deep-relaxing breaths. Try to release all of the 
tension that will leave you as you let go of each breath. Dismiss all 
of the usual thoughts from your mind and set aside, momentarily, 
any problems you have been wrestling with. 
After approximately a dozen relaxing breaths, let your 
attention focus upon a trait or characteristic of yours that you do 
not like. It can be physical, mental, or social. It doesn’t matter. Just 
make sure it’s something you don’t like about yourself. 
While keeping the “unwanted” trait firmly in mind, try to 
think of a way this characteristic could be amusing. Be playful and 
gentle. Do not be unkind or mean spirited. Simply do what you can 
to see this trait in a more amusing or ridiculous light. 
After a moment, discontinue this thought pattern and simply 
take a few more deep relaxing breaths. End the exercise by taking 
one final deep breath, slowly exhaling as you open your eyes and 
stretch your arms over your head, and then bring them back down. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

It has been a serious week... I don't remember if I have laughed at any of my stupidity.... Atlast instead of taking the lift to 13 th floor I took it to 14th!! Then took the stairs..Dont know what I was thinking

Lisa Smith 1766978

All it takes... just a smile..

Lisa Smith 1766978

Today I am smiling, laughing........... From deep inside my heart, I feel life is too short to spend worrying.... I should smile and laugh and wave goodbye to the "BAD thoughts".........

Lisa Smith 1766978

Back in school, when I made weird excuses and explanations why I didn't study at home... Blah :P

And thinking those I laugh.


Lisa Smith 1766978

OK.... Seems like am always ready for a snap with some quirky action and a smile. . .

Lisa Smith 1766978

The old me started to fading away

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

A clown who makes us laugh is the most kind hearten person. He laughs at himself and also makes us laugh. How to handle situation when I am embarrassed.

Far from a license for mediocrity, this commandment is a 
formula for success. If we are to rise above our fear and pain we 
must have the energy for it. Trying to deny our mistakes and keep 
them hidden from others is a waste of that precious energy. 
As we’ve already observed, we are perfectly imperfect. 
Mistakes are inevitable, but they can be real assets if we are willing 
to learn from them. Acknowledging them freely is the first step in 
turning our perils into pearls. 
What can we learn from mistakes if we’re willing to 
acknowledge them? Of course the most obvious payoff is that they 
teach us what doesn’t work. Being wrong will often alert us to another 
perspective or point of view. Mistakes also force us to develop new 
behaviors and coping styles—expanding our repertoire. Tonight 
Show host Johnny Carson was a master at deliberately “making 
mistakes” in his nightly monologue as a way of exercising his adlibbing 
Learning what doesn’t work, seeing additional perspectives, 
or developing new coping skills are all priceless assets when we are 
going through inevitable changes in our lives. And when it comes 
to expanding repertoires and gaining new perspectives, we have no 
greater resource than humor. 
To practice “welcoming” your mistakes, try this exercise: 
Exercise #4: 
Be like Johnny Carson. Make mistakes on purpose. 
Ask dumb questions. Wear mismatched socks. Push the 
elevator button after it’s already lit. 
I call this deliberate foolishness. Acting in this way provides 
many benefits:

1. You will get used to feeling foolish. It’s an exhilarating feeling. 
2. You will enjoy knowing that others will misjudge you and feel a 
false sense of superiority over you. 
3. Being foolish is a good stress reliever. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Gosh I made some stupid mistakes today.. Don't ask me what.. I smiled at it and let it got and dint let anyone understand how much I got tensed that moment. Just broke the ICE with an "oops - excuse me"

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

No one is perfect... I try hard in certain thins to achieve my dreams, but they just seem to be out of my reach.. I don't know if I allow my certain mistakes how will I be able to live my dreams.

Lisa Smith 1766978

From when I started to let go of my mistakes,..... Ah I think I am not making any mistakes as such. That's a relief. Feel like more confident.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Practicing exercise, looks to me more of a rule that I am bound to follow. Foolishly I just practiced this exercise. And not stressed. I simply made tea.. in place of sugar added salt... :P

Lisa Smith 1766978

Friends, you really helped me with your advices. Now I'm going easy with it. I feel like a bird, hibernating so long.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Should I do mistakes or stupid acts intentionally ??

Lisa Smith 1766978

Back to my childhood... Acknowledging my mistakes "no homework done" or "I forgot" were the most common.. But I feel good about it now.. :)

The most difficult thing to do when we are faced with 
stressful challenges is to listen very carefully. Yet it is a fact that our 
listening skill is our greatest asset for success. 
Most people find listening difficult because they think of it 
as a passive state. Careful listening may be a quiet activity, but it is 
certainly not passive. It requires the activation of every sense— our 
ears, of course, but also our eyes, our touch and especially our hearts. 
The goal is to first understand, before seeking to be 
If we are willing to listen fully to what we are hearing, we 
will discover information that will make us more successful. Quite 
often others will give us clues to the response that will be most 
Not only that, but when we listen intently, we will become 
aware of the humor in a situation that might otherwise be overlooked. 
This plays right into our commitment to have as much fun as possible 
at all times. 
The following exercise, performed daily, will increase the 
sensitivity of all your observational senses:

Exercise #5: 
Read the newspaper twice. 
The first time read the news, comics and whatever else 
interests you. Then go back through looking for “funny” headlines 
and captions. 
Practice focusing just on the choice and positioning of words, 
and nothing more. Suddenly amusing variations will become 
apparent. You can have fun with these variations, which will be 
missed by the majority of those who read them. 
To give you an idea of what awaits you, here are a few 
examples of headlines that I have found in my local newspaper: 

Lisa Smith 1766978

The newspaper exercise seems to be a real hard game.. I couldn't find anything for the last two days. However I am able to pick up few humorous clues from what I hear.

In life, as in juggling, success depends less on what we catch 
than on how quickly we can let go. Failure to let go of what we have 
already lost increases our suffering and ineffectiveness during life’s 19
inevitable transitions. 
Now, suppose you are an innocent recipient of misfortune 
or abuse. You did nothing to deserve the loss. You have a right to be 
resentful and angry. If you accept it gracefully, you may feel like 
you are endorsing an injustice or letting somebody or something 
off too easily. 
Nonetheless, it’s still advisable to let go and “forgive” as 
quickly as you can. Do this for one reason only — it’s good for you. 
Harboring resentment, no matter how justified it may be, imprisons 
the resenter, while making no impact on the situation. It drains 
energy and limits options. Letting go is something we do for the 
benefit of no one but ourselves. 
But it is not easy. The more important the loss, the harder it 
is to release our grip. This is where the issue of priorities, raised 
earlier, becomes important. We must not allow difficulty in letting 
go of the more important issues to stand in the way of our releasing 
what we can. Every little bit helps free us to be more resourceful 
and effective in our responses. 
Humor nature provides an effective and practically effortless 
way of letting go — laughter. We cannot laugh without letting go. 
Believe me, I’ve tried and it gave me a hernia. 
If you are able to let go, it may be only for today. Tomorrow 
may require a renewed effort, since resentments have a way of 
building back up, with or without justification. 
Perhaps you will find this exercise helpful: 

Exercise #6: 
Begin by letting the little things go. There may be things in 
your life that you can’t forgive right now. That’s certainly 
understandable, but it doesn’t have to stop you. 
To practice this exercise, all we really need is the willingness 
to release the things that we can. Each little bit helps. Every time we 
let go of a small resentment we increase the likelihood of eventually 
being free of our bigger ones. 
Start with the easy ones and work your way up

This a crucial “commandment,” because most of the fear 
we experience in life relates to assumptions we make based on past 
experience or the counsel of others (usually some form of hearsay). 
We are tireless assumers. Drop us into any situation and the first 
thing we’ll do, whether or not we know the facts, is begin to make 
assumptions. We are not deterred by ignorance of the facts. 
Whenever we don’t know, we simply make more assumptions, more 
Most of our assumptions go unchecked. Soon we begin to 
treat them as fact and assign them the power of truth. 
There’s only one problem with all of this. Most of our 
assumptions are wrong! Our batting average is so poor it’s a miracle 
our species has made it this far. 
In order to survive life’s challenges successfully, we need the 
capacity to challenge our assumptions frequently enough to stop us 
from veering too far off course. Humor nature is our best resource 
for this. Challenging prevailing assumptions is the chief mechanism 
of all humor. 
Challenge the assumption that you are sufficiently diligent 
in riding herd on your assumptions by practicing this exercise: 


Exercise #7: 
Playing the “What if?” game is a good habit to develop. 
What and if are the two words that usually begin any assault on 
your assumptions. “What if ..” is a wake up call to your humor 
nature. Even when you are certain of your facts, “What if ..” is still 
a good habit, because it will stimulate your creativity (eg. What if 
two plus two did not equal four?) 
Practice playing “What if ...” with common every day 
objects. Look around the room right now and try it with anything 
you see. What if this pen wasn’t a pen? What else could it be? A 
microphone ... a miniature space craft ... a jumbo lipstick tube? 
What if that wasn’t my hat? Would it be a frisbee made of cloth ... a 
lunch box ... a potholder? 
Please don’t try to be funny in this exercise. There’s no need 
for it. Simply let your imagination run free. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

7 steps to challenge my assumptions... Making it lot more easier to me...

never thought that it can be explained so well..

Lisa Smith 1766978

For sometime I suppose I have been very negetive assuming a lot of things. That wasn't necessary. The time when I challenged and questioned myself "what if" everything just changed. Sometime some challenges are great.

Lisa Smith 1766978

What if game has been really helpful one... whenever I fail to get a hold of myself and assume something. I just aask myself "What if?" And then in a fraction of second I find myself giving it a second thought

Lisa Smith 1766978

Built a roadblock of assumptions till now. Broke it at one go. Freed my imagination, freed my mind.. I let it run.

This sounds like an assignment for a contortionist. Focused 
and flexible? Aren’t they opposites? 
Let me put it this way. We all know the shortest distance 
between two points is… usually under construction. That’s right. 
The theoretical straight line does not exist in real life. 
We are challenged to keep our goals and priorities clearly in 
focus, while remaining flexible enough to accommodate the 
inevitable surprises. At times life resembles a game of “Twister.” 
That’s why humor is so valuable. 
Balance is the issue. If focus overrides flexibility, we become 
stubborn, rigid and bull-headed. If flexibility eclipses focus, we are 
left aimless and vulnerable. Humor helps us avoid these extremes. 
When it comes to flexibility, your humor nature offers a 
win/win situation. Flexibility stimulates your sense of humor and 
humor will keep you more flexible. 
If you are having trouble with this seemingly oxymoronic 
“commandment,” here’s an exercise that might help: 


Exercise #8: 
Keep humor props with you at all times. Props are very 
helpful in keeping focus and perspective. 
For example, one prop I find indispensable in rush hour 
traffic is my red clown nose. When caught in a “logjam”, I put on 
the nose and wave to people in the other cars. 
Incidentally, if you should ever want to try this, I will warn 
you right now that half the people who see you do this won’t like it. 
They’ll look away quickly, so as not to encourage you at all. But the 
other 50 percent love it. They laugh, wave, and tell me I’m #1 - at 
least I think that’s what that finger means. 
The point is that, regardless of the effect it has on others, 
the prop helps me stay focused on the big picture, which keeps the 
small frustrations in perspective

Lisa Smith 1766978

Read these lines somewhere:

"Love Fiercely, be flexible in the manifestation.
Create Fiercely, flex with the flow.
Live Fiercely, be flexible on the path.
Journey Fiercely, be flexible about the destination.

Fierce can be a mother’s love, an artist’s work, and a warrior’s heart.
We embody all.

To be fierce and flexible is to be totally alive, to experience the full range of human emotion…to be powerful enough to stand in the light of our own humanity and divinity.

Fierce knows no age, it flexes with time and maturity.
Fierce knows no gender, no race, no weight, no limits.

Be fierce and flexible, and you will be free."

And honestly am touched....

Lisa Smith 1766978

A flexible mind is a happy mind. With a rigid mind we tend to see ourselves as a victim and keep ourselves surrounded by the old past and old same.

Lisa Smith 1766978

Am a trainee staff of the store. Standing for the whole with a smile glued to my face. My cheeks are paining. Ohhhhh.. But jolly good. I have to begin somewhere. And this is my first day............... I will keep my eyes fixed and spirits high..

Lisa Smith 1766978

I got the job....... This is awesome. I would be joining from monday. I am so excited but yes I would be focused... I am just so happy. :)

Lisa Smith 1766978

While I am focused on my goal, I am also very specific about being sympathic and passionate person. There is seriously no alternative to it. . .

Lisa Smith 1766978

I am focused on my goal while moving towards it I need to be flexible too. They are contrary at times. It’s hard to strike a equilibrium between them. But at last, I am able to be.

The best ideas are merely intellectual curiosities until put 
into action. Success is measured by action. Life is not a spectator 
We must have a plan of action. Even if it calls for us to do 
nothing for now, planned passivity is better than immobilization by 
despair. Yes, there is risk involved in taking action. In fact, there is 
a certain degree of risk in every breath we take. But if we are willing 
to be bold in putting our humor nature into action, we will find 
that the risks have been vastly overrated. Others are surprisingly 
receptive and supportive, once we take the initiative. 
Which brings us to the second aspect of this 
“commandment” — interacting. Nobody achieves success without 
help from others. Even the Lone Ranger, the quintessential symbol 
for going it alone, had Tonto at his side. 
Have you noticed that your sense of humor becomes stronger 
the moment it connects with another person? Amusing yourself is 
better than nothing. Sharing your humor with others is the best. 
You will find that if you make the effort to reach out with humor, 
others will be eager to meet you more than half way. 
Here’s an exercise to help with this challenge: 


Exercise #9: 
Reach out. Engage other people at every opportunity. 
A childlike, playful spirit is the best approach. Despite the impersonal 
tendencies of modern technology, there are many everyday situations 
in which we find ourselves in close proximity to other people. Do 
we interact? Usually not. 
A prime example is a ride in an elevator. Here we have a 
small room, many people, and no windows. So what do we do with 
this golden opportunity to interact? We stare silently at the numbers 
over the door. 
Don’t ever let this happen to you again. Say something - 
anything. Break the silence. 
My favorite ploy is to announce, “If I’d known so many 
were coming to this meeting, I’d have reserved a bigger room.” Then 
I’ll ask for somebody to give the treasurer’s report. Someone usually 
“volunteers”, and has some fun with it. I’ll ask departing passengers 
how they want to vote on the upcoming merger issue. Newcomers 
are greeted with, “You missed the first part of the meeting, but 
don’t feel left out. We elected you president.” By the time we’ve 
gone a few floors, everybody’s smiling and having fun. It’s silly. But 
it’s better than staring at the numbers. 
There are many similar situations. It’s ludicrous to be thrown 
into face-to-face contact and have nothing to say to each other. 
Don’t let it happen. Reach out. You never know whom you might 


Lisa Smith 1766978

While interacting I realised how I can influence others and make a good impression.. I have been just worried thinking about all these.. till I cam across this theory. Very helpful for my workplace.

Lisa Smith 1766978

It would be a gala time... with friends... Oh!! Funny and weird acts.... Looking forward to rock every moment.

Lisa Smith 1766978

It's fun to act childish.. I feel confident everytime I practise this with strangers. Typing mails chatting on facebook or tweeting is okay.. you don't know everyone there personally. But, when I intereact anyone face to face, it is my body-language, my smile that works half for me.. and then my words.

I learn a lot from it.

Lisa Smith 1766978

I have never been a good communicator. Speaking to stranger ooooooo...... Nopes!! However, things are different nowadays. In fact I have been reading on how to communicate with strangers. Here's what I found interesting.

Lisa Smith 1766978
Help wanted

Surprise!!! For the first time after so many days here's a natural :) for all of you...

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of the optimistic little boy 
who, when confronted with a room full of horse manure, dove 
right in, exclaiming, “With all this manure, there’s got to be a pony 
in here somewhere!” Although I don’t think I want to hug him 
right now, I think the little fellow’s got it right. 
No matter how big a pile of “manure” life dumps in your 
path, looking for the pony is the best response. Even if there is no 
pony, digging in with enthusiasm is better for us than being burdened 
with reluctance and resentment. Between you and me, there usually 
is a pony, but we miss it because we’re not looking for it. 
When you opened your eyes this morning, you were already 
breathing. If not, I don’t think you should be reading this. 
If you went on to check the obituaries and didn’t find your 
name, you’re apparently alive. That’s a miracle. Celebrate it. 
Celebration is made up of two elements — gratitude and 
joy. Remember, joy is the most natural state for us humor beings. If 
you want more joy in your life, begin each moment with gratitude. 
Gratitude is the essence of celebration. It doesn’t have to be noisy or 
raucous. A quiet “thank you” to a special person in your life can be 
an effective form of celebration. 
If you have not been celebrating everything, try this exercise: 
Exercise #10: 
Get in the habit of listening for the sounds of laughter 
constantly going on all around you. I call these sounds the Symphony 
of Laughter. 
Whenever you are out in a public place, such as the mall, an 
airport, or a theater lobby, you can hear laughter, because that’s the 
way we communicate when we have no imposed agenda. Whether 
it’s a giggle right beside you or a guffaw from across the room, the 
sound will lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face. 

Soon one more laugh will be heard—yours. 
There you have my Ten Commandments of Fun, each a 
practical strategy for bringing forth your humor nature in all its 
strength and glory. Notice that all of them are focused on you, rather 
than the things going on around you. That’s because, if you’re aiming 
to focus on fun, you must look to yourself first. As selfish as that 
may sound, it’s simply the way it is. 
The roots of fun do not lie in the circumstances or things 
that surround you. They are deeply embedded within your being. 
If you catch yourself thinking thoughts like, “I could have more 
fun, if I had more money” or “My job would be more fun if the 
boss would get off my back,” you’re focusing in the wrong direction. 
Fun starts inside you and works its way out. It doesn’t happen 
the other way. 
The best way to remember how fun works is to “take” my 
Ha Ha Ha Prescription. Whereas most doctors say, “Open wide 
and say AH,” I say, “Open wide and say HA HA HA.” 
The first HA is Humor Attitude. This is where fun begins. 
Attitude is a 100 percent inside job. Our attitude may be the only 
thing in life over which we have total control. If we cultivate an 
attitude of willingness to be light and playful, to appreciate all the 
absurdities swirling around us all the time and to laugh whenever 
we can, we have done our part. 
The next step happens automatically, without any effort 
from us. Our Humor Attitude creates a Humor Atmosphere around 
us. That is the second HA. It just “oozes” from us. Others may not 
know what to call it, but they know it’s there. They can feel it. They 
are drawn into it. It’s irresistible. They want to be near us and hear 
what we have to say. They are eager to share their positive thoughts 
with us. They want to “play” with us. 
Once this is accomplished, what follows is a no-brainer. 
The very next thing we do will be fun. That’s the last HA—a Humor 
Action. Humor Action does not require anyone to be witty or funny.

There is no pressure to perform or to make anything happen. It is
merely a trustworthy natural outcome. 
Because we have the tendency to mistakenly think that 
success produces fun instead of the other way around, we often find 
ourselves trying to apply the HA HA HA Prescription backwards. 
We attempt to say or do something funny (Humor Action) hoping 
that our “performance” will stimulate laughter (Humor Atmosphere) 
and thus lighten the mood of everyone present (Humor Attitude). 
It doesn’t work that way. Even when it seems to, it’s only a 
transient phenomenon, hardly a dependable basis for lasting success. 
Sustained excellence comes only from having fun first, and that 
begins, not ends, with attitude. 
With the HA HA HA Prescription and the Ten 
Commandments of Fun under our belts, we are now ready to 
consider how to build the Fun Factor back into our lives. Let’s begin 
by looking at the most basic social structure we encounter in life— 
our family. 


Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebration is sooooooo obvious.. I have been busy the while day preparing for the surprise b'day party for Jenn... I love you hun..........

Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebrating life, celebrating the new happy me.

Lisa Smith 1766978

This has been a busy week.. My lil brother's 5th birthday. Have been really busy with the preparation. Theme and decoration, menu, food, invites and at last the big day. Now after weeks while following the agreements I notice the changes. As a human being I have changed. I AM HAPPY..... :):)

Lisa Smith 1766978

Celebrating with a wide smile. :) Reason doesn't matter any more.

No amount is smoking is harmless. So drop it right away. Even the smokeless tobacco, social smoking, low-nicotine smoking or even present while others are smoking are equally dangerous. While smoking Carbon Monoxide replaces some of the oxygen in your blood which increases the blood pressure.  At this circumstance, your heart is forced to work hard to produce sufficient oxygen for the body.

Sara Young Cddd

I don't smoke but never knew if someone else smokes in front of me.. That too be harmful.

How much tobacco damages your heart is beyond your imagination. The chemicals present in tobacco narrows the arteries, which ultimately leads to heart attack. So first of all get rid of this terrible habit.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

whoops! I don't have this habit.. So no question to quit.

Women smoking as well as being on birth control pills has a higher risk of getting a heart attack or stroke than those who don’t do either as it increases the chances of blood clots.

Sara Young Cddd

Thanks I was never aware of it. My goodness..

"Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that
was not born outdoors while moving about freely."


--Friedrich Nietzsche


Day Activity
Mon Run & Walk
Run 1 min
Walk 2 min
Repeat 10X
Tue Walk
Walk easy 30 min
Wed Run & Walk
Run 1 min
Walk 2 min
Repeat 10X
Thu Walk
Walk easy 30 min
Fri Run & Walk
Run 1 min
Walk 2 min
Repeat 10X
Sat Run & Walk
Run 1 min
Walk 2 min
Repeat 10X
Sun Rest


Training tip: 

To fuel up for your workout, have a piece of fruit or an energy bar about 2 hours before you lace up your shoes. An hour later, drink 8 ounces of a sports drink. The drink will ensure that you are fully hydrated, and also that you have sufficient
sodium and potassium for a healthy workout.

  • Timing: 6 times per Week

Activities in the sequence:
  • Week 1  "Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while moving about freely."   --Friedrich Nietzsche   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 1 min Walk 2 min Repeat 10X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 1 min Walk 2 min Repeat 10X Thu Walk Walk...
  • Week 2  "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself."   --William Faulkner   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 2 min Walk 1 min Repeat 10X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 3 min Walk 1 min Repeat 7X Run 2 min Thu Walk Walk easy...
  • Week 3  "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals."   --Henry Ford   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 5 min Walk 1 min Repeat 5X Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 5 min Walk 1 min Repeat 5X Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run & Walk...
  • Week 4  "Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach."   --Dr. George Sheehan   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 12 min Walk 1 min Repeat 2X Run 4 min Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 13 min Walk 1 min Repeat 2X Run 2 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri...
  • Week 5  "You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, if you hold that desire with singleness of purpose." --Abraham Lincoln   "Sit as little as possible. Give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while moving about freely."   --Friedrich...
  • Week 6  "You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, if you hold that desire with singleness of purpose." --Abraham Lincoln   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 16 min Walk 1 min Run 13 min Tue Walk Walk easy 30 min Wed Run & Walk Run 17 min Walk 1...
  • Week 7  "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."   --T.S. Eliot   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Tue Run & Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Wed Run & Walk Run 22 min Walk 1 min Run 7 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run...
  • Week 8  "One cannot consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."   --Helen Keller   Day Activity Mon Run & Walk Run 27 min Walk 1 min Run 2 min Tue Walk Run 20 min Walk 1 min Run 9 min Wed Run & Walk Run 28 min Walk 1 min Run 1 min Thu Walk Walk easy 30 min Fri Run & Walk Run 29 min...
Manage sequence

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Wohh.... I can't tell..  got a muscle pain.. That has been aweful... The first day.. I don't know how I will run tomorrow.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

From coming Monday, I am going to start this course. So, for the weekend I am going to run a little warm up.. so that I can easily adjust with the vigorous workout.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have been unable to tag it here.. however I have continued and been successful with the week 1 routine.. Giving up would have been easy not sticking to the regimen..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Though had a hard start,I am catching up.

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

Had a painful start

John Doe Dr david hawkins

Ouch ouch ouch. Why did I start this?

If you are going for a heart-healthy lifestyle, then you need to keep your eyes open on how much alcohol you consume. Unless you can’t give up altogether, drink in moderation. Good news is that red wine that too not more than two glasses a day is good for your heart’s health.  For women and men above the age of 65 years one drink a day is permissible, whereas for men of and below the age of 65 can drink up to two drinks.

  • Timing: When you are planning to have alcohol

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Christmas is incomplete without some wine...

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Just a small party at home...

Sara Young Cddd

I know I should be drinking especially when I am having so much of trouble. So I actually jumped to red wine and that's too just for a single glass. No not everyday just this weekend.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Not a regular drinker. I need not to be strict on this for myself. That is just the best part. But along with it I also avoid soda drinks. They just taste good but not healthy.

Cycling is a low-impact exercise that goes easy on your joints, but an effective cardiovascular activity. You can cycle around the tracks, the road, in the gym or join a cycling club. Even for small daily works you can cycle the way which serves both as exercise again work. It pumps your heart and helps in smooth blood flow, as well as tones your body muscles and strengthens too.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

How to pick up the best suited bicycle for yourself? In case you are confused with the types, performance, here check this article. I just got a Giant Escape 3 for myself.. A perfect hybrid bike and very comfortable.. I cycle to the gym now..

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Today no gyming .. took out my bicycle .. and went out.

Your body is built for walking. Walking is a natural way to keep your body fit, no matter whether you walk for miles on a treadmill or the jogger’s park. Make sure that you grab on the comfortable pair of walking shoes, plug in your iPod and get going.It is thousand times better walk a little, rather than sitting down idle on the couch in front of the television.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

I got a new activity tracking watch which helped me to achieve my daily walking goals. I am walking around 6 kilometres everyday on an average. That is a great success because really don't walk much maybe it was just around 800m earlier. 

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

I got a new activity tracking watch which helped me to achieve my daily walking goals. I am walking around 6 kilometres everyday on an average. That is a great success because really don't walk much maybe it was just around 800m earlier. 

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

I got a new activity tracking watch which helped me to achieve my daily walking goals. I am walking around 6 kilometres everyday on an average. That is a great success because really don't walk much maybe it was just around 800m earlier. 

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

I am going for walk every day.. A bit tiring and painful at the beginning but hope it will be fine soon.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

Walked faster today with music on. I don't feel much tired or out of breathe but enthusiastic. 30 minutes for today..

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Walking

I walked for 30 mins around the park. With 5 mins break. Vigorous exercises gives me uneven heart-beat. Moderate exercise for now.

Mix up your boring low intensity aerobic exercise with a few minutes of strengthening exercises of a high intensity work out. This type of mixed routine keeps you motivated to work out and also builds your body strength, endurance and improves your heart’s health.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd

Lost a couple of pounds in a week... I feel like dancing.. I almost lost my confidence that I can again loose some... Was feeling so horrible, but now.. Yeah I think I gonna do it.. I love this life.. A healthy life.

Sara Young Cddd

OOOPPPSS.....gained 6 kilos.. A trip to my inlaws place with kids.. a lot of change in topography, cuisine, routine..  And no exercise!!

I had to work out.. I think getting the ideal weight is easier than maintaining that ...

Its been hard to stretch and work out after 3 weeks..

Sara Young Cddd

Lean slim... Great... Now it is just toning up my body.. I am now what I was 10 years back Gosh... Just so happy.

Sara Young Cddd

I defenitely dont have a treadmill, and running is not always my interest passtime. I prefer to workout somewhere indoors. I just came across 9 cardio workouts none on treadmill.. Planning to get along  with it.

Sara Young Cddd

It is warm.. And perfect for intense workout.. Now I dont workout to loose fat but I enjoy doing it.
Perhaps, after few days of efforts it becomes your passion. That is the best part.

Sara Young Cddd

It is better to workout indoors.. just so freezing. Here are 20 exercises for winter.

Sara Young Cddd

Worked out... Like everyday.. Followed by a full meal. However, I took a warm shower right after I worked out. It eases the stretched muscles and helps in blood circulation.

Sara Young Cddd

That half n hour I work out gives me the strength and positivity for day... But I just got a shoulder sprain.. Oooouuuch its painful. Gosh I am rushing to see my doctor.


Sara Young Cddd

So long I have been working out... aerobic and interval.. I have already experienced many benits of it.. starting from activeness, peace of mind but I supppose it is better put into words here

Sara Young Cddd

I generally work out with a few mix and matches from my own but at last I found a video tutorial on this. It has been really helpful. 30 mins work out.

Sara Young Cddd

15 to 20 mins of intensive workout.. including a light warm up then jumping rope.. BUt I concluded the tiring session with few mins of meditation. I know it sounds crazy but it works like magic. Trust me try it at home.

Sara Young Cddd

These days I workout mild for 10-15 mins

Sara Young Cddd

Crunches on the floor.... 25... Jumping rope for ten mins.. huh! done for the day..

Sara Young Cddd

It has changed the life of mine. More fit, more energetic and moreover it has made my heart healthy.

Sara Young Cddd

Working out has never been so fun. Initially I was working to loose weight to be healthy.. was mostly in tension and now, enjoying it to stay tuned..

Sara Young Cddd

Well, running outside is sometimes hard when its raining. At last I have decided upon interval training.... I mixed it up with many programs like jumping rope and aerobics and weight traing however I just wanted to be sure I don't go wrong. Here are some tips that I found for myself, since I am not planning for a professional fitness coach's supervision at this moment.


Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It is getting bit hard for me to run. It rains so.. I am going to make is more flexible.. Joining a gym. Got a routine. Well I am fit so my main focus is just to be the same..

Sara Young Cddd

I feel it's time to pick up some efficient fat burning vigorous workout regimen. I am not doing much with the walks. So I figured out jump-rope workout would do great only if I do it properly...


Sara Young Cddd

M back.... Just had an awesome time.  I am tired a little so thought of working out lazily today... So just some stretches.

Sara Young Cddd

Now these day I'm mixing my exercises, keeping it vigourous as well as moderate.

I learned from certain videos to grab some ideas to how to mix.

This inspires me a lot.. Sometime I just exercise playing those videos; I feel there are people around me and it doesn't look so boring.

Sara Young Cddd

I look most funny when I tend to work out with music. Whew.. But it is more important to continue rather than thinking how stupid I would be looking.

Running is like a blessing to someone who is willing to shed some weight and reduces risk of heart disease. A person weighing 150pounds can burn up to 100 calories by running a mile. No doubt, it has been regarded as one of the best exercises for all (except for individuals with physical limitations or injuries).Warm up for a minute or two before you run. And, if you’re a beginner then mix run for couple of minutes in the middle of walking for five minutes. As soon as you get used to it, increase the minutes you run.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

There has been a marked improvement. I can walk longer n faster.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

I have not been working out for so many months that it affected my stamina levels. A few weeks back, I started going to gym. Initially, it was hard with for me to walk for 2 minutes on the treamill but now I am mixing different paces as well as running - it has surely helped me to build up my stamina.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I am mostly in the gym. So it somewhat makes my body muscles rigid. I wanted it to loosen up. What else then, I picked my water bottle, my towel, my ipod, shades and am out on my way.

I returned almost after an hour. Took a cool shower. Would hit the gym i.e. my work place in eve.


Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

A small run.... for 10 min. But intensive. I did this to warm up myself before going to gym. I got more people to look after so I could do lil workout myself. But, this simple morning routine keeps me tuned and muscles relaxed and flexible for the rest of the day.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

One round of the park!!

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

Practicing, running every morning for 1 hour... I should not get exhausted in the midway..

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

I have registered for a running event today... I think I need a little more push towards my "healthy lifestyle". Perhaps I need to take it to a whole new level.

Iron Girl Clearwater Women's Half Marathon &5K

on 12th April....

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

Spent 15 mins nonstop running.. When couldn't do it a minute more.. I called it off. And later a warm shower and a heavy breakfast I was set... Before I picked up my workpout routine I made sure that my main priorities my lovely hubby and kid were done for their food and well set.. So that now I can focus a little on mme.. And bang on...

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

I am all set for this winter. Infact I am rocking it.. Running at a high pace. Got some tips for you all.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

I have been wondering should I go out for a run.. Don't know what appeared to me I just took my apple and started googling. Guess what I google " benefits workout in winter" and here I found this huffingtongpost article. Dont be lazy ... comon go out and work out.. I am doing that.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Running

Ran today... few mins of warm u then ran.. Initially I thought I would be able but I realised I am a bad runner.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Ahhh.. Man running is something we do in our daily life but that is of no use.. We just run to earn our daily bread and butter. And end up in stress. But this early morning run keeps ma system running.. & fresh.. I love it.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.”

This is my favorite line from Dean Karnazes..

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Some time I just love a certain change. I ran for 5 miles. It's been a real exercise.. Have been too much hungry.. Huh... gosh. I just want to lay low on the couch for the rest of the day.

Pool is not only a place for you to float around lazily, but a perfect and safe alternative exercise for you if you’re suffering from joint pains. Water creates a multi-directional resistance over your body, which you overcome while swimming. This improves your muscle strength and improves your heart health.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Swimming

I find swimming relaxing these days. It is too hot and humid!

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Swimming

I am suffering from hypertension, anxiety. I tried many things to calm down Won't lie, it is helping but, temporarily. Today, I had go for a swim. Didn't notice the time, but I guess I was swimming for more than an hour. After that, I fell asllep. Probably, the best sleep in this one month of stress.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I am trying not to stress myself but improving the blood-flow. So, swimming these and gym is stopped for a week or so.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Relaxed... I swimmed for around half an hour. This weekly swim washes away the exertion..



Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It is a safe alternative exercise.. When I get totally drained out, I can only rely on a good swim. I feel like I cut the water like a fish..

It relaxes the body muscles that get stiffened after spending the whole day in gym.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Got a lower back pain, taken a day off from gym. No more weights, or instensive workout, instead swimming to relax the pain. Used back strokes only. Hopefully, it would vanish by the end of the day.


Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I can't stand the heat. What could be better way to cool myself down than a swimming? Hitting the club's pool today.

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted
 Activity: Swimming

I am focusing on the different strokes now... This really helped me ... Have a look.

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted
 Activity: Swimming

Oh my my.... there is so many things related to swimming? SO many gears, bath cap, fins, gloves ... water treadmills???  Well I having some lower back pain .. so my friend suggested I should give aerobic break and swim..

Here is a summary of the benefits of swimming...

And a guide to help me get started..

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Swimming

Was having a bad back ache this morning. I didn't want to mess it up with a vigorous exercise routine. Swimming eased the pain alot. Though I am still having it.

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Swimming

For a change I swam for 40 mins today. These days I have been exercising hard.. Ahhh my muscles relaxed a bit today.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Not all knows but I used to be the fat face back into my school. I have been always with a down face and at last could take it anymore and decide to get the ideal physic. I used to work out and controlled my biiiiig appetite. Now, it is hard to get the time out, but I swim every alternate days.


In order to keep your heart in a healthy condition, you need not to be a diehard sportsperson.All you need is a workout plan that not only reduces the risk factors, but at the same time improves your stamina, potency and flexibility. An active life with regular exercise lowers the bad cholesterol and boosts the good cholesterol, burns the calories and maintains a healthy blood pressure. Even moderate exercise for just 30 minutes would make a huge difference.

Before starting with exercising, you need to understand a few things.

How much you should exercise?

  • In case of moderate exercise, it is recommended working out for 150 mins every week. It depends upon you how will you break and schedule it.
  • In case of intense exercise, you can do it for three days for 25 mins each or 75 minutes of high intensive work out regime. However, if you can exercise for longer, but increase the length gradually so that it doesn’t affect you.


  1. Before you take up exercising do speak to your doctor once, if it is okay with you and what kind of exercises you should do.
  2. While working out, if you have a sudden chest pain, or heart beat racing up, tired or dizzy stop at once. Keep your eyes open to those signs.
  3. Initially you would be having sore, which is absolutely normal and there is no need to be worried about that. Soon enough they will be gone and you will be excited when you feel fresh after you work out.

  • Timing: When you are exercising

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Time to recall.. some important facts.. how much should I work out and everything.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Working out as my instructor as specified...............

Sara Young Cddd

Points noted. My doctor advised me to go slow in the beginning. Then as I loose I may take up running. wish me luck..

A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for your heart. Try to avoid unhealthy fats otherwise make sure that they don’t exceed 10% of your calories. DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;

More fruits and vegetables – to improve your blood pressure.

  • Have five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Go for fresh or frozen fruits without any added salt or fat. Such frozen fruits and vegetables retain the vitamin and the minerals of the fresh ones.
  • Instead of candy you can opt for two tbsp. of dried fruits.
  • Include them in your regular snacks; there is a wide range of fruits & vegetables that you can never be tired of.
  • Try to include them as the main part at least once in a day.

  • Timing: When you are eating

Sara Young Cddd

Not sure whether I was feeling lonely bored or what.. I just wanted to feel good and went to the freezer.. Wanted to have a soda.. Took it out even.. Then something stroke me.. I am just loosing the control and gathered myself and I put it back.

I went to the fruit basket instead and prepared a salad , fruit salad took a fork and started to enjoy a noon movie with it.. Then a glass of water with lil' lime and salt. Honestly it has been heaven.. This was how I prepared my snack with fruit and at the same time got over my craving for soda... Jolly Good isn't it?

Sara Young Cddd

I have made it a point to have fruits and vegetables everyday. Why to take vitamin pills when we can have it naturally???

Sara Young Cddd

tried this... it is definitely been a off the track recipe for me but a real delicacy .... Rainbow Fruit Kebobs

Sara Young Cddd

Check out the vegan recipes here. Even my kid finish the whole of it.. One word Yummy.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Green Veggies Ranked & Rated, they are the powerhouse of energy.. and all the nutrients that a body needs. Against the popular myths they even provide protein to our body. Spinach, kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage..

Sara Young Cddd

Made vegan based pasta with peper chicken today. Homely and healthy. Had a whole apple in breakfast.

Sara Young Cddd

Smoothies and juices (vegetable and fruits both) would be a part of the breakfast table. Pete loves the strawberry smoothies.

Sara Young Cddd

Going to grow vegetables, especially the fall produce. I'm going to adapt gardening in my leisre hours. Nice na?

Sara Young Cddd

papaya salad in breakfast after a small workout.. Great morning

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Guess what I got a chance of something really healthy and tasty..  its "The Green" from the juice truck. There were more .. And the crowd were awesome the guys were genius. got no words.. I will be back tomorrow to discover others. Even babies were getting their bottles filled.. Nothing is more inspiring. Check out "The Juice Truck" at corner of Water and Abbott Street,Vancouver.


Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

My mom is the best cook in the whole universe.. Got lovely muffins.. and some vegan breakfast.. Nothing is better than this.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Discovering fruit based deserts these days. My craze these day.. I got a few from here. They are quick one.... try it..

A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains are good for your heart. Try to avoid unhealthy fats otherwise make sure that they don’t exceed 10% of your calories. DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;



Avoid unhealthy fat and cholesterol to lower the cholesterol

  • Avoid saturated fat; keep it less than 10% of your daily calories.
  • Use unsaturated fat and oil for cooking like olive oil, canola oil, soya oil and sunflower oil.
  • Avoid taking butter, lard, hydrogenated margarine, cream sauces, coconut, cocoa butter, bacon fat and so on.
  • If you have LDL or bad cholesterol, lower it than 200 mg. daily.
  • Make sure that your total fat intake is less than 30% of your daily calorie intake.
  • For salad dressing, choose oil based dressings in place of creamy ones.
  • Try grilled, boiled, baked, broiled or steamed food and avoid having fried food.

  • Timing: When you are eating

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Sometime if I have oily food, I have to relieve myself with an antacid. Gosh! I really hate that. The soda used to be my favorite drink that freed me.. but that is now off the list.

No oily food, no deep fries!!

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Bad cholesterol is aweful.. It needs to be discarded from our lives... Here, Mayo Clinic thrown some light on it.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Got recommendations for fat intake.. giving the information on fat intake depending on the types - Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated Omega 3 and Saturated fats.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Checked!! Following strictly.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

More about choosing healthy fats... it helped me alot in regards to my dietary plan.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

From now I would cross check my kitchen ingredients.... the fats that I am avoiding seems to have a secret entry to my kitchen through those processed food.. No more of this better I get oil free cooking methods or olive oil, coconut oil..

Sara Young Cddd

From the last few weeks, I am having less or no skin problems. I know the unhealthy fats are really taty but sometime I have to think of health. WHo says healthy food with healthy fat are not tasty..

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Only olive oil in my kitchen...!!

Sara Young Cddd

I may not have logged this piece of detil but for last two weeks, I have replaced butter, cream, saturated oil with olive and sunflower oil. While cooking I go for broiled or grilled one. Now NO FRIES....


DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and Mediterranean diets are two heart-healthy diet plans. Here’s a comprehensive list of important things that you need to consider in your diet;

Include fiber in your diet – suggestive 20g to 30g regularly.

  • Sources of fiber; wheat, rye, bran, oats, peelings of fruits and vegetables, whole grain pasta, brown rice, ground flaxseed, whole grain flour, whole grain bread, etc.
  • Include high fiber cereal with 5g or more fiber in a serving.
  • Don’t rush to make changes, begin slowly then increase it.
  • Increase water consumption along with fiber, they work hand in hand.
  • While shopping, read food label first and choose one with highest fiber content.


  • Timing: When you are eating

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Milk, cornflakes and honey in breakfast and some oatmeal in lunch, with grilled chicken and sauted veggies.

I think I have grown as a cook in a year!! But, at sametime pretty fitness freak.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie... Some banana  chopped, strained yogurt, skimmed milk, fruit juice (I tried grape juice), honey, oat, cashew and almond together blend and refrigerate overnight and next morning a yummy smoothie waiting for me..

Sara Young Cddd

Anyone facing trouble or having confusion what to eat when it comes to fiber.. Here are some smart ways to include fiber in your diet.I know since I have applied these ways and trust me on this.. Really Works.

Sara Young Cddd

wheat rye are now my breakfast and super.. I make sure I drink enough water to digest and keep my system clean.. even vegetables have high fiber content... just came to know

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

When it comes to working out and losing weight, it is important to have sufficient amount of high fiber foods which are low on carbohydrate. It helps in digestion, sustaining energy and managing the hunger. Raspberries, Avocados, Flaxseeds, Oats, Lentils, Broccoli,Cabbage, Apple, Brussels Sprouts are some of the fibers I just came across.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

wow.... though protien is mostly mention but fibers play an important role too. I was aware however now daniel too mentioned and explained it........ here it is

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I cannot stay without water. After running and working out I really need to hydrate myself. water and juice are my BUDDIES

Sara Young Cddd

Skimmed milk, cornflakes with honey and nuts....... that's my lazily morning breakfast. Gave a healthy kickstart to my morning after swimming.

Sara Young Cddd

3 liter of water every day..

Human body needs protein for the growth and strength of muscles. While doing so, keep inmind that all protein sources are heart-friendly. If you are a risk of heart disease you need to choose wisely over the sources of protein.

Choose low-fat protein sources

  • Low-fat, fat-free or soya based cheese are good options.
  • Others are Soya milk, almond milk, skimmed or 1% cow’s milk, low-fat yoghurt.
  • Have skinless poultry, fish, egg whites, lean meat. Have skinless chicken breasts.
  • Dried beans, peas, lentils are good for protein and also low in fat.

  • Timing: When you are eating

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Oh, I am getting crazy for some yumlecious chicken pieces. I am going out tonight. Amd make sure to return home with smile on my face... :)

It's cheat day!!

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Lean chicken, fat free milk, and egg... Yeah! It has been too much for a day. But, c'mon I love them.

And, I workout daily so I thinkn its okay.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

For those who workout in gym, protein shake is a must. Not all understand, they not only provide us the nutrients, but there are many health risks associated with them. Keeping those in mind I discovered with WebMD a few things to understand which protein shake to have.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Simple and easy " How to Make Grilled Sardine". It doesn't require too many ingredients or time. I am trying it today. Would get some sardines on the way back home.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Here're some high-protien snacks, still I need to be choosy ...  not all of the snacks I prefer to eat. Tofu sticks, Soy milk smoothies, Nut butter boat, hard boiled eggs are perfect for me.. Absolutely mouth-watering!! :D

Sara Young Cddd

I am going to have Crabs today, which are very rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Now just searching for some recipe that is easy-to-cook..

Crab Recipe



Sara Young Cddd

Planned to have chicken breast in dinner. Here are 23 recipes that you may even try at home. Take a look.

Sara Young Cddd

This article is definitely a consolidation of all the ways (Healthy ways) to have non vegetagian food.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Chicken, egg, milk are mandatory these days in my daily diet... but sometime I skip that and also keep in mind healthy food wins over everything. Staying healthy is the prime thing on this earth.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

As per change in plan -

from now I would be having

2 eggs daily



Meat  as mandotory .............

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

Today my trainer adviced me to include more protien meat, egg milk to make my muscles stronger. And on it since I work vigorous I shouldn't get weak in the course... So there would be certain changes in my plan now.

Since my heart is healthy beating well I can do a little switch huh? What say?

Sara Young Cddd

Going to have some crabs today..................

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Planning for my favorite peper chicken with veggies today.. Inviting my friends over to my place.. It will be really an amazing weekend..

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I'm confused.. I heard pulses have protien but is it good? Well I am having soya milk, but I prefer to have chicken.. the skinless breast portion.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Bread, butter, poched egg and grape juice .. What a morning!!


Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Grilled chicken breasts with fresh sauteed beans and carrots and mashed potato. . . in lunch. My weekend tastes great and delicious.

The unsaturated fat of fish is known to us as omega-3 fatty acid. It reduces inflammation that damages the blood vessels. It lessens triglycerides, lowers blood pressure, reduces irregular heartbeats and thus decreases the chances of stroke or heart attack. To get the health benefits from fish, learn to add a healthy amount of fish to your diet;

Food with omega-3 fats

  • They raise the good cholesterol level and are proven to be beneficial for heart.
  • Have cold-water fish like salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel and sardines at least twice a week.
  • Have goal to have fish twice a week.
  • Walnuts, soybean oil, canola oils are other good sources of omega-3.

  • Timing: 2 times per Week

Sara Young Cddd

I made honey glazed cod. It is a Korean dish. I just adapted it coz there were several ingredients missing from my pantry. However, it turned out quited better than I assumed it would be.


Sara Young Cddd

I am going to cook fish today. I got Cod fish.. It's so fresh! 

Tomato & Thyme Cod Recipe

Sara Young Cddd

I am going to cook fish today. I got Cod fish.. It's so fresh! 

Tomato & Thyme Cod Recipe

Sara Young Cddd

Recently, I am unable to stand the taste or even the smell of fish. So, I have started taking supplements. Also, I change my oil to canola.

Sara Young Cddd

Pretty fast  salmon recipe that I tried; Baked Salmon With Baby Peas... not only it is easy but also full of nutrients. Try it home..

Sara Young Cddd

Awesome recipes rich in omega 3 fatty acid.Check these two blogs.

Here goes....Bonappetit

Here goes... Foodnetwork

Sara Young Cddd

Some benefits of eating fish rich in omega 3 fats... 2 servings a week and offcourse low-sodium, low-fat seasoning..., sharing some valuable information on this.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

None or two... a long infact very long list of foods that are high in omega3

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

I tried this recipe that I found this weekend. Roasted Salmon with Tomatoes and Olives. Yes I used lemon instead of orange and noe to mention it was amazing. So easy to make. And super healthy. You must try.

Sara Young Cddd

Baked fish with mashed potatoes and sauted beens and carrots. To spice it up there was sauce and spice.. Finger licking good.. !! Patting my back.

Sara Young Cddd

I love meat but I am cutting it down now. In fact I am preparing Salmon in a tangy Asian style. Yum Yum..... I am already hungry.

Sodium in body holds onto water. This exerts pressure on the blood vessels and heart, leading to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors associated with heart disease. Hence you need to check your sodium intake;

Limit your sodium intake

  • It maintains blood pressure. African, Americans, people of 51 or older diagnosed with high blood pressure, kidney disease or chronic disease shouldn’t have more than 1500mg daily while healthy adults can have no more than 2300mg.
  • Avoid extra salt to the food.
  • Avoid packaged would where salt is used as a preservative.
  • While purchasing, choose what contains less than 300mg per servings.
  • Avoid meats like bacon and sausage
  • Using sea salt in cooking is advisable as the sodium content is low.
  • Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables have less sodium.


  • Timing: When you are eating

Sara Young Cddd

120/80.... Absolutely perfect.. I stopped eating packaged food...

Sara Young Cddd

I am having fluctuating blood pressure so, balancing salt in food.. Perhaps I get exhausted in the morning workout.. Need some salt in food... but just a lil'.

Sara Young Cddd

Using Iodized Salt... It is important to maintain a correct intake of iodine.. Especially for women.

Sara Young Cddd

I have checked on sodium intake... and seen that my blood pressure is absolutely NORMAL.. That's a sweet reward for all the sacrifices I made.

Sara Young Cddd

now no more extra added salt. Even no salted nuts, I had roasted one in snacks today.

Nuts and seeds are great snacks. They contain important nutrients like Vitamin E, Plant Sterol, Unsaturated fats, Fiber, L-arginine, Omega-3 fatty acids which lowers low-density lipoprotein or LDL or bad cholesterol. It improves the lining of the arteries and thus reduces risk of fatal heart diseases.


Nuts & Seeds is of 80% fat, though healthy one. So you are advised to have only in small serving.

  • 5-6 nuts are a serving size for nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, and mixed nuts.
  • Select dry roasted rather than cooked in oil.
  • Avoid nuts that are coated with chocolate, salt or sugar. They are no good for your heart.
  • To settle on the serving size for other nuts and seeds read the food labels.
  • Nut oils also contain omega-3, saturated fats but no fiber. Don’t over heat it tastes bitter. Use it moderation.


  • Timing: When you are having snacks

Sara Young Cddd

I mostly have roasted cashews and almonds. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Cashew, raisin, almonds; I am carrying some with me.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Fueling up my body with some great breakfast... which are quick and perfect for me to me boost up my energy level.. A perfect blend of nutrients, fibers and everything.. Check out.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I understand... Nuts give the required calorie that we need. Too many benefits, keeps heart healthy.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Started off having almonds and cashews in morning.. This way I am easily meeting and maintaining my daily nuts requirement.

Sara Young Cddd

Almonds in morning .... I made a note to have it every morning. I just read it somewhere having overnight soaked almond.

Sara Young Cddd

An awesome guide to nuts and seeds.. I am going to follow it up. what to eat, what not to, what is their nutritional value and so on.. even how to have them.. Mindblown.... take a look yourself

Sara Young Cddd
Help wanted

Blackberry Apple Almond Salad .... not only easy to prepare but a fantastic snack. Loaded with all the vital minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc. Click here for the recipe.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

snacks with almonds............................

Check the proportion

  • Don’t eat until you feel stuffed. It is important to keep a track of number of servings you eat.
  • Go for more of food which are low-calorie, nutrient-rich and avoid fast food, processed food, which are rich in sodium, calorie.
  • What you eat and how much you eat, both are equally important. It is a skill to judge the serving size like one serving of pasta is ½ cup, again for fish, meat or chicken it is 2 to 3 ounces.

  • Timing: When you are eating

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Eat the right proportion, neither too much of it nor too less. Just the right.. I keep on telling my students out there. You know about the diet, how it should be and what to avoid.. It varies but the basic rule is to check the proportion.

Overeating doesn't help.. It is a disorder. It is more important to be healthy than to be in great shape.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Must say.. Obesity is a big problem... noways.. I may look like I eats tonnes but no over-eating. Check out the srticle from fitday on "Obesity"

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

I checked and customized my daily food plan with "".. I am enclosing a screen shot of the plan.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Eating right proportion is do important.. but there are certain ways to measure them.. here's it ... "how to measure out food proportions"

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

I am really hunger, but there is time for dinner... don't what would be best so just had some organic fruits.. an apple and a banana.. great.. am full now. I read it somewhere yesterday GMO( genetically modified organisms) is found in almost all the processed foods...gosh

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I would definately check my proportion.. would eat when I am actually hungy... not just because am tempted

Sara Young Cddd
 Activity: Check the proportion

Fruit salad... both healthy and mouth watering. But I am not going to over-eat.. Proportion strictly under-check :)

Prepare your meal menu ahead

Now that you know what is good for your heart and what not, you are all set to get into action. Create your own daily menus emphasizing mainly on vegetable, fish, fruits, whole grains. Strike a balance and ensure that your body gets all the required nutrients. And, same time varieties can make it interesting.

  • Timing: When you are eating

Sara Young Cddd

And here are some great post-workout meals (for women).

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Ahh I am saved.. I don't have to cook a lunch now. I just prepared the stew right ahead in the slow cooker.

What a relief!!

Sara Young Cddd

Not only it saves me from the last minute confusion, but also saves me quality time that I devote to my kids.



Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I love fresh cooked foods, even fresh vegetables and fruits. So,I prefer to prepare my tomorrows menu today.. and do the shopping. In case I have other priorities, I plan some fast recipes. I save time, I have fresh food. Planned perfectly.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Checked!! Following strictly.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Preparing food needs alot of planning. Offcourse these foods need to be prepared way ahead. But I am going to try this.. I need something that is rich in vitamin, protien, fat but the healthy one. These seem to be great.

Sara Young Cddd

I have planned my whole day meal today itself. I don't have to spend time worrying about and also having time to focus on the other important activities

It is okay to grab on to outside food once in a while. But be careful while doing so as they are rich in fat, calories and sodium.

  • Call for food that is low on fat, salt. Follow the strategies as you do at home.
  • Plan beforehand what you would order.
  • Avoid food with creamy sauce or toppings.
  • Choose food item that are grilled, steamed or boiled. Avoid fried food.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Christmas inner with my family ....I miss you Mom.. Year long I crave for this day..when we all are together.. eating, smiling, merimaking. I love you Mom. Merry Christmas.

Sara Young Cddd

The good news is that I am in good shape and healthy .. it calls for a treat. Eating out with my hubby, and kids .. I am really happy..........

Sara Young Cddd

Today was my "Eating Out" though I did't take a trip to any restuarant, but I just fulfilled the wish of my tastebuds. Yup its not for me but I am fine and on it I just kept it low.. Its Mutton Keema

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

going out on a date...

Sara Young Cddd

Am going to be very busy for the rest of the day packing. Not exactly a eating out plan, but it's a weekend trip with my family. Am excited.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Eating out with my buddies. A reunion after 2 years. Got to go now..

Maintaining a healthy weight

Heaviness jeopardizes the heart health and also creates stress. It increases the chances of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol. Calculate your BMI or body mass index. If it is 25 or higher you are likely to be at a risk of heart attack and stroke. However, apart from BMI, your waist measurement also tells you if you are overweight.

Men with waist measurement of 40inches or 101.6cm or more are considered overweight.

Women with waist measurement of 35inches or 88.9cm or more are considered overweight.

If you want to shed some extra then;

  • Avoid deserts and sweet.
  • Avoid over-eating.
  • Avoid high-calorie drinks like soda.
  • Opt for portions as planned don’t overdo it.

  • Timing: When you are overweight

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Are you kidding me?? I gained 6 extra... Couple of weeks no workout bit reckless uncontrolled eating I guess. But, I tried to avooid cheesy oily foodies.. gosh I got to hit the gym right away!

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

According to my BMI, waist .. I am maintaining an appropriate weight.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Workingout, eating appropriate for a healthy weight.... Now I have it.

Sara Young Cddd

When for a morning walk... sweated with a smile...

Sara Young Cddd

At last I am back in shape.. without any medication or even dieting... just being healthy......... M no more over-weight yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Healthy weight................................ Maintained.

Sara Young Cddd

I have lost alot of weight recently.. But according to the waist measurement I am too much bulky. Gosh..

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I measured. I am in a perfect shape. Relieved not much of a restriction.

Quality Sleep

Without enough sleep one have a higher risk of overweight, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, heart attack. Adults need 8 to 9 hours of sound sleep every night. If you wake up without alarm clock and feel rejuvenated, then you had a good sleep. In case you are struggling to get out of your bed, then perhaps your sleep has been incomplete.

  • Schedule a time for getting to sleep and a time to bed up. Maintain it every day.
  • It is easier to sleep when your room is dark and quiet.
  • Talk to your doctor if you are yawning or feeling tired even after enough sleep. If you are waking up with a headache, snoring loudly or wake up many times sleeping then you are like to have Sleep Apnea. CPAP treatment reduces the threat of heart disease caused by Sleep Apnea.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I got this weekend off. I would sleep late. It is just the thing I need. A good night sleep.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Some great sleep... !! I got no plans to go out .. just be at home and sleep with any worry to be punctual.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Last night I didnt have great sleep.. perhaps thats why I am so tired today.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I am going to spend the day resting.. if required will go to see my Doc.

Sara Young Cddd

I am having some problem in getting a proper quality sleep these days perhaps for last 10 days. Often I woke up in the middle of the night.. Sometime I woke up after every one hour. I am pretty confused.. Honestly this is keeping me tired all the day long. Neither I can workout vigorously nor focus....

What I should be doing?

Sara Young Cddd

I am having some problem in getting a proper quality sleep these days perhaps for last 10 days. Often I woke up in the middle of the night.. Sometime I woke up after every one hour. I am pretty confused.. Honestly this is keeping me tired all the day long. Neither I can workout vigorously nor focus....

What I should be doing?

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Dont have much to blog about this.. apart from that I make sure to give my body and mind the hours of sleep and rest it requires. ..... 8 hours

Sara Young Cddd

Need to take a complete nap....

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I work out so I need to give ample rest to my body too.

8 to 10 hours of sleep .


Sara Young Cddd

I sleep for 8 hours only.. Me tired today after all the activities and fun.. Just a nap. Cya

Sara Young Cddd

Maintained time schedule for sleep for months now. But today I have been yawning.. Perhaps my body need a few hours of rest more. Would go to bed early tonight.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Try hard to not to reach the "snooze" button.. My can say in this matter that, if you got to sleep on time, you can easily get a nice sound sleep and also rise up early.

Regular Check up

You need to regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol. If you monitor regularly it would warn you before it’s too late.

  • Blood Pressure. Most favorable blood pressure is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury. Generally adults should check it in every couple of years. However, if you are having any risk factors, then you should check more frequently.
  • Cholesterol. Everyone should check their cholesterol level at least once in every five years. Children having a family history of heart disease should be screened in childhood only.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease, so consider having a fasting blood sugar test. Consult your doctor, follow his advice and accordingly get the test done. According to American Diabetes Association you should start testing at the age of 45 years.


  • Timing: When your doctor advises

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Pulse - 125bpm

Blood Pressure - 144/100

Both don't seems good! Too bad, I didn't see my doctor for last 2 months..

Sara Young Cddd

Got to see my doctor, I didnt go for a full check up for long.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Its been couple of months since I went for a check up. So I planned to go and see my doctor today and check my blood pressure, a blood test.. After all health is wealth right? I have to make sure while building up my body muscles I didn't overlook my health..

Sara Young Cddd

Sometime we should conduct a detailed check up including blood tests,x-ray, kidney functioning test apart from the physical ones. Here's an article that explain the importance of routine medical check ups

Sara Young Cddd

My cholestrol is stable, blood pressure is 120/80 and the diabetes too. Wow.. Nothing could be better than this.  Atlast I achieved..... I am fit and fine

Sara Young Cddd

Gone to doctor for a check up and run some routine tests.... gonna get my reports tomorrow.. I am just so excited to see how well it all go..............

Sara Young Cddd

Gone to doctor for a check up and run some routine tests.... gonna get my reports tomorrow.. I am just so excited to see how well it all go..............

Sara Young Cddd

Gone to doctor for a check up and run some routine tests.... gonna get my reports tomorrow.. I am just so excited to see how well it all go..............

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Oh I am just fine.. all normal. Nothing could be better than this.

Sara Young Cddd

My cholesterol is almost getting normalized, blood pressure is perfect. The best part is that I lost weight 10lbs.

Sara Young Cddd

I have high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. Am so tensed.

When you are in the flow, never do anything in one turn, keep a piece of work for later, but “contaminated” with the positive energy that started the whole lot. When you are doing stuff enthusiastically, you tend to consume everything, to live it totally and end up tired and somehow empty. Allow yourself “to be continued” in another episode of the same movie… In terms of GTD it might translate as a “Someday/Maybe” promise that you will actually enjoy to do and enjoy to see when you are doing your weekly reviews.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are working on something.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

So right! I kind of experimented this one - to make sure it does what it says. Here goes my experiment. Last night I was lil' bored - so I got a thriller book Hide & Seek by Ian Rankin out the shelf ( I bought it recently but did get a chance tostart reading). So it took me around 45 pages - then I got very much into it. I was living in the story witnessing how Rebus is checking out the crime scene. I read 15 minutes more and when I was totally "can't-put-it-down" situation. I closed it and went to sleep. It help me sleep better - I felt the enthusiasm gave me a good night sleep. Then in the morning I am so excited, eager to return to the book.  I am doing all my chores with much enthusiasm! 

It really worked!

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

This is lovely!!! I would surely try this piece of advice! :)

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I have never been adviced to keep a portion of the task for later! But wow! I always felt like lets finish it later but now..Seems like I'm already excited!


Enjoy as much as you can what you do. The higher the pleasure you take from doing your stuff, the easier to remember. Each action resulted from enthusiastic processing it’s actually a positive milestone in your brain, a positive memory that can easily be reproduced, or at least used as a “state-igniter” in other contexts.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you are working on something.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I am bad at it that too very horribly. For this reason I prefer doing jobs that has short projects, exciting ones too. 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

My job gets monotonous at time but I can't drop it. Sometime I don't enjoy it get bored - STUCK! I am doing a desk job there is no challenges no creativity in it. What to do?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I generally have very less enthusiasm in my tasks. But, if I lose interest in everything like this - life will be a burden. So I started spicing up things. I have subscribed to 5-Minutes Craft Youtube Channel It is getting interesting. I am learning new ways of doing old things. Now I look forward to a chore. :)

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I love and enjoy what I do. It really keeps me going on.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I really do believe it right from the bottom of my heart. Whether it is a relationship or a writing, it must from inside.... I should be enjoying it if not then there is something wrong. If I am not enjoying what I am doing it is never going to turn up good! Gosh.... seems it is too much to digest but I think it this way only.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Yes as a matter of fact, but what about those that I hate doing?

When you are in the flow your attention is much more detached and capable of understand and see things that you can imagine. Only because you feel monolithical it doesn’t mean you can’t actually understand far more that you could understand from your environment than in a normal state. So, knowing that, make a special attention to the periferical signs of pleasure and joy that you encounter in each specific action. There might be signs that you don’t even notice, but remembered lately, and create a favorable context.

  • Try to identify the zones of comfort and organize them.
  • Consequently, make as much as attention you can to the discomfort signs you perceive. You can be enthusiastic and your energy can surpass a lot of the difficulties from your environment, but that doesn’t mean there are not real problems. But identifying each stress and discomfort sign makes it easy to organize them somehow and, next time, to avoid them.
  • Understand what you like to do and what you don’t. You cannot always be energetic. There will be periods of boring and depression in your life. Being attentive on your periferical signs doesn’t mean you will eventually eliminate all the negative expressions of yourself, but you will be capable to shorten their manifestation, episode by episode, if you consciously acknowledge the existence of those situation and the fact that they have a beginning and an end.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I believe in being sweet - there is already so much trouble going on around. My stress factor isn't an external one. But the thing is that I feel scared of hurting someone. Probably that is my nature - born like that. :) But that shouldn't be so - the world is rough outside even if I am not rude - practical but at least I shouln't blame myself. I am still trying to identify what can help me in this situation.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

So is it more like breaking the flow?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

Recognizing and understanding the signs of discomfort can actually help me to maintain my enthusiasm. It is very important to make a note of all the things disturbing me! I just did that today!

This one relates closely to the last one: encourage the favorable contexts of your actions. Once you have identified your favorable contexts try to use them as frequently as you can. If you are a person that enjoy socializing, try to put your @Phone context higher than @Computer context. You will act more often on that context and you will feel less stressed. But if you are more like an introverted person don’t hurt yourself with higher social endeavors and push the @Computer context first. And don’t be guilty about that also. That’s the trick.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

Giving priority to what I favor more? How to apply that on my work out regimen?

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

So is it doing what I feel relaxed doing?

Prioritize emotions instead of thoughts. Once you have consistently integrated the collection habit enjoy your RAM emptiness and don’t feel guilty if you don’t think at anything for 30 seconds. Or 2 minutes. Or 10 minutes. Give yourself the very rare benefit of not thinking and only let your emotions to surface.

Express them in language, physical exercise, specific activities like playing with your kids, talking to your wife or relaxed conversing with your colleagues at work, but let your thinking aside. Your growing emotional energy will seed your future enthusiasm.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Most of the time, I am trying to workout my emotions. They are never at a level. Always flowing over the danger level.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Sounds too much crazy - lil' hard for me to absorb in one go. But I started with a minute.

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

It is really a rare benefit of not thinking. Amazing. I have never thought about it like this way. But, unfortunately it never happened with me. I overthink too much.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

Emotional energy - nice! I tried it this morning and I actually felt my lost enthusiasm coming back!

And the last one: if you don’t feel enthusiastic at all, don't blame yourself. If you don’t blame yourself and let your energies constantly grow. If you constantly consume your feeble resources with guilt and desperate bets on your next enthusiasm state, you will eventually consume every little piece of common sense left and get burned out pretty soon.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you don't feel enthusiastic at all.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

I try not to blame myself but I do it all the time. This is getting SICK for me 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

There is a small difference between blaming myself and taking responsibility of my actions. Yes, I must look at the circumstances before blaming. Whether it is me or someone else to be blamed! 

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

I give up hardwork so easily, I give up on me... Then blame. But I am now doing a strength training - though I got sore shoulders but still pushing myself hard not to discontinue. It has taught me... to not to give up is better than giving up and later on blaming myself.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I was having a really bad time to not to blame myself - finally I came across this huffinton article. Stop blaming yourself in 3 steps. I was literally losing my confidence and trust! 

Ana Neilson Dckpodsvkpodkvp

I get disappointed early and start blaming myself even before others say a word to me. I suffer a lot of depression. I even hesitate to try it again. I understand something I am not the reason of the failure. There are X factors as well. I do try but fail and get back to blame game. But, this time I promise to myself I will not blame myself - it will give it another sincere try.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
Help wanted

Okay, I won't accuse myself for not doing it fine, but should I stop it altogether .. mean take a break? How to feel enthusiastic about it if I am not at all keen ?

Depending on your schedule and social calendar, you might want to go with an earlier or later time.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I wake up at 6 am these days. I am living a better and healthy life now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

I am having difficulty to sleep in the night so I decide I would wake up at 5 a.m. from now on.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Generally, I wake up at 8am. But, I am getting old and putting on weight. I must follow a healthy lifestyle. It would be better if I get up by 5.30 in the morning.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Pick a Wake-Up Time.

Yes, I am always running late so I miss out on my workout. In fact, no morning walks at all. I got no fixed time.. I end up snoozing my alarms every morning. So it would be 

6 a.m. every morning 

Good investments for your morning ritual include:

  • Exercise – Jog, hit the gym or stretch to start your day.
  • Projects – Get some work done on your novel, website or building the next killer app.
  • Study – Learn something new, build skills or practice an ability. 


Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My investment is really paying me well - it is time for returns. My tomato plants are getting heavied down with bunch f tomatoes. Got roses.

Couldn't be happier than this.

Briana Regrg r

Working on a few things that I wanted to do for a long time but failed to do so. Finally, my morning routine helped me to do so.

Briana Regrg r

It is going so great, now I feel so energetic and motivated from the morning!

Jason Jasons

I work out and meditate in the morning.


Briana Regrg r

Not sure what I will do but I guess I will work out and then get along with my daily chores. So that I have some free time in the afternoon.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I think, I would do something positive with the extra time. I would go out for a walk and do some gardening.

Jason Jasons

Oh yes I will exercise that is why I need to wake up early.

This great tool, first proposed by Steve Pavlina, forces you to focus on the hardest part of changing behaviors–getting through the initial conditioning phase.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: before 03/01/2017

Jason Jasons

Yes yes yes... I did it!

Briana Regrg r

I tried it December last year but failed miserably. This is my second try - I am working to make a homestead. I also get a chance to change the look of my home. As my kids wake up, doing these thing get tough so I am enjoying my morning hours. 

Jason Jasons

It has been more that one and a half months.. I think I have got habituated but still cant dismiss the idea of enjoying a late morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Not being long, but tried it for 4 days. Rest of the days I slept till 8 am. It's harder than I thought!

Jason Jasons

It's 2 weeks now and I guess I am still doing good! 

Jason Jasons

For the last 1 week I am waking uo at 6.30 am. It gave me enough time to tidy up myself and get some work out. Really happy about that, but it is still not a habit.

By getting yourself moving you can boost your heart rate, making it easier to keep from falling back to sleep.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have kept my alarm at the other end my room - so I actually have to walk down the walk to silent it. Next to it, is my washroom. I go and get a cold splash and I am awake.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have always failed at it. I think I neve gave it my best shot - but enough is enough. I will be up at 6 am from now.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Get Moving.

I have this problem to stay awake. Always tend fall asleep. After this activity, I could easily get to my normal morning routine without feeling tired or sleepy.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

A brilliant way to prevent my eyes from shutting down!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

I remember I have been bullied around in my high school for being weak. I never participated in any sports even.. (never got selcted in the team). So this morning routine has helped me alot. I am working out and I actually look good. I feel confident to go and talk to the girls as well. 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Much more flexible! It has also improved my stamina.. Not that old anymore!

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

Gaining strength - it's what I wanted to do! 

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

I do light low-intensity work outs. 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It really works like a miracle. Hope it works even in the fall.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Get Moving.

Though I generally love sit back on the couck with a cup of coffee, but I think that is where I was going wrong. I will stretch for 5 minutes as soon as the alarm rings! I promise to myself.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

It is taking me less effort to get going and not to fall asleep. I in fact feel so energized and active.16 days more to go...

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Get Moving.

There was a time, when no alarm to wake me up and now the same guy is showing up way too early. I was depressed, but things are changing for good ... and yes as soon the alarm rings I don't stay on the bed. I did hit the door couple of times but that is still okay. A hard blow that wakes me up is still appreciated!

Don’t delay your ritual by eating breakfast, answering e-mail or having a shower.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

I have eliminated the unimportant so no need to procrastinate. I clean up as soon as I do the mess, Saves me time in the morning. 

Jason Jasons

I really do a lot of things that are unimportant like cleaning up last nights mess, taking a cup of coffee and reading books for almost an hour. I am too lazy that is why probably my days end in a big ZERO.

Okay, I will work it out.

Briana Regrg r

Why wasting time doing the unimportant things first? As I realized, I saved quality time for myself!

Briana Regrg r

I have always focus on the unimportant things so far! This is something new that I have learned! As I skipped everythign I got more time to workout in the morning.

Lewis C Dsafsf

The fit thing that I do after getting up is to get fresh and then go for a brisk walk.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Changed my usual morning ritual... I am actually having more than an hour in my hand by 10am. After I work out, I take a shower and eat breakfast. I guess I am super-fast now, not lazy! Bottom line is; it worked great for me.

If you write down exactly when you’ll wake up and what you’ll do when you wake up it’s easy to go back on your commitment.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

I do maintain a journal, as well as a white board! It is really motivating and pushes me to do it even if I am feeling low.

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I don't need this write up anymore. It is a habit now - A GOOD HABIT! 

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

We remember visuals better.So,writing it down helped me a lot to remember my motto and kept me focused.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

New year, new resolution - content change not hte habit.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

It works like a reminder and as I am closing to a month of following I really don't require much of a push.. I think it is becoming my habit now. Really Glad!

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

6.30 am in big bold letters!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

Through out this one month I have never failed. It kept me motivated.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Write it Down.

I will wake up at 6.30am and do some yoga.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Write it Down.

Written in big bold letters and pinned to the front wall of my bed! I see it, and know I have to get out of the bed. It works like some driving force acting against my will craving to sleep.. Hahaha..

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Write it Down.

I have written it down and sticked it at two places. 1. on my bedside table - right beside my alarm clock.

2. on the refrigerator.


Stick to your wake-up time or investment plan for the whole thirty days. If you skip a day or two throughout the trial you sabotage your efforts in making the habit stick.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Another fail! I am getting furious now!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I lost the track on the day count - but I am really enjoyinh this now. I go for a walk, do meditation/ pranayam then get to my organic kitchen garden. I have so many plans for the coming year! Staying consistent...Enjoying it most.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

Yes! I always fail at this .. But I am still trying not to put myself down!

Lewis C Dsafsf
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

I have been consistent for 35 days.

Briana Regrg r
 Activity: Stay Consistent.

For the ast 20 days I am waking up early.. Yes, I did fail a couple of days, but I wasn't well. But didn't waste another day with that excuse. Just being consistent.

This should be so obvious it doesn’t need mentioning, but it’s easy to setup a habit because you feel you should rather than you really want to. Pick an investment that you’ll be really happy about waking up an hour earlier to work on.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you wake up.

Jason Jasons

Writing something on my journey so far..

Lewis C Dsafsf

I tried planting tomato with the tomato slices, scallions, carrots! They turned out so well - really happy with my organic garden!

Jason Jasons

Oops! Sorry I never shared  what I have intended to do  in clear words. But I have been pretty skinny, I used to avoid going out even.. However, I have never been an obese person. I decide to stop being introvert and work on my physical look as well as my confidence level. I started with workout, dietery changes and I have gained 10 pounds in last few weeks.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Lewis C Dsafsf

I have worked on my lil' kitchen garden.. celery, herbs, tomato... 

Got some help from youtube !! 

Briana Regrg r

I used to do painting as a kid. So I have decided to do a bit og workout and then paint ...


Truly inspiring!! I wanna paint something like this but totally out of practice.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I started doing a bit of gardening now as well. Loved to set up small garden in my backyard.

Increased intake of alcohol will increase risk for alcohol related diseases. Additionally, it’s very important to realize that alcohol by itself is a ‘depressive’ – while it may make you feel better momentarily; it’s doing a lot more harm in the long run.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan

There is no discrimanation between a man or a woman. Even women get depressed and some turn to booze. Good thing I don't like it much. But I have ice cream and dark chocolate - lately I have put on weight as well. Now that is making me depressed!


Jason Jasons

This chapter is closed for me for forever.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

Since, I am getting back to my healthy lifestyle now as I got over the depression part.. after so many doctor consultations and all... Finally! I have decided to never to turn back to the booze.. You can say it is my new year resolution as well ... but.. I am going to stick to it.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I have controlled boozing!! So less headaches now and noticed I am less depressed. Now I realize it never actually helped me!

Jason Jasons

Boozing is never a solution. Not just for men, I see many women too drowning themselves in drinks. Even, I tried sinking several times. It never solved my problem, instead gave me a horrible hangover next morning.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I actually turn to booze whenever, I am depressed. I suppose, I was doing the wrong thing. Putting a check on my alcohol consumption.

Since you aren’t always feeling great and could be going through your own emotional traumas, you start to feel more stressed out. The best way to deal with depression is to combat stress. And the only way to do that is to practice some calming techniques. Try yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are stressed out.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
Help wanted

Okay, I am making chocolates and it is very relaxing. I tried making cinnamon chocolates, orange one, coconuty and so many more. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

The sixth tip of this tips' article is something I have learnt now. Keeping a stress diary is something I never thought of doing. But now I will be able to track down the cause of my stress.

Jason Jasons

I just try to play with kids, spend some time at the local shelter help them. It really helps me to keep my stress levels down.

Jason Jasons

Last night I was too nervious and anxious for some reason. I litterally had pain in my heart. I tried drinking water but couldn't help. It was bedtime, so I just switched of the light and started taking deep breaths after 30 minutes or so I realized I have fallen asleep and the pain was gone. And I have calm down.

Jason Jasons

Deep breathing helps me to control my racing heart. I am doing it very often these days. It also calms me down.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It has been 3 years, I have been crazy about workouts. Okay, I wanted to pursue a career in it but, life wasn't meaningful. I always felt, I have potential to do more something better. I got depressed. Should I change my career something better? 

Jason Jasons

Though the course is for men, but I couldn't help to join it. I am still not sure if I can reduce my anxiety ith yoga, or meditation. It is generally so severe that I almost faint. 

Your diet must consist of sensible carbohydrates that can stimulate the production of Serotonin.

  • Limit simple carbs and sugars in your diet but indulge in whole grains.
  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and legumes as all of these have healthy carbs along with lots of fiber.
  • Also, limit caffeine intake.
  • To boost your alertness, eat lots of healthy proteins.
  • Add natural foods rich in Selenium to your diet, as this mineral is also known to combat depression.
  • Nuts, low fat dairy, whole grains and beans are all healthy options.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: 3 times per Day

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

It helps me a lot. From the time, I started eating properly, my digestion improved. I didnt notice it earlier but I am less stressed these days - more in control of my life and situations.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

I am on Keto Diet these days and doing good. Initially, it was very hard for me but now I got it right. No carbs at all. I am actually feeling pretty healthy and fit these days and skin is glowing.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

As I eat fresh and organic food, I feel good and energetic. We need to eat healthy to be healthy.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

These days, I am pretty careful about my food. I am cooking oil-free in Phillips AirFrier. It's awesome! Tomorrow, I will be making beef steak and chips! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

I have always maintained a healthy diet, lots of healthy and llean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts! It is my top priority, also it helps me to stay in good mood.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

JUst having lots oof fresh fruits.. and no coffee.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 3. Eat Wisely

Made a note of what should I eat and what not. I just ordered a veg burger and lemon tea in the lunch today.

Any aerobic activity – be it walking, jogging, cycling or swimming can stimulate chemicals in the brain that combat stress, anxiety and moodiness. Don’t deny that there is a problem; rather accept the fact that you are depressed and take necessary action. Consult a doctor if necessary.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

  • Timing: When you are stressed or anxious.

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

A high-impact cardio followed by a steam bath works amazingly for women! Tried and tested stress-buster! did anyone else try it?

Kayle Evigan Kayle evigan
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Whenever, I miss my morning jog I actually do the dance carido routine. I saw one on youtube. However, it was a 40 minutes vedios I could only do for 15 minutes. What a result!!

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Walking under the open sky lets the fresh air into my head. Really feels good.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

When stressed, I take deep breath and take a walk in open. Fresh air unblocks mind.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Getting back to workout. An active life makes me so happy.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

My doctor wanted me to get moving and again meditate.............. It's so crazy! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Even my doctor suggested me to get more physically active. I am still confused..I have started taking anti-depressants. But I know I can't take that lifelong. I have no answer what exactly I should do.. I get home very late, and whenever I am home its mostly depressing. I even try not to return back.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

Even my doctor suggested me to get more physically active. I am still confused..I have started taking anti-depressants. But I know I can't take that lifelong. I have no answer what exactly I should do.. I get home very late, and whenever I am home its mostly depressing. I even try not to return back.

Jason Jasons
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

I must try doing some activity... I have become too much of lazy these days. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf
 Activity: 4. Get Moving

I used sit down in front of the T.V. with some drinks. I will go for a walk next time I am depressed.


Most men ignore the initial symptoms of depression, dealing with it either by drinking or simply becoming more aggressive in general. Take healthy measures to try and fight your negative feelings. If you don’t find any relief in your symptoms even after trying the above mentioned tips for 2 weeks, its best to book a doctor’s appointment.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.


  • Timing: When you are having initial symptoms of depression.

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I came across a lupus-depression article which was focused on depression in people with chronic ailments.  I wonder, how they are coping up with it - I faced nothing as compared to what they are dealing with. I am definitely going to win over it. #StayingPositive

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

I am really happy, that finally I am free of my depression. But I must do it the right way now. Even, my doctor mentined that if I don't work it out myself next time it could be worse than this. 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

It's been a week now I am seeing the doctor. It is good but not much. Doctor says I need to meditate and calm down. Still having difficulty to sleep! 

Jose Taylor Csfslkdflsjdf

The biggest blunder of my life. I ignored my headaches thoughts its migraine. Finally consulted a doctor. 

Think exercise is something you don't have time for? Think again. Check out the  7 minute workout mentioned in The New York Times. That's a workout any of us can fit into our schedules.

Exercise has such a profound effect on our happiness and well-being that it is an effective strategy for overcoming depression. In a study cited in Shawn Achor's book The Happiness Advantage, three groups of patients treated their depression with medication, exercise, or a combination of the two. The results of this study are surprising: Although all three groups experienced similar improvements in their happiness levels early on, the follow-up assessments proved to be radically different:

The groups were then tested six months later to assess their relapse rate. Of those who had taken the medication alone, 38 percent had slipped back into depression. Those in the combination group were doing only slightly better, with a 31 percent relapse rate. The biggest shock, though, came from the exercise group: Their relapse rate was only 9 percent.

You don't have to be depressed to benefit from exercise, though. Exercise can help you relax, increase your brain power, and even improve your body image, even if you don't lose any weight.

We've explored exercise in depth before, and looked at what it does to our brains, such as releasing proteins and endorphins that make us feel happier.

study in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people who exercised felt better about their bodies even when they saw no physical changes:

Body weight, shape and body image were assessed in 16 males and 18 females before and after both 6 × 40 minutes exercising and 6 × 40 minutes reading. Over both conditions, body weight and shape did not change. Various aspects of body image, however, improved after exercise compared to before.

Yep: Even if your actual appearance doesn't change, how you feel about your body does change.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Lewis C Dsafsf

I am working out, focusing on my knee. I am having a freaking knee pain. I fear arthritis... Here, are some ways I discovered online to ease it.

Lewis C Dsafsf

No more tiring or exhausted.. It boosts up my energy. I get all set for the hectic day. :)


Lewis C Dsafsf

Trying to go easy.. but doing it on a regular basis. It keeps me active and moreover I don't have the chronic knee pain that I used to have long back.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I was having problem with the wallsit so I check for some other workout that I can do in place of wallsit. However, I end up with an instruction article of how to do a wall sit.

But, I am not giving up my quest for some easy to workout routines.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Since I skip a few of the workouts, so I have devoted more time to my overall workout and also going to drink water and fruit juice and nothing else. My cholesterol is not being a good friend of mine lately.
 Plus, I like to instill some healthy living prinsiples in my junior.

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

That is my secret, I got the app.. I workout frequently, but I skip a few of the workouts like tricep dips, rotation push ups.

I tried, but it just don' go well. So I give extra time to the plunges, wall sit and squats.

I know, if I am true to myself then only I would get the benefits of these workout. Buut no one is perfect, there should be some room for workout customization.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I workout everyday.. but, I don't lose a single inch from my belly. Perhaps, it is genetic. My dad even got that..

Trying to find something on "www" on this..

This looks interesting.."17 Simple Exercises To Lose Belly Fat"

Lewis C Dsafsf

What a day it was!! Full of fun.. working out with kids, then ssome lovely creakfast. What else you need ??

Lewis C Dsafsf

Anytime when you lack motivation to workout even for 7 mins a day.. Like I used to...Hit one of the 29 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out.

Do come back and share how you feel it different!

Lewis C Dsafsf

Followed the video and worked out in the morning. Whew.. Felt the proper muscle stretches. Happy to do something in best way.

Lewis C Dsafsf

These videos are self-explanatory. Very helpful. I am working out 7 mins. And, really working great...

Lewis C Dsafsf

Thinkinig to get this app. I just tried to workout once. I feel it interesting.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I ran today for 30 mins without a break.... and  took my lil buddy and son along with me....

Lewis C Dsafsf

Woh... I went for a run today in a park and took a break of 5 minnutes. I saw a man with his son and dog. Working out, playing.. I got up.. It was just the thing missing in my life, my family..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Things got back in track.. I ran for a mile non-stop..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Running better pretty used to.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Kickstarted my runnning program... 1 mile 6 days a week.. Legs pained.. since I stopped but I maintained workinng out for 10-15 mins daily so not fully out of shape..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Here are got a compact tips for early morning work out...

Since I work out, I just willing to make some improvisation so that I can maximize the benefits beyond of mood uplift.

Adam Health care

Do I need to say something else after this?? Surely not!! I am happy!

Lewis C Dsafsf

Yes... I started off will a long run... Nice.. Not to mention, Cynthia got me a lovely breakfast after that.

Adam Health care

Exercise helps the heart to beat with ease... Good health leads to good mood... Even if it is for 7 minutes only I works like miracle. Why exercising makes us happy??

Lewis C Dsafsf

I lost the routine... Yeah new year week has spoiled me a little. But, now I am back in being fit!!

Lewis C Dsafsf

Few minutes working out, and stretching ... it gives me warmth forthe whole day. And not to mention, the breafast after that tastes extra delicious.

Adam Health care

Either I meditate or go for a brisk walk out in the park. It not only make me feel better healthwise, but also makes me happy.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Ran today in the morning......

Lewis C Dsafsf

I run every morning .. It is my way to keep myself body healthy and mind happy.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Felt like lazing around this weekend. So didn’t hit the long workout regimen instead opted for the 7min warm up session and followed by green tea, almonds, toasts and fruits. Spectacular beginning ... surely the rest of the day would rock!!

How are you spending your weekend?

Adam Health care
Help wanted

Started the day with stretching and cardiovascular exercise. I have been doing this for last few weeks. I played my favorite tracks that time.. I don't feel tired so easily in that ambience. Try this.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Doing litlle bit of workout.. don't want put any stress on my shoulder muscle foe the time being

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

Got a sprain in shoulder.. It is nearly impossible to turn around. I am not going to trouble anymore excercising today. Going to see the doctor.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Got a great video to guide me over 7 minutes workout. Check it out.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Not one, not two, not three.... Just read the 20 benefits of exercising.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Ran 2 miles almost today.. that is now a part of my morning now. Incomplete without it.

Lewis C Dsafsf

7 minutes would be enough... to make me and my family happy.. However I run daily for 30 minutes. Honestly it is absolutely great. Now I encourage and make it compulsory to do physical activities. It keeps them active and happy too.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Huh another day... running around the park.. And breakfast with kids.. CYnthia makes awesome muffins.. Nothing could be better than this

Lewis C Dsafsf

I run everyday. It is one vigorous workout. It really works great starting from mind to body. And yes, I feel more energized and happy.

We know that sleep helps our body recover from the day and repair itself and that it helps us focus and be more productive. It turns out sleep is also important for happiness.

In NutureShock, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman explain how sleep affects positivity:

Negative stimuli get processed by the amygdala; positive or neutral memories gets processed by the hippocampus. Sleep deprivation hits the hippocampus harder than the amygdala. The result is that sleep-deprived people fail to recall pleasant memories yet recall gloomy memories just fine.

In one experiment by Walker, sleep-deprived college students tried to memorize a list of words. They could remember 81% of the words with a negative connotation, like "cancer." But they could remember only 31% of the words with a positive or neutral connotation, like "sunshine" or "basket."

The BPS Research Digest explores another study that proves sleep affects our sensitivity to negative emotions. Using a facial recognition task throughout the course of a day, researchers studied how sensitive participants were to positive and negative emotions. Those who worked through the afternoon without taking a nap became more sensitive to negative emotions like fear and anger.

Using a face recognition task, here we demonstrate an amplified reactivity to anger and fear emotions across the day, without sleep. However, an intervening nap blocked and even reversed this negative emotional reactivity to anger and fear while conversely enhancing ratings of positive (happy) expressions.

Of course, how well (and how long) you sleep will probably affect how you feel when you wake up, which can make a difference to your whole day.

Another study tested how employees' moods when they started work in the morning affected their entire work day.

Researchers found that employees' moods when they clocked in tended to affect how they felt the rest of the day. Early mood was linked to their perceptions of customers and to how they reacted to customers' moods.

And most importantly to managers, employee mood had a clear impact on performance, including both how much work employees did and how well they did it.

Adam Health care

The best way to relax a chaotictic mind to get some sleep. I took few hours off from my work in the morning and just slept until I found my mind as cheerful as a kid..

Now, I am all set to kick start the day!!


Lewis C Dsafsf

I often see even a small nap relaxes the stressed and worried mind. I actually tried it before saying this.

That is why some-call it Power-Nap.. :)

Adam Health care

Ahh,.... I spend my weekend relaxing in my bed napping.. That was great.. I just compensated my incomplete sleep of the whole week

Lewis C Dsafsf

I feel so tired, need a sound sleep. Hitting the bed early tonight.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Oversleeping is a symptom of depression... but a quality sleep even if it is for a shortwhile.. is best to make me happy and stress-free.. Here howstuffswork explaining the whole stuff..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Generally, I love to snooze... I am really surprised at the health benefits of sleeping. Wohhh...not just the emotion, people live longer!!! Take a look.

Lewis C Dsafsf

My 8 hours of sleep is my ultimate relaxation. . .

Lewis C Dsafsf

I really wanted to identify the connection between a sound sleep and mental health... here's what threw some light on the dark corners of my mind

Lewis C Dsafsf

This is so interesting.. just started to try this

Staying in touch with friends and family is one of the top five regrets of the dying.

If you want more evidence that time with friends is beneficial for you, research proves it can make you happier right now, too.

Social time is highly valuable when it comes to improving our happiness, even for introverts. Several studies have found that time spent with friends and family makes a big difference to how happy we feel.

I love the way Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert explains it:

We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends.

George Vaillant is the director of a 72-year study of the lives of 268 men.

In an interview in the March 2008 newsletter to the Grant Study subjects, Vaillant was asked, "What have you learned from the Grant Study men?" Vaillant's response: "That the only thing that really matters in life are your relationships to other people."

He shared insights of the study with Joshua Wolf Shenk at The Atlantic on how men's social connections made a difference to their overall happiness:

Men's relationships at age 47, he found, predicted late-life adjustment better than any other variable. Good sibling relationships seem especially powerful: 93 percent of the men who were thriving at age 65 had been close to a brother or sister when younger.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Socio-Economics states than your relationships are worth more than $100,000:

Using the British Household Panel Survey, I find that an increase in the level of social involvements is worth up to an extra £85,000 a year in terms of life satisfaction. Actual changes in income, on the other hand, buy very little happiness.

I think that last line is especially fascinating: Actual changes in income, on the other hand, buy very little happiness. So we could increase our annual income by hundreds of thousands of dollars and still not be as happy as we would if we increased the strength of our social relationships.

The Terman study, covered in The Longevity Project, found that relationships and how we help others were important factors in living long, happy lives:

We figured that if a Terman participant sincerely felt that he or she had friends and relatives to count on when having a hard time then that person would be healthier. Those who felt very loved and cared for, we predicted, would live the longest.

Surprise: our prediction was wrong... Beyond social network size, the clearest benefit of social relationships came from helping others. Those who helped their friends and neighbors, advising and caring for others, tended to live to old age.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Going out with Cynthia and my little one!! A great evening planned out already!! Pizza party! What else can excite a kid more.

Adam Health care

9 ways to maximize family time....from, though I am too young for it. But, soon enough I would require these advices so preparing myself now only.

Adam Health care

More than a month now not seen my mom.. So this weekend am glad to be a mumma's boy.. Enjoying her cooking and some real great time with Daddy..

Lewis C Dsafsf

Planned a trip to Disney Land this weekend...

Lewis C Dsafsf

Create and Organize a Family Calendar a nice way to prioritize my dates and duties including kid's school event, family events, birthdays, anniversary... It keeps me up-to-date... And make my family time quality...

Adam Health care

Atleast I would never ever regret... This is so far my best New Year.. A surprise from my parents and brother. Money or anything can never buy me something more precious than this Happiness that my family got me.

Adam Health care

Most of the time I have to travel for my work. Some whenever I am home, I make sure to have my dinner with my family... Mom, dad, sister.. I cherish those moments a lot.

Lewis C Dsafsf

A day with family... It is priceless.

Making time for the BEST things in life.

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

I generally don't get much of a time to be with my kids. I missed Jack's baseball games last week. He was really upset. However, I decided I am going to be with them. Watch them growing. I made many changes in my daily routine and really I just love to be a kid with them.. Cynthia, you complete my life. I love you.

In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor recommends spending time in the fresh air to improve your happiness:

Making time to go outside on a nice day also delivers a huge advantage; one study found that spending 20 minutes outside in good weather not only boosted positive mood, but broadened thinking and improved working memory...

This is pretty good news for those of us who are worried about fitting new habits into our already-busy schedules. Twenty minutes is a short enough time to spend outside that you could fit it into your commute or even your lunch break.

A UK study from the University of Sussex also found that being outdoors made people happier:

Being outdoors, near the sea, on a warm, sunny weekend afternoon is the perfect spot for most. In fact, participants were found to be substantially happier outdoors in all natural environments than they were in urban environments.

The American Meteorological Society published research in 2011 that found current temperature has a bigger effect on our happiness than variables like wind speed and humidity, or even the average temperature over the course of a day. It also found thathappiness is maximized at 57 degrees (13.9°C), so keep an eye on the weather forecast before heading outside for your 20 minutes of fresh air.

The connection between productivity and temperature is another topic we've talked about more here. It's fascinating what a small change in temperature can do.

  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Lewis C Dsafsf

Yuhhuuuu... I am one happy man.. I feel like a free bird..

Adam Health care

Apart from the warm weather (57degree), I have other 15 Natural Mood Lifter. Thise are really great. And right now I am listening to Roar.

Adam Health care

What is Happiness Advantage?? Shawn Achor's video explained it all. It is a small part of his program. Oh.. I became a follower of Shawn Achor.

Lewis C Dsafsf

After lunch I just took a walk... I feel good after I return back!!!

Lewis C Dsafsf

The science behind temperature changes human mood is really amazing. The open air, being away from the chaotic world, rat - race itself is a big mood booster. Never aware of some science existing behind this.

Weather can affect our mood more than just a lil'.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I was never aware off... 57 degree??? Yeah a walk in open air .. definitely opens up the mind.. Next time I am stressed out I would do this for sure.

One of the most counterintuitive pieces of advice I found is that to make yourself feel happier, you should help others. In fact, 100 hours per year (or two hours per week) is theoptimal time we should dedicate to helping others in order to enrich our lives.

If we go back to Shawn Achor's book again, he says this about helping others:

...when researchers interviewed more than 150 people about their recent purchases, they found that money spent on activities--such as concerts and group dinners out--brought far more pleasure than material purchases like shoes, televisions, or expensive watches. Spending money on other people, called "prosocial spending," also boosts happiness.

The Journal of Happiness Studies published a study that explored this very topic:

Participants recalled a previous purchase made for either themselves or someone else and then reported their happiness. Afterward, participants chose whether to spend a monetary windfall on themselves or someone else. Participants assigned to recall a purchase made for someone else reported feeling significantly happier immediately after this recollection; most importantly, the happier participants felt, the more likely they were to choose to spend a windfall on someone else in the near future.

So spending money on other people makes us happier than buying stuff for ourselves. But what about spending our time on other people?

study of volunteering in Germany explored how volunteers were affected when their opportunities to help others were taken away:

Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall but before the German reunion, the first wave of data of the GSOEP was collected in East Germany. Volunteering was still widespread. Due to the shock of the reunion, a large portion of the infrastructure of volunteering (e.g. sports clubs associated with firms) collapsed and people randomly lost their opportunities for volunteering. Based on a comparison of the change in subjective well-being of these people and of people from the control group who had no change in their volunteer status, the hypothesis is supported that volunteering is rewarding in terms of higher life satisfaction.

In his book Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being, University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman explains that helping others can improve our own lives:

...we scientists have found that doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being of any exercise we have tested.

  • Timing: 2 times per Month

Lewis C Dsafsf

I am willing to join the fight against extreme poverty... with

Signed the petition and request my fellow melearners to do it as well. Our small contribution can lead to a bigger revolution.

Adam Health care

I am following the first step of helping a depressed friend by educating myself so that I can help my friend Thomas. However, I am a part of care giving team, and little bit aware of human psychology yet it is better to educate yourself. Precaution is better than cure.


Adam Health care

Please share and support the innocent lives out there in Nepal

  1. Life indiegogo
  2. You Caring
  3. Mercy Corps
  4. Splash

Lewis C Dsafsf

Hi Adam, You are right. Even I was thinking where to donate so it reach the needy people. The link you shared very useful. I am happy to be of some help to them..

It is a perfect say; a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Adam Health care

The Nepal Earthquake has taken more than more than 7,500 lives and more than 10,000 people got injured. Nepal is country enriched with culture and heritage building. Everything got flattened. I was hoping to help them.. And, food is one thing that they require. So, I decided to donate World Food Programme..

Any one who want to help Nepal and neep guidance, you may refer to this guide article.


Adam Health care

One need no money to help others. It is the best of one's sincere emptions that does the magic. Help others, make yourself happy. Just the way, I try to do.. Not necessary that you have help someone stranger or absolutely helpless. I help my friends, my collegues, neighbors and anyone possible. But, try to help one who really need it.

Adam Health care

God helps one who helps others.. I believe in this.. And helped an old man today in market.. He was having trouble to make his way in the busy road.. His blessing, made me so rich today..

Adam Health care
Help wanted

100 hours in a year ... what a rule!!... Around 2 hours of helping routine everyweek..

How to do that... here Buffer helped me on this.. but any ideas how to help?? What does count as a help?

Lewis C Dsafsf

My co-worker Paul he seeked some help.. for his home renovation. We just had a blast there...8 hours .. gave me immense pleasure and happiness.

Adam Health care

Every single moment that I spent with kids or those kids who need support... Are the most happiest moments of my life. I really feel very very blessed to have the opportunity to be with them. I work with Aspies kids.. and honostly they got the most beautiful hearts..

Adam Health care

There is a certain peace in helping others. Especially when they give their vote of thanks to you.

Smiling can make us feel better, but it's more effective when we back it up with positive thoughts, according to this study:

A new study led by a Michigan State University business scholar suggests customer-service workers who fake smile throughout the day worsen their mood and withdraw from work, affecting productivity. But workers who smile as a result of cultivating positive thoughts--such as a tropical vacation or a child's recital--improve their mood and withdraw less.

Of course it's important to practice "real smiles" where you use your eye sockets. (You've seen fake smiles that don't reach the person's eyes. Try it. Smile with just your mouth. Then smile naturally; your eyes narrow. There's a huge difference in a fake smile and a genuine smile.)

According to PsyBlogsmiling can improve our attention and help us perform better on cognitive tasks:

Smiling makes us feel good which also increases our attentional flexibility and our ability to think holistically. When this idea was tested by Johnson et al. (2010), the results showed that participants who smiled performed better on attentional tasks which required seeing the whole forest rather than just the trees.

A smile is also a good way to reduce some of the pain we feel in troubling circumstances:

Smiling is one way to reduce the distress caused by an upsetting situation. Psychologists call this the facial feedback hypothesis. Even forcing a smile when we don't feel like it is enough to lift our mood slightly (this is one example of embodied cognition).

Lewis C Dsafsf

Why do people need a reason to smile..? They need not to search one.. it is there in their heart.. Like mine.

I do what I love doing, craftmanship.

My wify and junior, they complete my world.

Just planning to adopt a pup !! Should I get a Pug or a Yorkshire or a mix?


Lewis C Dsafsf

If you have difficulty to put on that perfect smile, try these 3 facial exercises. And, you never have to struggle to put on that PERFECT CURVE.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Karen Kleiman gave me the wonderful idea of holding pencil between the teeth. Offcourse, there was not much of science to back up the therapy, but with time there are researches that supported.

Try some Smile Therapy today..I already holding one between my teeeeth!

Lewis C Dsafsf

What a great thing.. It is so true.. Morewe smile more we gather courage to fight the tears pain...

Lewis C Dsafsf

Gosh no sugar.. But Cynthia has showed some of her cooking skills. She makes sweet dishes without sugar awesome.. I just smile .. I dont have a sweet craving..  

Thanks to my Darling.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Keep a smile on you meditate. It reflects on your mind. Seriously, if you meditate with a stressed out expression on your face you find it hard to relax! Try it yourself to see!

Adam Health care

Rules of School LIfe.. So true.. I just smile recalling those old days.

Adam Health care

After finishing our Chinese food, my husband and I cracked open our fortune cookies. Mine read, “Be quiet for a little while.” His read, “Talk while you have a chance.”

That was great.. men hardly get a chance to speak.

Adam Health care

I guess if we know how to spot a real and a fake smile then we can reduce the deep thronging pain inside with a sincere and more real smile.

Adam Health care

This is something different.. Smilling tips.. whether for camera or anything. Which smile would your face best...!! Learn it here.

Further, here I share the Science of Smiling. :)

Lewis C Dsafsf

I got a puppy today from a rescue home nearby.. It is a cute Shih Poo...
 Now I am sure that neither me or anyone in my home would have trouble to b happy and smile..!

Adam Health care

Money can buy you necessities, comfurt even luxury but not smile and happiness.. When you give a Rose to your mom, a teddy to a lil' girl they would smile.. it is not the money.. it is the feeling of being special that brings smile,, feeling of being loved..

Keep Loving..

Keep Smiling..


Adam Health care

Smiling my way out... I am trouble-free. I am HAPPY..



Adam Health care

A smile a day, keeps the pain away.. I am smiling alot and feel the change.

Lewis C Dsafsf

It is easy to tell if the smile is genuine.. it is there in the eyes. Does smilling really make us happy??? helping me to find the answers to my queries.

Adam Health care

A smile that comes to face out of some positive thoughts makes me happy. Not me but with everyone. However the fake smile that I often had to glue to my face while doing some boring daily jobs.... make me especially frustrated.


Lewis C Dsafsf

Smiles relieves us from pain. But tears lightens the heavy heart.

Adam Health care

A single smile can straighten thousands of lines ... Lines of worries, lines of anxiety.. Come on friends smile with me.. Life is too short ... Let’s not waste any moment being unhappy. Because a moment sad is a waste.

Lewis C Dsafsf

True... smile heals... smile from heart .. And I actually feel the difference.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Howdy to all,

Smile and cherish the moment you live. Live it to the fullest for the moment would never return. True fact a natural smile reflects in your eyes. I loved this plan.

Lewis C Dsafsf

ok so fake it till you make it.... Yes the smiling uplifts mood. I saw  Lisa Shadow practising the exercises. I know it works. So proud of you Liz.

As opposed to actually taking a holiday, simply planning a vacation or break from work can improve our happiness. A study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Lifeshowed that the highest spike in happiness came during the planning stage of a vacation as people enjoy the sense of anticipation:

In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation boosted happiness for eight weeks. After the vacation, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people.

Shawn Achor has some info for us on this point, as well:

One study found that people who just thought about watching their favorite movie actually raised their endorphin levels by 27 percent.

If you can't take the time for a vacation right now, or even a night out with friends, put something on the calendar--even if it's a month or a year down the road. Then, whenever you need a boost of happiness, remind yourself about it.

  • Timing: Once

Adam Health care

Had a wonderful trip... Well planned.. clubbing.. adventure.. a 10 on 10 trip!! Would cherish it for years...

Adam Health care

Holidays... Planned a trip with my buddies..San Diego....

Lewis C Dsafsf

Wow.... I was wonder this.. then atlast thought of googling it.. Here's a study that I came across. Sharing it with you. Now I am pretty convinced and motivated to go it.. this week only.

Meditation is often touted as an important habit for improving focus, clarity, and attention span, as well as helping to keep you calm. It turns out it's also useful for improving your happiness:

In one study, a research team from Massachusetts General Hospital looked at the brain scans of 16 people before and after they participated in an eight-week course in mindfulness meditation. The study, published in the January issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, concluded that after completing the course, parts of the participants' brains associated with compassion and self-awareness grew, and parts associated with stress shrank.

Meditation literally clears your mind and calms you down, it's been often proven to be the single most effective way to live a happier life. According to Achor, meditation can actually make you happier long-term:

Studies show that in the minutes right after meditating, we experience feelings of calm and contentment, as well as heightened awareness and empathy. And, research even shows that regular meditation can permanently rewire the brain to raise levels of happiness.

The fact that we can actually alter our brain structure through mediation is most surprising to me and somewhat reassuring that however we feel and think today isn't permanent.

  • Timing: 3 times per Week

Adam Health care

Meditation helps me from within. I do it and been benifitted so I advice everyone. 

Adam Health care

Meditation is a morning rule of my life.. the secret of my compassion and energy. All the positivity that I emit throughout the day .. I get through my morning meditation only.

Opps! I just spilled out my secret but worht sharing. :)

Adam Health care

Followed my breathing pattern... Deep breathe.. Hold.. Count 1..2..3.. Then slowly release it. Just the perfect simple meditation technique.

Adam Health care

In my profession, I need to keep mysellf calm all the time. I see things, I see pain, I see sufferings. I make me crazy. I know I got soft heart. But, I take it in a good way. If I feel the pain, then I would give an effort righ from the depth of my heart to heal it.

To make myself and my heart strong; meditation worked as a wonder.

Adam Health care

Keep it calm. It soothes your mind. Hrlps yiu to deal with tye hard situation with an ease. I was not that regular with it. But.. I was having some headache. Had somethng important to decide about.. I was unable to focus.. Then I started meditating. It really helps...

Adam Health care

Looking at this image, makes me calm, focused and happy.. I meditated in the morning even if it is for 5 minutes.

Adam Health care

I don't have words enough.. Something has hit my brain. Not able to think.. Not able to calm down. Trying to meditate..Jesus give me some strength..

Adam Health care

I am not proficient in meditation. Now and again I need some lessons and tricks to rewire my mind. Mostly at the end of the day, my mind refuses to obey me... Meditation helps. All I know that I need to do it in a better way. I well the expert's advice.. the Perfect for a beginner like me.

Lewis C Dsafsf

"Scan for the 3 daily positives. At the end of each day, make a list of three specific good things that happened that day and reflect on what caused them to happen. The good things could be anything — bumping into an old friend, a positive remark from someone at work, a pretty sunset. Celebrating small wins also has a proven effect of powering motivation and igniting joy. As you record your good things daily, the better you will get and feel."

  1. My kid got good grades in school
  2. Got a big deal. Woh, wooden work are still being appriciated in the world of UPVC
  3. A small celebration tonight.

My three positive things today. :)

Adam Health care

This is my small secret that keep me energetic all day long.

Adam Health care

I made a practicse of meditating for 10 minutes at least in the morning... I used to be a late riser and suffered from unnreasonable headache a lot that spoiled my day. But, now things changed a lot.

Adam Health care

I meditated in the morning... rewiring my brain... So true

Lewis C Dsafsf

After I started meditating I got a relief from stress as well as migraine problems.

Adam Health care

I meditate these days to rewire myself... its depression meditation.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I meditate once everyday. I am really really HAPPY.......

Lewis C Dsafsf

Dear Ana, Thanks to your such informative posts, not only I am motivated to meditate but now it's been 3 weeks doing so.

I follow you.


Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

I don't want to put in my words here.. but say that whatever I have read here has taken me with a suprise .. such a connection meditation and happiness??? Goodness.. have a look

Lewis C Dsafsf

Truly.. But I meditate for a short time only..Still it calms me down..

Lewis C Dsafsf
Help wanted

Not sure if I should call it a meditation but I woke up today and just stretched myself on the bed. Then, closed my eyes and try to focus at the middle of my forehead. I try it for 10 mins. Is it okay?

Our commute to work can have a surprisingly powerful impact on our happiness. The fact that we tend to commute twice a day at least five days a week makes it unsurprising that the effect would build up over time and make us less and less happy.

According to The Art of Manliness, having a long commute is something we often fail to realize will affect us so dramatically:

... while many voluntary conditions don't affect our happiness in the long term because we acclimate to them, people never get accustomed to their daily slog to work because sometimes the traffic is awful and sometimes it's not.

Or as Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert put it, "Driving in traffic is a different kind of hell every day."

We tend to try to compensate for this by having a bigger house or a better job, but these compensations just don't work:

Two Swiss economists who studied the effect of commuting on happiness found that such factors could not make up for the misery created by a long commute.

  • Timing: Once

Lewis C Dsafsf

Setting up a new workshop-cum-showroom closer to my place. Just a few blocks away. It will not only saelping me getting loser to my family. I would be able to ave me time, but also can talk a walk...

This is a seemingly simple strategy but I've personally found it to make a huge difference to my outlook. There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal of things you're grateful for, sharing three good things that happen each day with a friend or your partner, and going out of your way to show gratitude when others help you.

In an experiment where participants took note of things they were grateful for each day, their moods were improved just from this simple practice:

The gratitude-outlook groups exhibited heightened well-being across several, though not all, of the outcome measures across the three studies, relative to the comparison groups. The effect on positive affect appeared to be the most robust finding. Results suggest that a conscious focus on blessings may have emotional and interpersonal benefits.

The Journal of Happiness studies published a study that used letters of gratitude to test how being grateful can affect our levels of happiness:

Participants included 219 men and women who wrote three letters of gratitude over a 3 week period. Results indicated that writing letters of gratitude increased participants' happiness and life satisfaction while decreasing depressive symptoms.

  • Timing: 1 times per Day

Lewis C Dsafsf

Check out Author Robert Emmons' book on gratitude. Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, that would give me some good idea to put in to practice. Ordering it rightaway.

Lewis C Dsafsf

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” - Marcel Proust.

I cannot stop reading,, and thought I had share with my friends.., stories about gratitude.

Adam Health care

1. I just donated for relief to Nepal Earthquake. Honestly, I feel like a human. At this moment, even a single penny counts. I am far more satisfied that ever..

2. I met my school teacher. I recalled how I used to be scared to her in school days. But, really really glad to see her. She didn't change a least except only emblems of old age; the grey hair.

Could think of this things only.

Adam Health care

Checking out this article for practicing gratitude; 5 ways to do so. One thing is very true, money doesn't make you happy. So true, so simple.. living in moments is simply the best deal for me.

Adam Health care

Positive energy is really contagious... Spreading some love.

Lewis C Dsafsf

I am seriously stunned... Couldn't help it. Have to share it.. Please please please read it and tell me what you think.

Gratitude increases level of happiness by 25%

Adam Health care

God help them, who help others... My new year resolution to to practise gratitude and help others as much as I can possibly do.

Lewis C Dsafsf

Sharing is Caring... Really nice words!!

Lewis C Dsafsf

Just created a gratitude group on my whatsapp... Let me give it a day or two .

Love your process, independent of outcome.

You know why people don’t do stuff like that? Because they worry about outcome. But I was obsessed with the process—I just liked planting bulbs. I liked learning about all the different kinds. I can identify hundreds of bulbs just by their shape. 

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

As it is said focus on the journey, not the destination. 

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

As I have started to enjoy evry bit of the journey I realized I got more focused and productive. 

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

That is so much valid. Lie, I always think I need to get to the top. But fail to enjoy the hard work, therefore I don;t learn and repeat mistake. Probably, that's why I fail for a bit.

From now on I will love the process, the journey.

The difference between crazy and innovative is how far from the box an out-of-the box thinker resides. So stay as close as possible.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

On my way to be more innovative at worplace, I discovered another article with 10 ways to be innovative no matter how boring the day is!

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Nice article on value of innovation and creativity in workplace...


Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Being crazy is an easy task, but it is hard to be innovative. I just adapted a few changes in the operations. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Doing my best not to look crazy, but sort of innovating my work-process.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Wow, this is so important. Trying to be innorvative but not being crazy. I often cross the line though. But I will make it a point.

Everyone needs a vacation.

Do you know how you can find out what you love to do? Go to the hospital for three days. I worked on my ideas about my webinar strategy. I was so happy to have time to myself.

Please refer to the blog for more details on this activity.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg


When you have extreme work-pressure on your head taking a break is more than a luxury. All the work stress was building up and I was having short bursts of stress which was getting pretty regular with each passing day. I was also getting some serious health problems like gastrointestinal problems, blood pressure, headaches. I was at such a point when I have to visit a doctor and was advised to cut down the stress out of my life. This is when I decided to take a 15 days break and went out with my girlfriend to on a road trip .We took her dog Daisy along and it was so fun. Yes! I don't know when was the last time I felt so free and alive. I worked even during those days, but I was still like enjoying myself. I almost felt like I got 10 years younger. I felt creative, more responsible towards our relationship, energetic…….. So stupid I was. Should have taken this break long back.

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

It's christmas and by no means I can focus! Just can't wait.. 

Ryan W Gvddgdgvdfg

Oh! I do suppose so. I try to get out for a small work, when I think II can't take it anymore. And return with double energy and enthusiasm.


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